All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
172 chapters
chapter 81
When I had my supper/dinner. I went to my room as Mark said and I decided to take some rest. It felt so uncomfortable, I was used to sleeping very late. I was used to sleeping off after watching TV and waking up in the middle of the night to find myself sleeping on the couch. I was used to doing a lot of things before bed. And now my body was terrified. It was scared of doing something new. I haven't watched TV for a long time now, I felt oddly bored. And now I had to sleep when the sun was going down. I looked outside my window. My bed was very high, I didn't have to stress myself to see the sky. I was snuggled under the blanket, I was smelling like candy and I was feeling like a beautiful flower. I had watched the sun set and it was very nice. It gave me a rich kind of feeling. I was in a high vibe right now and it was all thanks to Mark. I fell asleep when I heard that dainty sound of the fading song coming from downstairs, Was Mark playing it?. I d
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chapter 82
I took off my clothes and I went to take my bath and I turned to see the door opening. It was Mila.She was walking towards me and I was stark naked. I couldn't cover my body with my hands, it would seem weird because she was staring at me as if I was fully clothed. How many naked women had she seen?. It would be a lot and they would be sexier and more fit. But I was sexy and fit, on an unbelievable level since I hardly work out. “I'm here to do your make up." She told me straight up. “Oh, okay."“Put on a robe and have a seat, or you can just have a seat if you prefer being naked, girl."“Okay, I'll put on a robe, okay?."“Stop saying okay."“Okay."“I'm serious."Then I was silent. If I wasn't affirmative, how would we communicate. And then she started laughing.“I'm just fucking with you." She said opening her big box. Come on put on a robe, let's work on your pretty face. “" Sure, give me a second. “ I put on a robe and I sat down and allowed her to do my makeup."
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chapter 83
“Mark?." I said knocking on the door. But there was no response. " Mark?. “ I said more louder." Yes?. “He said from inside." It's me Lisa. “" I'll be there. “ He said and then I waited for him. He opened the door. And then a very beautiful look crossed his face. His eyes held emotions." Wow, Lisandré, you look very beautiful. “ He said to me. For the first time in a long time, he used my name, my full name. " Thank you, you don't look bad yourself. “ I told him." Wow. Take my hand. “ He said stretching out his and and I took it." We already have locations. Make sure you pick the one you like, it's going to be signed under your name. And you'll be stuck with it until you can get a chance to change it up. “ He said it like a wealthy man... He said and I quote “you'll be stuck with it until you can get a chance to change it up." He said it as if he was talking about a pair of shoes or toothpaste... This was a house and he was talking about choosing the one I like, can you ima
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chapter 84
“Why don't we go on a date?." Mark asked me." A date. Are you asking me out on a date?. ““Yes."“Okay."“I have a location in mind or if you want to pick you can..."“Let's go to wherever you want." “Okay."By the time we got to the restaurant. The sun was going down. I felt boujee. I was waking with Mark... Everybody was staring... I was beautiful. I felt like a princess, I felt like a sweetheart again. I would never let this go. I was sitting facing him. “What's your favorite colour?." He asked me.“Maroon." I told him. “The colour of your eyes." He said smiling." Technically, yes. “ I said and I laughed." That's a beautiful colour, it's beautiful to stare at. its something I'd want to see when I wake up. “ To be honest. Mark was lovely. He was like a perfect gentleman, that's if you get to know the real him not the armour he shows to the world. “What's yours?." I asked him. “Black."“Respect."“The wine tastes great." He said.“The food tastes amazing. I love
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chapter 85
I climbed down from my bed. The sleep wasn't coming and I had to stop forcing my self. I could as well go to visit that person causing the sleeplessness. The lights turned off when I left my room.I remember one time I had slept all alone at night. I was only ten when it happened. My mum had gone on a trip and the servants had gone to their own homes. I had heard stories of demons and how they would sleep under the beds of children, waiting till it was night time. And then they would eat the kids alive and then steal their screams, I didn't want to be eaten alive and I didn't want any monster to steal my scream, so I didn't make a single sound and I had to protect myself.... I layed under the blanket that night till God knows when, literally through out the night. And when I would peek to see if it was day time already, the room would be as if it was clothed with darkness and the chairs would morph into monsters and the tables into big fat demons. But I had slept when the sun
