All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
172 chapters
chapter 131
It was the day of my father's funeral. The house was packed with a billion people that I had never seen in my life, it made me feel like a tiny black dot in the midst of gigantic black dots. I felt small and suffocated. People came to me and they greeted me, but I knew that they didn't care if I hanged myself with a table cloth in the middle of the room, they would still go on their separate ways. Every now and then my tie would feel so tight it would be choking me, so I had to adjust it. I heard the light splattering outside and I went to the window to take a look. It was raining. I felt a yawn escape my mouth. How long would these bloodsuckers stay here?.I turned around when I heard my name being called. It was a man, who looked like my father in height and size.... Before my father's illness.“If it isn't the only heir." The man said smiling. “Anderson, how are you doing?." He asked me. I tried to force a smile, I didn't know the damn man.“You don't
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chapter 132
I left the man standing at the foot of the staircase and I went to my room. I paced the room. Nobody knew that I didn't have the money. I needed to do something before they found out. If they find out my world would end, I would have to find a place to stay and I would have to live without money. What was my dad thinking when he made his decision. I had better find something. I was still pacing when the idea Crossed my mind, the donation... It would work, rich people give out money because it made them feel good about themselves. They would give me money because they wanted to feel good.... Giving money to an Andersons... They could even print it in the papers. I went downstairs. I took a bottle of alcohol from the bar and I poured my self a drink. I didn't want to get drunk or drink to the extent that things would be blurry, I just wanted to quench my fear of public speaking. I went to take a glass of champagne and a spoon from one of the tables, I worked myself to
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chapter 133
A letter from Carlyle Larson. ' It's been seven months since your father's funeral Anderson. I hope you mean what you said when we met. I'm going to remind you, not because I think you've forgotten but because I want you to remember your own words. You asked me to help you, but it's been seven months and you haven't reached out to me, even for a single advice. I hope to hear from you when you receive this letter. Sir Carlyle Larson. 'Another letter from Carlyle Larson. ' Son, I wrote a letter to you about three months ago and yet, it went unanswered. I know that all is well, I've seen the progress of your company in the national papers. There are things I would like to point out to you because I'm experienced, I've been in the business world for ages now. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours _ _ Sir Carlyle Larson.'Yet another letter from Car
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chapter 134
I saw the surprised look on her face when she recognized me.“Bridgette." I said stretching out my hand for a handshake. “Bridgette, meet Anderson Andersons, the youngest billionaire in the globe." I saw Mr Larson's hand on his daughter's shoulder, I saw him give her a little tug. “Come on Bridgette, say hi to Anderson."“It's a small world." She said taking my hand. She looked, more elegant. More better than she looked two years ago, more beautiful, too. Her hair had grown lengthty and it was shinny, so was her pearls.“I didn't expect to see you here." I told her.She laughed. “I'm supposed to be telling you that, you're in my house you know."“I didn't know this was your house." I told her.“If you knew would you still come?. “she asked me. There was something new about her now... I couldn't quite pin it. “Do you two know eachother." Mr Larson asked me." Yes daddy, I met him at the university. “ She said looking at her father." Is this true. “ The man asked me h
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chapter 135
It was August. Five months since I and Bridgette met. Mark was now five months old and he was going to get baptized. I hadn't gone to church since my father's funeral and I had to go now. I felt edgy around reverends in their robes looking very saintly. It was as if my sins would jump out of me and come to live in front of the holy men and they would eye me and stare at me with scorn-filled eyes. But I doubt that reverends were able to despise someone, wasn't it against a holy law of some sort. I had bought gifts for Mark. Of course I didn't buy it myself, Gloria my assistant bought the gifts. I had been trusting her decisions on gifts since Mr Carlyle liked the first gift I brought. I had made Gloria in charge of buying gifts and Mr Larson has been smiling wider each time I gave him a new gift. I know you must be wondering why I was attending Mark's baptism, it must be for family and relative and I was family. Legally and technically, I was family, now that I and
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chapter 136
