All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
172 chapters
chapter 71
It was night time. The weather was cool and the sky was lovely. The dark sky was lit with countless stars. It was like a gloomy painting. Darwin was driving the both of us to a bar. He had asked that we go to a restaurant on a proper date but that was going to be boring, I didn't want to bore him like I did the day I took him to my gallery. So I decided that we go to a bar. He told me that there was a place he knew, that was where we were going. The memory of the day I took him to my gallery flashed before my eyes. Truly that day I was nervous and I could hardly make words to say to him. But now, we didn't need to speak to each other. And I knew it. His hand was holding mine.“Darwin. Both hands on the wheels."“You Said?." He asked me playfully.“I know you heard me. Clearly."“Okay boss." He said and left my hand to place his hands on my thighs. He rubbed it up and down, the sensation was just too much, it was overwhelming. My breath caught in my throa
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chapter 72
A few months before. I woke up from sleep with a neck ache. It wasn't so bad, it wasn't good either. It's been weeks since I've been waking up with a lot of things. Back ache, knee ache, head ache, tooth ache, feet ache.... Sometimes I even get torn out of sleep by muscle pull. Severe muscle pull. Honestly, I was too young and too beautiful to be having bad experiences like that. I stretched a little on my bed before I went to the bathroom to take my bath. I didn't want to go to work today. I didn't want to, I just felt too tired to get up from my bed. It was my work that was making me feel bad, I worked at a textile company. The pay was good, but, it was tiring. I had to stand long hours just to over look and supervise some certain things. But God knows I now deserved the change I had been praying and begging for.I got dressed and I took the bus to work. Last two weeks my car broke down and I just haven't had the time to fix it, I didn't even know what the pro
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chapter 73
I got to work early. I normally leave my house early. I dropped my purse on my desk and just then my boss walks in.“We have a new item we want you to supervise." He said with his voice that sounded like that of a frog. “Okay boss." “Be there, now."“Yes boss." I watched the short fat man walk away from my door. Jesus, he was so annoying. At times, I pictured stabbing him with the tip of my pen while staring at his short neck. I see the bald spot on his head and I fear for my life, Jesus, would I start balding one day? Would my hair fall off. One time I had a dream about it, the dream was so bad it woke me from sleep. I was working in this textile company and every single day I came here, I lost a few strands of hair that didn't grow back, but I didn't even know it until all my hair was gone. My hair was gone and my beauty was gone and then I was nothing without my beauty. I bent my head right there on my desk and I said a very feverent but silent prayer. I needed ou
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chapter 74
“The food tastes really good. God I can't help but suck it into my mouth. I feel like a whale right now, like I can just throw this whole plate into my mouth and it still won't be enough. I feel like I can eat this whole place and God what's that smell, do I smell stake? I love stake. Oh... I'm so sorry, I know I talk too much but you have to stop staring at me like that Mark, it's getting creepy. I thought you don't like to talk, you didn't tell me that you didn't like to hear either."“Lisa, you're literally chewing and talking, weren't you taught etiquette."“Don't mind my manners your highness, and it's not my fault that the food tastes so good."" The food tastes good that's why I'm paying a lot of money for it. “" Thanks for paying. “" You're welcome. “" Chew faster, I'm surprised you can maintain your shape with the way you eat. “" See you just said I had good shape. “" You think you have a good shape? You should look at women's magazine more. “" I prefer not to. That shi
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chapter 75
I didn't go back to work that afternoon. I had my purse with me, that was everything I brought to work. I took the bus back home but it came as a surprise to me when I found myself standing in front of my door. I didn't even know when I got down from the bus. I fidgeted through my purse to find the keys to my door. I opened my door and I made myself a small meal of fried eggs and bacon. I had missed breakfast this morning so I didn't feel weird eating it. I thought about everything Mark said. Could I do it?. Jesus, could I?.Film my self having sex with the blue eyed god. That might not even be the case, the case was that I am framing him. I was going to frame someone else. If he gets thrown out, how hard would it be for him to find another job, would other companies accept him. In order of investigation, people would have to see him naked, they would have to see me naked too... What if we get caught, I and Mark. Or what if I get caught and Mark denies me. Would I go to ja
