All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
172 chapters
chapter 91
I knew that I wasn't the strongest man that ever lived, or the most handsome or the most creative or the most intelligent, but I would say that I was the luckiest. After all that has been happening to me, I still stood my ground to progress. I didn't settle for depression even though I saw the cold soothing hand of sadness stretching out it's cradle for me to come undone and give up. I still stood strong, I passed through a night mare knowing that nightmares only haunt at night and when dawn comes a new light would shine upon and I would be better, I saw the light at the far end of the tunnel and I ceased everything to get to that light. Now I was at that light but there are other tunnels to cross and I can't dwell in this tunnel forever, even if I wanted to. Wasn't that was life was, tunnel upon tunnel upon tunnels. That was why there was light at day and darkness at night and it repeated itself. Over and over and over again. It was now normal and compulsory fo
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chapter 92
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."“You don't have to apologize. I'm not offended."" I need to, you were asleep and I woke you. “" That's the sweetest way to be woken, Darwin, you whispered lovely words into my ear, it felt like magic when the sensation was going up and down my spine. “She said and I watched her silently, praying that she doesn't ask why I'm heading out of the bed.“What are you doing awake by this time, Dee? Your eyes look brilliant, too brilliant to have seen a dream this night, have you slept?."“No."“Why?." She said sitting up.“I couldn't sleep, don't worry about me, go to sleep." I told her hoping she listens. “But you're awake." She protested. Ará was stubborn, too stubborn and it made her more lovely. “I'm fine." I told her trying to get her back to sleep. “Are your thoughts haunting you?." She asked me. “My thoughts are keeping me awake my actions are haunting me." I told her. Then she fell silent.“Do you remember what sister Constance had t
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chapter 93
His words ringing back to me.“I love you Ará, trust me, I do." My head was beside his chest and his hands were holding mine and mine was holding his arm. He had strong hands, I rubbed my palms up and down them. This was love, wasn't it. I felt safe with him, safer than I've ever felt. Eventually I slept off. I had one of those my lucid dreams. In my dream, I was walking, I didn't have a destination in mind but it seems like my body knew where to go. I was walking in the woods, it was surrounded by thick tall trees that had evergreen leaves. I could hardly see the sky from where I was, but then I looked ahead and saw a river and I decided to walk towards the river. The ground was smooth, it was surprising how smooth this forest ground was it made walking easier. As I was reaching the river bank, I could tell that the trees were getting fewer and I could now see the pink and orange sky. It was evening time, I could tell by the strong cool air and the soft
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chapter 94
“He's not the love of her life." I spat back and then Grace laughed. " Oh he is. “ Grace said. " He is not. “ I persisted. “Lilly is just a lonely flower." Gabrielle said." Shut up Gabrielle. “ Lilly spat and then she turned to me." You know, I could take Darwinson from you any time I want, what? The both of you are together because of a bet, imagine a small birdie tells him, and then he is enraged and he's sad and he wants a shoulder to cry on, I have lovely shoulders, he can cry on mine. “ Lilly said. Chelsey walks in. “Is everything okay?."Chelsey asked. " You're witchy. “ Ellanor said to Lilly. “Someone tell me what's going on." Chelsey persisted. She was the girl from the other room. " Don't you dare, don't you even dare." I said to Lilly." Is someone going to tell me what's going on?. “ Chelsey still persisted. “Is that a threat?." Lilly asked.“Don't try me." I told Lilly.“Lilly, Ará is more beautiful than you and you know it, you've just been jealous of her since t
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chapter 95
“I'm going to tell him myself." I announced.And then the room fell silent.Nobody talked, Lilly was quiet, so was Grace and Maurice and Ellanor and Gabrielle and Everly, even I. Josephine was laying on the bed, I hadn't seen her since. Josephine sometimes, acted like a ghost. She was very quiet and she was a peace maker. She would never try to steal someone's boyfriend.“Ará, that's the right thing to do. We could go together, the both of us, and if he gets angry I would talk to him for you, he's my friend, he might listen." Josephine said." Thank you Josephine. " I said.“I'm going with you too Ará, I love love and I like the both of you, you're so cute together, let's leave these girls, how about we go right now?." Everly said. “The supervisors are patrolling the halls and door ways now." Josephine said. I watched the other girls go to their beds because they were totally weak from the information. They knew that if I tell Darwinson myself, there was a chance he would fo
