All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
172 chapters
chapter 31
I was done with checking the cabin, I couldn't see anything inside from the outside, but I knew that if anybody was inside they could see me, so I was careful not to make any noise. I looked around, there was no vehicle around, no sign of human life, the cabin was just like a mini prison of some sort. I knocked on the door, my pulse was as normal as when I was sitting still. I wasn't scared, no, fear was not part of my feeling, although I felt anxious for Mandy, I wanted her to be safe, God knew I did. I stood there after knocking but nobody answered the door, I was as silent as I could be, I didn't hear a sound, just the swooshing of pine trees and the steady beating of wood peckers. I wondered how this place would be at night time. I didn't like the woods very much, for one thing, the smell that the trees gave the air, I didn't like that smell, although I liked to see pictures of woods like this. Nobody had answered the door yet I waited a short while, before I
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chapter 32
The weather was particularly cold today, I looked outside my window to see thick dark clouds forging ahead, it might rain. There was traffic and I wouldn't see how I would get out of it anytime soon. Mademoiselle Noir was playing and my head placed images together to form vivid pictures from the description of the song. I dropped my headback on the headrest, then, I remembered that I was thirsty. I raised my head and I reached beside me to take my coffee from it's bag, I took out the cup and a blue coloured paper fell. I was about to pick it up when I heard horning behind me. I saw that the traffic had cleared and I was blocking the other cars from moving, so I drove forward and away from the traffic. In my parking lot, I drank my coffee, every single drop, Nessa made the best coffee I ever tasted, I was about to leave when I remembered the note. I searched for it and I found it.It read 'come by the cafe today, anytime you want.' Was it from Nessa?, But we ta
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chapter 33
I woke up, found the bed empty. I brushed my teeth before I went downstairs to find Mandeline. She was cooking, she didn't know I was standing at the door yet, but, it was a sight to behold. It's been a long time since I saw a woman, my own woman in the kitchen.The afternoon went by like silk on an oily surface. I wanted time to slow down for the both of us. The time reached where she insisted that she had to be home. She left her car at my company and she didn't want me to give her a ride. So she left in an Uber, I was as sad as hell but I was looking forward to meeting her at work on Monday. I heard a light tap on the door, it brought me back to the present moment, away from my thoughts. It was Edison.“Good day sir."“Yeah?."“Is there anything you want me to do for you?." He asked me.“No, thank you." It had stopped to rain.I drove home in silence, I didn't notice the world, I was in it but I wasn't part of it. I drove straight to the cafe. Immediat
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chapter 34
The man walked past my table and went to the table just beside mine. He was following me and he was doing a bad job at hiding it. For one, he looked at me with the corner of his eyes and if I caught him watching me, he would turn around frantically or just look past me and then start watching me again. If I made sudden movements, like dropping my cup down on my table, he would follow my hand. I didn't even know when I had finished my glass of whiskey. Although I felt as sober as hell, I needed to be vigilant. The man started to look impatient, as if he couldn't wait any longer as if any moment from now, he could walk over to me and shoot me down. If he wanted to do it, then fine, but I would beat him at his job. I scanned him, he was big, he had this muscular build that body builders had and he carried his arms like they were too heavy, he wore a leather jacket and it was open, it revealed a black top inside, he wore faded jeans that looked too tight for his size. F
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chapter 35
I woke up to the sound of faint giggles and light kisses.“Hey sleepy head." I heard lightly. I opened my eyes and it was Mandeline, God I didn't know how to hug her. But I did, I hugged her lightly.“Jesus, Mandeline."“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I just came to say thank you."“Why are you apologizing, I'm fucking glad..." I didn't find any other words to say to her. If I wasn't so strong, I would be weeping like a child. “Thank you. For saving me, I was surprised that I woke up alive, I thought that I was dead but I'm here and it's all thanks to you, so, thank you."“I'm glad you're here."“How did you find me?."“I did a little research." Then she laughed a little and she sat on the bed. She crossed her legs in the meditation pose. “Tell me, how did you find me."“I went to work on Monday, I went too early because I wanted to see you, I missed you. Then time just left and you hadn't walked into my office yet, so I went to yours, found your desk empty, you hadn't c
