All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
172 chapters
chapter 121
“Seems like you didn't need my help." I told him.“You did a good job."“I didn't even do anything."“You were there for me."“She didn't deserve any of that." I told him. “She asked for it." He replied “You should have told her more softly."“There was no other way to tell her."“She cried and you still continued."“Crying is normal."“Do you even have a heart." I asked him. He went really silent. Anytime he stopped talking, the rest of the world stopped talking. Everywhere was so quiet that I could hear a wrist watch ticking.“I do. I have a heart. That's why I didn't want to lead her on. I had to tell her the truth." He said walking past me. " The truth is painful, even I, sometimes don't want to face the truth, I prefer to be covered in the lie, to be coveted by it. But living in falsery is like tearing yourself from the real world and if you look around, too many of us are not a part of the real world. “ He left me standing there in the middle of our room. I didn't
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chapter 122
12:38pm. That was the umpteenth time I had looked at my wrist watch. Every now and then I would turn my head to the door. Everything was going by slowly and this lecture was a waste of time because I couldn't concentrate. My course material was on my desk. I rubbed my palms together trying to keep them warmer. I looked to the door again, what was I expecting to see at the door? I felt an itch that was crawling down my back. I so badly needed to scratch it, and then I felt another and then another. I yawned, looked at my watch. 12:39pm.I looked at the professor, he was pointing at a diagram on the clear white board. If it weren't for my strong will, I would have slept off. I was worried about Asher. He has been on my mind, he's been the one distracting and disrupting my thoughts. “The lecture has ended." The professor said and I was the first to stand. I looked around and found out that I was the only one standing, I had stood too quickly. I turned to
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chapter 123
He was laying under the blanket, nestled like a small child. He had been sleeping for a few hours now.There was nothing to do but watch him and I didn't want to watch him. It was abnormal to watch him, I felt warmness in my chest and watching him felt quietly erotic, as if he was a sleeping siren. I decided to go for a walk.I took my jacket and my shoes. When I got downstairs I figured that the sky was oddly dark. It might rain. I still went away anyways.I was walking in the street. It was crowded by people. People were heightening their steps to avoid get beaten by the rain. The wind was strong and the breeze was cool and damp. It carried that awkward smell of rain. As a child I always liked the rain... I always got excited when the rain came and I would watch raindrops hit the window and beat the grass. I was still walking in the streets when the rain came. I knew that it would get beaten by the rain and chances that I would catch cold was high, but I was
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chapter 124
I was drifting to sleep. I held to the blanket that Anderson had placed on me. I knew that he was in the room with me and I wanted to stay conscious but I couldn't. His words coming back to me.“Nobody cares about me." I had said. “Can't you see that I care?." He was telling the truth wasn't he? I knew a liar and Anderson doesn't lie. He cared about mez but in what way, certainly not in a romantic way. “Asher, I was worried about you. I haven't been able to concentrate on anything since you left." I smiled. The words made something in my belly crawl. “... I care about you, get it into your head."“Anderson, leave me alone." I started to think, his words were personal, too personal to be blank and ordinary. Does he love me too? “Show me who you are, tell me who you are, who are you?. “ I couldn't tell him, I would never tell him. If he knew who I was, our connection is over. I'm so fucked Anderson, if only you understand. “You're not fucked." He had
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chapter 125
I sat up. A yawn escaping my mouth. I pulled down the covers, a wave of cold breeze swept down my leg to my feet. I looked at Anderson's bed, it was empty. I looked outside the window. The sky was very very dark. It had made the room as dark as coal, although I could point out a few things. Looking through the window, I could see the way the trees were dancing to the rain, not just the trees too many others things had to bow before the mighty rain storm. Things were flying around, the window was closed, but I could smell the rain. In the air was a mixture of cold and dampness. I climbed down from the bed. Where would Anderson have gone to?. I sat there for a while, continuously staring at the door maybe he might just come back but after some time I started to suspect that he had gone before the rain started because the umbrellas were a complete set in the rack. He couldn't come home in the rain, I had to bring him home. I changed my clothes into something