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chapter 96
I woke up feeling nostalgia. I wanted to hold Darwin so bad, it's been years since that event happened and I've lived through the consequences, I've paid with tears. He found out that it was a bet and he left me but now everything was settled. Now, we were a together and happy. Things got good, things are good, Everything is good. Now he loves me and I love him. The Future is looking good, out future. I wanted to bury my face in his chest and let his cuddle me. I reached behind me and I touched the space to find it empty. I opened my eyes to see that the bed was empty. Darwin wasn't in the room and his side of the bed was very cold, he hadn't slept on it. But there was a single rose flower and beside the flower was a white sheet of paper. It didn't look like it was a love message, if Darwin wanted to leave early for a meeting he would always tell me at night, but at night he was awake and he was thinking, what was he thinking about, when did he leave. I
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chapter 97
“Cassidy." I shouted. “Baby, come on, I thought you said you wanted to be back before one."“I'm coming, I'm looking for my Bermuda shorts." She shouted from upstairs.“Which one?."“There's just one." She shouted back.“Uh, the one I bought?." I asked.“Yeah."“I'm wearing the shorts babe."“But I wanted to wear them." She shouted.“Just put on something else and be down soon, or I'll change my mind about going."“You're such a kill joy." She shouted.“Babe, you know I'm not."“You are. I found another shorts." She said.“Nice. Be quick." I said going to get my hat from the couch and I put it on. I was sipping orange juice when I heard her say.“What the fuck are you wearing?." She asked. I turned to see her looking very gorgeous.“You look beautiful." I said to her.“Thank you. What are you wearing?."“What's wrong with what I'm wearing. Change the shirt, please and loose this farmer's hat."“I'm keeping the hat and I'm not changing the shirt, we're going for a hike, not for a fa
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chapter 98
I was following behind them, I didn't have to use my binoculars to see them, I could see them clearly from where I was. I was far from them and they were walking too deep into the woods, I was wondering why, but it was the girl that was leading, maybe they were going to take in the scenery but surely they can't be choosing to hike this rocky mountain unless they wished death upon themselves. I had to be extra careful if not my face could be possibly scarred for life, I wouldn't be so handsome would I? Or maybe I would…maybe. I remembered when Ará told me that Hensley was obsessed with blondes. I wasn't surprised to see a blonde with him. I wasn't ready to follow them deeper into the forest, I had to go get Hensely and maybe I could just tell the girl to run, or she might report me to the feds... I took off my bag and I dropped it on the floor. I took out one gun from my bag and my dark shades. I wore my shades, probably she wouldn't recognize my blue eyes, but what
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chapter 99
I was walking towards Hensley very swiftly. He had stopped, I could see them closer as I was going further but they could never see me. I was glad about it. And then I finally met them. I was just few feets away from them. I saw the shocked look on both Hensley's and the girl's face. I took off my shades, it had served it's purpose. I threw it on the ground. “No, this can't be possible." Hensley shouted.“No." He shouted again.“Hensley Campbell, we finally meet again. “" Darwinson, I'm sorry, please, I'm never going to do it again, please... Look, if you want... I'll give you back the money, you want it? I'll give it back to you, everything, every single penny I stole, please do not point that gun at me, Man. “ He said stuttering. “No, I don't want the money. I really don't want it, i'm a multi billionaire, remember, and I don't want to add your bloody money with mine. I'm just here to repay you, for all your sins. “" I didn't do anything to you man, It was your dad that
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chapter 100
“He looks dead." I said kicking him.“Mr Anderson, I don't know what to say, I didn't expect you, I didn't... Thank you sir."“What are you saying thank you for?." I asked Hensley.“For saving my life." Hensley replied.“Oh don't be a fool, I don't have a soft heart like Darwinson here, people with soft hearts die, they die more than the people with cold hearts, take a look at Darwin, can't you see him lying down here now? Dead, lifeless. Some moments ago he was alive, but now look at him bathing in his own pool of blood. That's why the bad people get better and the good people die from their own senselessness. So I didn't save you, I'm literally going to shoot you if you don't move.“ I told Hensley.“You want your money back, right?." He said.“Obviously." I answered. " I don't have the money again. “ He shouted." Who's the money with?. “ I asked him." It's with Her, c'mon Cassidy, tell him you're with the money. “" You're so cheap. “ Cassidy said to Hensley. Were they playin
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