All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 chapters
chapter 101
It was sunny, almost too sunny. I looked from my window to the sky and I was almost blinded by the light.“I don't think we can make it up the mountain this morning." I said to Kai“Why?." He asked me. " Because the sun is too hot. “ " When should we go? “ " Probably in the late noon, by then the sun shine would get softer. ““Late evening?. Noa can you hear yourself, It's too late. We have to go now, there's a better chance of finding our game still intact if we go now, but by late noon, another hunter or another predator might get it first before we do."“Walking up that mountain under this sun will be too tiring. You know it."“The trees will serve as a shade." Kai said. “The both of us know that those trees are useless, they never shield the sun."“We're still going."“You always decide what I do."“I'm the elder brother, it's my job to decide." Kai Shouted too loudly. “It's not fair."“Nothing is fair, nothing, not even life or mother nature, you get what you work for and if
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chapter 102
“Noa, why aren't you dressed yet?." Kai asked me from the other side of the door. " I just took by bath, I'll be ready in a short while. “" Be quick. “ He said and I heard movements outside. He had grabbed a cutlass, I had heard the sound of metal on stone. I had worn my clothes and combed my hair, if Kai saw me now he would be very disappointed, he always said that I loved to groom myself even when it wasn't necessary. To me grooming was necessary. This time last year I was getting ready for my eighteenth birthday, not that I had celebrated it and not that I'll celebrate it this year, it's just that birthdays are very special days. To Kai they were just like every other day. “I'm ready." I told him. He was hunched over a bench, he was sharpening the balde of his knife on the ground.“Where's your cutlass?." He asked me.“I don't need to carry one, you have one already."“What if you need to hit something." He asked turning to me.“Kai, you're the older brother, you're the
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chapter 103
I knew my way around. I've lived here for nineteen years, I've been here since I was born. I wouldn't die here either. If Kai wanted to die here that was his choice, he could die wherever he wanted. The sun was unbearably hot. I decided to walk deeper into the woods and stay off the shore, maybe the trees might act as a shade. It got better but still I felt hot. The mountain ground was too rocky, if someone fell they could be seriously bruised. I didn't want to be bruised. So I made it a priority to keep my eyes open. My eyes was very open when I thought I saw a figure walking in the trees. Was that Kai following me?.As I looked closer I saw that it wasn't Kai. It was a man, in his early fifties or so. I was watching him very closely, I had forgotten my reason for coming to the mountain, and I had abandoned the voice that was telling me to mind my business. I followed the man, I was swift and stilt, Kai had taught me. It was just like hunting. The man would ne
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chapter 104
I watched as the older man as he kicked the dark haired man, who's face was to the ground. What Kai said was true, it is a dangerous world. The older man points the gun at the man in a hat, he starts to say something and the older man points the gun at the golden haired girl. She shouts something but the gun didn't leave her face. To my surprise she pulls a gun from her purse and points it at the older man but she doesn't shoot him. Instead she points the gun at the man in a hat. I thought they were couples. The whole thing was confusing to be honest. I watched her turn to the ocean's direction but the older man had a direction in mind, he chose to follow the woods. The girl follows behind the man and I started to understand everything little by little. The older man was coming to kill the man in a hat and his accomplice was the girl, the girl had lured the man in the hat into the woods to meet the older man and the dark haired man had come to kill the man in the ha
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chapter 105
Two shots were fired, I heard it clearly and Noa had just went in the same direction. He didn't have a gun, the gun was fired in the direction he went and he didn't have a gun, which means the shots were fired at him. I prayed in my heart as I ran through the woods. My clothe was catching in the sharp end of broken branches but I didn't care. My brother will be safe, I'll save him.All types of images had painted in my head. I shaked my head to keep them at bay. Noa had to be safe. He had to be safe. He's the only family I got. Mum would be so disappointed if she came back to hear that Noa had died. I ran swiftly, very swiftly.I couldn't breathe but I wouldn't stop to rest, I wouldn't stop to catch my breath, I had to go to my brother. I didn't notice that tears had started to slip past my eyes until I felt the sting behind my eyes. I thought that sweat had gotten into my eyes but that wasn't sweat it was tears. I didn't need to count my steps to know that I wa