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chapter 36
“Mark?." Aleya called from the door.“Yeah." I said bringing my attention back into my office. “What were you thinking, I've been calling your name."“I was just thinking, do you have good news for me?."“Maybe." She said smiling wryly.“Stop being cocky, c'mon tell me." I told her, she was the sweetest woman I knew.“Okay, I'll spit it out, but I'm warning you, it might not be something you might even want to hear,” she said and paused before she continued “I and Martins are expecting a baby. “" Oh my, jeez, how is that something I wouldn't want to hear Aleya, come here. Congratulations. “ I said giving her a hug." Thank you, the best part is that you're going to be the Godfather. “" No.“ I said excitedly." Yes. “ She said squeaking." This is good news, we need to celebrate. ““Come by the house tomorrow, we're holding a small family gathering, for celebration." " I'll be there, give me a time. “ I drove home thinking of Aleya. She was so darn beautiful and she was too dam
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chapter 37
“shame on you Hensley." That was the last word I said. I took my bath and before I went to sleep I layed awake thinking of Darwin and then Alaye. Somehow, life started to seem meaningless. So yes, I fell asleep thinking of how meaningless life was.I woke up and I found Hensley sitting on the couch downstairs. He was eating pancakes. I didn't acknowledge his presence, I just walked past him to go outside, I needed to breathe fresh air. I walked around my small garden, I hardly ever took notice of the flowers, they were onlybthere for decor, and in my honest opinion, they looked too arranged, as if they flowers themselves were fake because of the way they were arranged. I took my mind off the flowers because they had started to make me angry and I placed my mind on the murderer that sat eating pancakes in my living room. I had to be careful around him.I looked at my watch. It was quarter past two. I climbed down from my car and I rang the door bell.Martins pulled open
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chapter 38
I heard the word “Traitor." It was Hensley, then I heard the gunshot. I sat on my couch waiting, I was certain it was a gunshot.“Mark?, Mark, c'mon talk to me, Mark!“ I didn't know what I was waiting for, maybe Mark's voice... Anything, even if it was Hensley's voice, I heard nothing then the line went dead. Jesus, did Hensley just murder Mark?.“This mean that you wouldn't even have to go to work anymore, you're now like the megamind of a great legacy.... What's wrong, you look pale, Darwin?." Mandeline was saying coming into the room. " Mandy, someone just killed my cousin. “" What?. “" Yeah and he's coming for me. “" What?. “" Yeah, I have to act fast. “" What are we going to do. “" I like how you said we but, this is my cross to Carry. “" What am I going to do to help."“I have a safe house in Ireland, apparently, they know this house, you are going to go there. “" Jesus, I can't just go to a safe house in Ireland all by myself. “" It's beautiful and it's safe.
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chapter 39
I was surprised that he knew my name. I walked up to him.“Yes?."" Go on a date with me, would you?.“I was dumbfounded." But it's raining. ““My name is Anderson Cooper." He said. We were driving towards the restaurant. His car was parked just right in front of the diner's door. When I saw it, I understood why he left when I went to get him his chips. He went to bring his car closer so I wouldn't walk in the rain. It left my cheek burning a little as I thought about it.“That's a nice name." I told him. " How did you know my name?. “ I asked him.“ My friends call you Alice. You talk to them, I always wondered why you never talked to me. “" I don't talk to them, I just ask them what they wanted to have. “" Are you always like that?. “ He asked politely, he talked the way rich people talked and I didn't just mean rich, I meant wealthy people. Like those people that have been bred properly, those kind of people that their great-grandparents passed down riches unto them, I
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chapter 40
Then he disappeared. It was as if he never existed. He didn't come by the diner, but his friends did. I wondered when he would come so I would talk to him, tell him I needed some money. I looked forward to seeing him walk into the diner like he did every other day in the past, but he didn't walk through the door, I kept my heads up every time someone came through, but I didn't see him. I was devastated, where was I meant to look for him. I watched my bump grow, even my boss looked at me with pity, I was fucked and I knew it, it almost made me go crazy, just the thought. An evening came, I couldn't hold it in no more, I asked them about him. His friends. “Hi, Good evening." I said serving them their food. “Hey Alice." Just one said. They seemed to loose interest in me since they saw my belly. Not that it was obvious, I was just three weeks pregnant. But formerly I had a very flat belly. “I haven't seen Anderson for a long time now, hope he's good."“Why did you
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