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chapter 86
Thirteen days after.I had gone to bed by nine I was thinking of how tomorrow would be. I already got my dress intact. I dropped my shoes…it was like it was my first day of school again. I went to sleep feeling anxious and excited. Eventually I fell asleep.And I had a dream. In my dream I was walking towards my old company but I wasn't going to the company. I wasn't going back to my old job. I was going to see Frank. I was dressed in mini shorts a crop top and my black stilettos. Why was I dressed like this? Was the big question. Although I looked nice, really nice, I had beautiful legs and the world needed to see it. I spotted Frank's food truck ahead and I ran towards him. I was yelling his name while running and I stopped in front of him and I said.“Frankie I'm here, look at me, I'm here, I came back."And he turned to me and he frowned and he said “Go away. I no longer find you attractive." I woke up from sleep and found out that it was morning already. Exactly 5:2
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chapter 87
I was watching him watch the sky. His tall frame stood in front of the glass wall. I knocked but he couldn't hear me. “Good morning sir." I said. He stared at me for a short while and I said to him. “I knocked a few times, but, you weren't responding, so I just thought maybe, I should open the door." “Come in." He told me. “Thank you."“I have a few things to discuss, it's about business." I told him. “Okay." He replied. “You don't say much, do you?." I asked. Everybody knew that talking was my way of communicating. I felt uneasy when I met people that didn't talk. Rich people. “No." He simply replied. It was enough to send me running. “Oh, okay, I'll just go ahead and lay these on the table, I've mapped it all out, you can review it later, you don't look like you are ready to speak to anybody." I said to him." No, no, stay, please.“ He said. " Oh, okay.“" Let's forget business for now, tell me something.“ His eyes were beautiful, Goddammit. I remembered wha
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chapter 88
He opened the door to my car and he dropped my phone and my purse in the passengers seat.“Stop crying, everything will be alright." He told me.“Be safe." I said to him.“You too." He told me. “Now drive away and don't come back and whenever you see Darwin, any time in the future, run, you hear me?." “Yes."“Live a beautiful life, Lisa. A happy life. Find someone that would appreciate you no matter what, that would listen to you talk even if it's three am in the morning, don't settle for less, and know that you're my sweetheart, bye bye." He said moving out and closing the door for me. I cleaned my tears and I drove out and I went home. I went home and I cried my heart out. To be honest everything sounded dangerous, things would get serious. It was evening. Mark called me that he was coming soon to the house and he came as he had promised and he showed up with a very big suit case as he had said.“Here's your money."“The both of us know that I hardly did anything."“Take
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chapter 89
I entered into my car and I drove back to my hotel. I walked into the hotel. Before I met Mark, I couldn't afford places like this. The hotels' room fee was above my pay grade for a month that was when I was still working at my former company. I walked to the reception. The receptionist was sitting behind her desk.“Good day. I want to check in."“Okay, room what?." She asked me.“Room 369." “Okay, give me a second." She said.“Hey beautiful." I heard and my heart threw me off guard and it started to beat faster. Was that Frank. I turned to the person to see if it was Frank. But it wasn't Frank. It was a total stranger.I eyed him wearily and turned back to the receptionist.“Here are your keys." She said handing me the keys.“Thank you." I told her.“Uhm, hi." The man said to me, I turned to look at him, but i didn't give him my attention, so I walked away from him. I was entering the elevator when I noticed he was coming into the elevator too. The both of us st
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chapter 90
“I love your clothes.""Me too, I love them. Thank you for the complement.“" You're welcome.“" You didn't tell me you were a chef.“" Oh, I'm not. Not really though. I didn't know how to cook a thing, just about eighteen months ago. It was ironical because I owned plenty of restaurants and I didn't even know how to boil pasta. So I decided toesrn and I learnt very fast, I'm a fast learner. And I decided to sell in one of my food trucks. The experience was good smd added to that, it's the place we met.““I went to your food truck. The spot we met and I saw another guy there. I swear I was so confused at first but he explained things and it was clear. He said I could never meet you, he made you sound like a kind of attractive ghost and to be honest, it got me scared and yet I kind of like decided to try out New York. And I was just in the parking lot when we met."“You came to find me…like you wanted to find me, I feel special right now, you don't want to know."" You've been going th
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