All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
172 chapters
chapter 111
“My work here is done." The medicine man said taking his bag from the bedside table. “If mother nature permits, he lives. The medicine I gave him is very active and it works fast. He was badly injured, so he'll have to get proper rest. He wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I also gave him some medicine that would sedate him. Have a good day. “" Thank you. “ I said watching him go out of the door. When he had left the house my attention fell on the stranger. I went to the door of the room and I watched him from where I stood. His colour had started to improve. " Noa, I'm going to the mountain. I'm going to go and look for the game. Hopefully it's still there.“I told Noa." I'm worried.“ He said " I'll be careful you don't have to worry about me. “ I told Noa. " Okay brother, I'll be here when you return.“ He said smiling. Something in my chest exploded. My little brother was proud of me. I could see it. I smiled back and I left. I watched Kai walk out of the house and
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chapter 112
It was night time already. I had eaten the soup that Kai had prepared. He offered his bed to me but I had refused. I felt pity on him and I felt that I had taken something from him, I couldn't take more. I layed on the cold hard floor staring into the darkness and listening to the distant crickets as they sang. I couldn't sleep, no matter how I tried I couldn't sleep. Maybe I was trying too hard and I had to stop trying. I sat up and I wondered what I would do next. I decided to think about the future. I Imagined walking outside until the darkness captured me and took me into nothingness. I layed on the chair and I stared at the ceiling. The moon light was sneaking through the spaces in the window and the small streaks of light cast a soft glow upon our fairly furnished living room. What would it be like to live in the big cities. How would I want my house to be like. I was thinking when eventually I fell asleep and I was held captive by one of tho
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chapter 113
I got to the airport and I boarded a flight to Detroit. I flew FirstClass. People would turn to me and see that my face was bandaged, they looked at me with pity not with disgust. If only they saw my real face. By the time we had landed in Detroit, I could feel the cringing hands of pain griping my face, not just my face my whole head was wheeling with pain and my neck too. It was those types of pain that aches the whole body and made it tense. By the time I got home it was night time.I and Bridgette weren't living in the hills no more. We had moved down to the place where the middle class lived. But sooner we would be out of the damned place. When I got home Bridgette was fast asleep. She knew that I was arriving home, so she had dropped the key under the door mat. We had a door mat, all the while I've been alive I never had a door mat, mansions don't have door mats. I bent to take the key from the door mat and I felt the rush of blood as I stood up.
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chapter 114
I pushed the chair aside and I walked out of the door. Deep within me I knew that I wanted to hear something from him, a reaction not a well-thought-upon response. As I closed the door to his study, I slowed down my hand, maybe he could whisper goodbye to me. But he didn't do that. I walked through the hall way still trying to listen if he would shout a farewell message to me. But I heard nothing but the sound of my shoe clicking on the hard floor...I walked out to find Jack standing in front of the car.“Hey Jack." I said approaching him. Jack was tall, about six foot five. I wondered how he grew so tall. He'd been my family driver since I was age eleven and he never seem to age. He'd always drive me to school and then he'd always pick me up from school. Today he was driving me off to the university and he wasn't coming to take me back home. Was it true what my dad had said. Was it true that I didn't know how to do anything on my own. I was definitely going
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chapter 115
“What about you. What course do you study?." I asked him. Turning the table around. The subject had long been about me, maybe I could know a few things about this Asher.“Architecture. I study architecture." He said kicking the ball to me. I held the ball in place with my feet." You're in your what year?. “ I asked him. I kicked the ball to him. I wasn't good at kicking ball but he was good at catching it even when I didn't kick it right." I'm in my final year. “" Why did your roommate get expelled. “" Orlando?. “ He asked me." Yeah. “" Drug use and not just that, fraternity issues.“" That's bad. “ I said." Yeah. ““How long ago did it happen?." I asked him.“About two months."“Since then you haven't had a roommate?." “They didn't want to give me one just yet, I knew that they kept me under supervision."“Oh, did they find something?." I asked him and he laughed his melodic type of laughter.“There was nothing to hide. Long ago, I learnt to keep away from things tha
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chapter 116