On our wedding day, Mr Carlyle Larson, Bridgette's dad, walked her down the Isle. I saw Bridgette coming towards me, with her signature wide smile and her father's grin stretching up to his ears. I smiled and I felt that my own smile would reach my ears but I didn't care, I smiled nevertheless. We said our vows, for better for worse, in sickeness and in health, till death do us part. Meaning there was no leaving no matter what.... Meaning that even if the side of my face was damaged and I was severely scarred, she would stand by me...Present day. “Honey." I heard and I felt a light tug. " You scared me. “ She said her face coming closer, “I thought someone else had come into the house to sleep beside me, I didn't recognize you at first.“ My eyes were slightly opened, it was morning and sunlight filled the bedroom. My head was banging in my head with each heart beat. I felt heavy, all of me, my soul, my mind..." What the fuck happened to your face?. “ She asked
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chapter 137
She was done with crying and she was now quiet. I wondered how long we would remain that way, I didn't want her to get angry and leave. Maybe if she just stayed a while, this quiet, she would forget about it. Her brown hair had dulled with age, it was now a sandy brown. “I'm leaving." She announced. Then there was a loud silence.“But I have the money."“I don't care about the money anymore."“Where would you go."“It's none of your concern."“You can't just leave."“I can."“You can't, I won't let you." I felt tense, my muscles were twitching and I was trying to my best keep myself from running towards her and holding her.“It's true what you said. It's damn true, every word of it. Let me tell you the truth, please, let me." She said taking a chair from the corner and dragging it to the side of the bed I was on. She started at me, then at the clock. I followed her eyes to the clock, it said 10:15 am. “Velvet was three when my mother had given birth to me. When I g
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chapter 138
It felt like ages since I saw Darwin, if I could place how old it felt like, I would say fifty years. Fifty years since I read that note on my bed, fifty years since I smelt the flowers, fifty years since I last spoke to him. But it hasn't been fifty years. It's been about a week. I didn't know how else to cope without him. I felt empty. I walked to the swimming pool and I went in. It enveloped me and I like the feeling of being swept away. Maybe I would like drowning. Late evening, I went into the house and I got my red dress out. One I had thought would make Darwinson get an rejection while staring at me walk, but shamefully I would wear it without him watching. I preferred to go to a bar. Going to a bar gave a frienfly feeling, always as if someone was hosting a party all the time and you were always invited. I went to the bar and I promised myself to pretend I was happy.“Hey, what would you like the have?." The bar man asked me. I stared at him for a wh
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chapter 139
I started to feel it... Consciousness. It was like a surge of light entering me, powering my body, it was as if I was nothing but consciousness and without comsciousness, i was nothing. I, consciousness started to fill my body, the darkness and the void had started to tear apart from me and I was now born into a new light, this light was almost blinding, but I couldn't fully control my eyelids so I had to wait a few moments before I could finally control parts of my body that felt very foreign. I felt for my fingers, I tried moving them. It became easier the more I tried, I wringled my toes, then my lips... It felt dry and chapped. I tried licking them, I tasted something, ehat was that? My body felt dry and my throat felt patched, it was like nothing I had ever felt before, the pain that enveloped me. I started to remember it all. My father shooting once, then missing, I tried to raise my gun but he was faster, how could he be so fast... He was a better shooter than
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chapter 140
I stood there, at the door way, as if planted to the ground. The stranger had his bag on his laps and he was staring at me. He was awake and I never planned on meeting him awake. I didn't know what to do next, it would have all been easier if Noa was here to talk to the stranger.“Hi, I'm Darwin, please, can you tell me where I am." He said, his voice was deep and song-like, he sounded like Noa. I was still watching him, his skin had taken his normal whitish glow. He was healthily tanned. He had developed facial hair, it made him look rougish... All in all the stranger was good looking. What did he say his name was?. I didn't get that part right. He turned his head to his side and he stared at his bag that was now laying on his temporary bed. I watched him fidget with it before bringing out a small book. He read through it and he frowned, it was a tour guide book and he couldn't read it. Was it supposed to help im situations like this?. “Do you speak any English?." He asked
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