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chapter 106
Finally we were out of the woods. And the sun had seemed to calm down. It was not as hot as it was. I looked around. The place was beautiful, goddammit, Hawaii was beautiful. I looked at the multi million dollar mansion. It stood majestically on the shore, it was overlooking the ocean, I imagined the view from the top of the terrace. As we drew closer to the house, we were dwarfed by its size. There were other houses that was like this, it wasn't the only one. Cassidy was walking behind me and I was walking behind Hensley. He would never get out of my sight. I wanted my money so badly and I wanted to make a clean job out of this encounter. In a very short while I'll be in Detroit again or maybe I would move, why not go to Costa Rica or maybe Spain or Italy or even Paris. A change of scenery would be very good. “Mr Anderson." Cassidy called me from behind distracting my thoughts and bringing me back to the present moment. " Yes?. “ I asked her. " Don't you think
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chapter 107
I held my belly tight, more kicks came. The next one harder and more faster than the last. He was wearing boots, hard boots that could dig holes in the ground, it hit my ribs, I heard some cracks, I felt as if I had been stabbed with a dagger, multiple times. More painful heart drilling kicks came. If only I could act fast and forget about the situation. But I was torn between shielding more kicks from hitting my abdomen and opening myself just to stretch and reach my gun, if only I could get my gun, aside from that I had no power over Hensley, he could literally kick me to death. My gun was between my belt and my trouser. If I could reach back. If I could just act fast and pull my gun from my belt, I would be saved. As I pulled my hand back it gave Hensley more space and he kicked me harder. I groaned, this was the worst day of my life but hopefully it would be the end of my suffering. I spat out blood impulsively. And I felt for my belt, I reached the tip of my gun a
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chapter 108
I was outside, in my front yard mixing my left over turmeric powder with garlic marsh in a small bowl when I heard a distant shout. I stopped what I was doing to listen. I observed that it was getting closer and it was filled by hard footsteps. Sharp hard footsteps.Finally the figure came into view and yes it was running towards me. Of course I could see the figure but my eyes couldn't lay down the necessary details, I could see that he was male, but who?.I had to wait for the person to draw closer before I would know who it was. I used to have an excellent eyes sight, but unfortunately age was making it detoriate, although it was happening slowly, it was still happening never the less and this event was evidence that yes, my eye sight was going down. My eye sight had once been good, not that it wasn't good now, it was very unusual for a man my age to have such an excellent eye sight, but it was very good before. I dropped my bowl on the small wooden table,
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chapter 109
“Noa, you have a big heart and the universe has a big gift for you. I'm going to help you save this stranger, just because of your goodness, and I'm happy to know that in the process I'll save you and your mother.“ I told him and I saw a tear slip from his eyes.“Thank you, thank you very much, this means so much to me." He told me.“Thank you. You shouldn't thank me, Noa. You might not know it now but mother nature smiles upon you and those that blesses you are blessed, I'm blessed because of you, so I'm going to thank you. Wait for me here, I'll get my bag and we can leave." I told him. I only just took notice of his black bag, the one he carried at his back, probably not his, it must be that of the stranger. But I wouldn't ask him, the bag looked good on him. He always dominanted things, Noa. I smiled as I walked away to get my bag. I went Inside and I took my bag from my room. “Come let's go." I told him but he was already going. I smiled at his meekness, he had a h
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chapter 110
“Thank you Keanu. Here's your money. “ I said giving him money for his service." Thank you sir." He said smiling showing me his pearly white teeth. I smiled back, knowing that my teeth would be bloody, it would stained with blood but I smiled back because I wanted to freak Keanu a little bit. I walked to a place that I would enter a cab and go to my hotel. As I was walking the thought Crossed my mind, I had to change hotels. The hotel I was currently staying in was cheap. It wasn't made for people like me, it was made for the lower class people. I had to go in search for one, it wouldn't be hard to spot it. Or better still I could ask around.I walked to a cab.“Good afternoon." I said to the man. He looked at my eyes and then his focus went to the left side of my face and it came back to my eyes before it stayed on the left side of my face. He was examining it.“Do you need a hospital?." He asked me. I thought about it for a while.“Yes, I need a hosp
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