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chapter 126
I turned to the window and my eyes fell on Asher. At first I couldn't believe it, I thought I was just seeing things, but he was there. It wasn't just my eyes. He was holding an umbrella over his head and another one beside me. It was for me, wasn't it. The last time I saw him, he was peacefully sleeping, now he was standing in the rain looking like the boogyman. He had this cold look in his face, I turned to look at Bridgette, oh, that was why he was angry.... I was with his girl. I stood up but he wasn't in the window anymore, he had started to walk away. I stood in the door of the cafe and I shouted his name, but he didn't reply, he was just walking. I thought about walking in the rain to meet him but I thought better, the rain would be too cold. But Asher was angry at me and It was all a misunderstanding. I shouted his name a few times but still, he didn't look back. I found my legs going forward as if I wasn't in control of it, and before I knew it, I was
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chapter 127
I sat down on my bed. It was warm and soft. I felt the need to lay on it and drift off to sleep but I wasn't sleeping and I knew it. It was still raining, heavily. I stared at his bed just as how Bridgette stared at that window without noticing that it had started to rain. How long would that bed remain empty?. If Bridgette never came into the picture, everything would have been better, I and Asher would have still remained friends, wouldn't we?. Of course we would. I never truly had any friends, Asher was the only friend I ever had and he was a great friend. He was like a Hermes in my life. He was strong, a romantic, a teacher: A Hermes. I stood up and I walked into the bathroom. I poured some water into my hands, from the tap, it was warm and soothing. I splashed it on my face. Twice. Damn Bridgette, she let me walk into the rain, she didn't force me out, but I couldn't bear to stare in the room with her. She didn't care about me, though, s
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chapter 128
It was half past twelve in the afternoon. I knew that Anderson would be having a lecture. I turned open the door knob and peeked in, he wasn't in the room. I took my luggages, all four of them and I slipped out of the room the same way I slipped in. When I got to the hotel, I opened the luggages to check if I had packed everything. Inside the third travel bag, I saw a note. It said, from Anderson Andersons. I studied the note for a while without reading it. He had written me a note. I decided that it was time to read the note. “Asher. I saw the look in your eyes when you were about to leave me in the rain that day, you didn't really want to leave me, you were just too angry and you made the decision out of anger and now I come home to find your suitcases lined up. Except from the suit case, there's no signs of you. I know all the types of Asher, I know that because you showed all of your sides to me, consciously and otherwise. The Asher I saw leaving me in the rain
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chapter 129
I woke up and I got dressed. I got a call from home, Jack was coming to pick me up. I went downstairs to find Jack standing in front of the car. He had a small smile on his face, it was weird because jack never had small smiles, he always had big smiles. Wide weird looking smiles. “Hey Sonny." He said to me.“Hey Jack." I said smiling back at him. He didn't return the smile, he just looked at me as if he wasn't seeing me. I shrugged and got into the car. The drive towards home was not as long as the drive to the university. I walked into the house expecting to see my dad in his study. I walked to his study but it was empty. The whole house was oddly empty. Empty and still. Nothing had changed, not even a vase had been moved. I went downstairs, just then Jack was walking into the house with my luggages.“Jack."“Yes?."“Where's my dad."“Oh, your dad."“Yes, my dad."“He'll be waiting for you, he's in his bedroom."“It's Thursday." I told Jack.“Of course."“He's mea
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chapter 130
“Was I that much of a bad person?." I asked him. " You had to leave me with nothing. ““No, you're not a bad person son, it's not about you, it's about your children. I did it for them."“Bullshit. How could you do this to me, how could you do this to your own flesh and blood."“You won't understand now, but maybe later, you will."“Understand what? That you gave off everything and left me without a dime.?."“No, I didn't leave you with nothing. I left you with a good life, you won't be as busy as me son, you would have kids and live a normal life, spend time with your family, stop to admire the sky and the flowers…."“And live in a shack?." I asked him cutting him off. “It's funny you mentioned a house. I sold the houses too son."“You have to be kidding me."“I'm not." He said looking straight at me.“Why?."“I just told you why."“Your reason didn't add up."“What do you mean didn't add up?." “Your reasons are senseless. There must be a truth behind them that you're trying to hid
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