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chapter 76
“I like the way you talk. I like the fact that you're talkative."I laughed.By now, his hands were covered in a dark substance. Grease. “Thank you for fixing my car." I told him.“I'm glad I'm here talking to you right now." Then my phone rang. I didn't know who owned the number." Hello. “ I said into the phone." Lisa, it's me Mark. You're moving out of your house next week, Wednesday. You have to come to meet me in Detroit so we can find the house of your choice. And we need your size. “" Of what?. “" Your bras, your panties, your clothes, shoes... Literally everything. I have professionals with me now, they're looking over your Instagram pictures…my friend Cortez said you should take that shitty account down, he said I should tell you that it's an insult to the eyes of your viewers….no Cortez, she's not an amateur, she's prettier in real life, well that's why I'm handing her over to you Cortez, so you can help her life…you're still with me, right, Lisa?““Yeah I'm still here,
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chapter 77
It is 7:25 pm.I was laying on my bed and just staring at the ceiling. I was buried deep in thoughts and the sound of my phone ringing brought me back to the surface. Although I preferred being buried. The call was for Mark. I watched it ring once and after a very short second it began ringing again as soon as it ended. I didn't want to hear his complaints or his icy voice or his plan. I didn't want I hear anything I wanted to be spared.“Good evening." I said into the phone.“What took you so long?."“I don't get you."“What took you so long to answer the call."“Oh, I was making pasta in the kitchen, I didn't hear my phone ring."" It's fine. “ He said with his normal tone."Don't get fat. “ He added." I would keep that in mind. “" Why are you so nice this evening?. “ He asked me." I don't think I'm nice, you call this nice?. I just think I'm tired. “" That's understandable. I'm actually on my private yatch right now. I had seen the sunset, it was really beautiful. “" It w
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chapter 78
I found myself taking the bus. But I know I wasn't going to work, why would I?. I would never go back to that shitty company. I was going to the way to my work because I wanted to see Frank. I wanted to talk to him, maybe tell him good bye, maybe get him to tease me a little bit. Maybe I could get him to call me beautiful. I was going to explain why I was doing this.“His last words to me was I'm disappointed in you." I said to myself. How shitty was that. What did he even mean by that?. I was walking closer and closer to the road he parks his food truck. And as I went closer, his food truck came into view. It's true what he said, that I should take in more of the scenery. I didn't even notice how beautiful the trees were, I was blocked from the beautiful songs of the songbirds. I was blocked from the wave of freshness. I was smiling when I came up to Frank's food truck. They were people buying things and I decided to walk a little out of view since he hadn't see
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chapter 79
“Be safe." He simply said and took his eyes away from mine. He went about his business and he ignored me. He wasn't sad or angry he was just…. normal Then I realized that he was done talking and I was supposed to leave. I felt empty, disappointed... Why?Was I expecting him to talk me out of it, was I expecting too much. I thought he liked me, the way he looked at me, the way he held me that day at my house, he likes me or maybe he doesn't, maybe he's just being friendly, maybe he saw me as an ordinary girl, I was confused. I stopped to take a breath, do I like him?.Yes, I knew I liked him. Why do I like him?. That one went unanswered. Jesus what is happening to me. If he had talked me out of going, would I have listened? Would I stay?.Probably not, I was hoping to see someone act caring. I hoped that someone cared, I had hopes that he cared and I was just putting my hopes too high. Maybe I missed being everyone's Sweetheart. I missed being begged and adored and wors
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chapter 80
“Its a long drive. “ I confessed." Yes it is. Their houses are built somewhere up the hills. They're hidden from the real buzzy world when they're in their houses. “" Darwin lives alone?. “" Yes, so does Mark. “ Then the car fell silent again.But then I knew that I wasn't going to bring up another topic again. I knew that I felt calm and relaxed and there was no need to talk some more. I looked outside the window and I watched the road, it was very beautiful. The houses were beautiful too. We were passing by the very urban houses. Houses that had terraces and pools at their roofs. Houses that I could only dream to live in. I rested my head back in the head rest when I got fed up of feeling oppression from these wealthy people in their wealthy houses.“We're almost there." Robert told me.“Before we get there, I want to ask, is his house really beautiful..."“See for yourself." Robert said. Yes, his house was beautiful. More beautiful than I had imagined. Jesus it
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