I sat at the edge of my bed. My back was placed on the wall and my head was bent in an arc. I was staring down at the course material in my hands. My eyes was roaming the page but I couldn't get a single information from it. I dropped my head back, my head had started to ache really badly.“Did you always get a reward as a child?." I heard Asher's neat voice cut through the silence. I raised my head, he was sitting on the chair and his glasses layed idly on the bureau, next to his computer. For how long had he been staring at me, what was his question?.“What?." I asked him.He smiled.“Did you always get a reward, as a child." He asked again.“Sorry I don't understand you." I told him.“When you did things, simple tasks, or let's say you did your homework, would your parents reward you?."“Yes, they always did."“That's the problem." He sat, turning his chair fully to face me.“You have placed your dopamine on the reward and not the task itself. My mother was a psycholog
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chapter 117
Pop went the bottle of champagne that had just been opened. And then another pop came and then another and another. Hooray here and there. Lights moving around, people shouting for some reason. Girls in mini skirts and crop tops that could be used as head bands. “Who's party is this?." Anderson asked me. He was standing beside me, even he too, saw the chaos in what these people called fun.“It's Parker's party. He's my course mate." I shouted, trying to bring my voice above the music. “The party hasn't even started yet and you're drunk already." I heard and I spun around. It was Parker that was talking, he was talking to a guy that was lying face flat on the ground.“Parker, there you are." I said. He raised his head as if he had smelt me rather than heard me and he smiled his prince charming smile, the type that got all the girls on a hook.“Asher, I thought you wouldn't come." He said walking to me.“Are you just going to leave him there, is he even alive?." Anderson asked
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chapter 118
I was walking beside Asher. Into the building. From a very far distance I could hear the music playing, now we were in the party venue itself. The walls and floors were vibrating to the beat. “Who's party is this?." I asked Asher. “It's Parker's party. He's my course mate." Asher said. I could barely hear him from the loud music playing. “ The party hasn't even started yet and you're drunk already." I heard and I turned around to see who was talking. It was a handsome guy and he was talking to a guy that was lying face flat on the ground, I looked closely at the guy. He was wearing a party hat and he was shirtless. What was he, like a crazy person or something?.“Parker, there you are." I heard Ahser say. So that was the Parker that owned this party. He raised his head to see Asher and he smiled. He was handsome. Really handsome. How did they get their good looks?. “Asher, I thought you wouldn't come." He said walking to Asher. “Are you just going to leave him there, is he
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chapter 119
It was morning. The room was especially noisy, Anderson was playing Balck bird by the Beatles. I didn't like the song and I didn't like the Beatles. So all I heard was blabbering.“ How can you stand listening to such?." I asked him.“ Anderson, you're awake." " You woke me with your song. “" Oh I'm sorry. You're not a fan of the Beatles?. “" No, I'm not. “" What song do you like then?. “" I grew up listening to classics but I prefer rock. “" Noise. “ " Where are you going?. “ I asked him." I have to attend a lecture. “" What's the time, isn't it like seven in the A.M or something?. ““ No, it's ten. “" You're joking. “ I told him." I'm not. “" Woah, I really slept in. “ I said climbing down from my bed." I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much.“ He said laughing and walking out of the room. I watched the door close and I figured that I had to do some school work. I was working on my computer when I stopped to hear those loud thomps in the hallway. Suddenly, t
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chapter 120
“Bridgette's play is today." I told Asher. We were at the coffee shop.I watched some few emotions crossed his face. But he didn't stop stirring his coffee. I watched him bring the cup up to his mouth and he sipped it and dropped it back on the table. He drank his coffee black, no sugar, no milk, plain black. My coffee had sugar and milk and extra cream.“I forgot." He said. I didn't know whether to believe him or not.“It's already one, we should go or we'd be late."“Who cares if we're on time or late." He asked nobody in particular.“You said that lateness is a bad and destructive habit, I learnt punctuality from you, don't debunk punctuality, it's not productive. “ He gave a small laugh." Come on. Maybe you might like her acting.“ I told him. He drank the last of his coffee and he dropped the cup." Today is the day I'm going to tell her. You'll have to be there with me. “" Why?. “" So that you can help me when I don't have anything else to say. “" But...
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