All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
172 chapters
chapter 21
I looked at myself in the mirror just one more time, I was wearing a red evening gown, it was a satin slit back gown and it was breath taking. I remember I had bought it but I didn't have anybody to impress the time I had bought it, but, now I had Darwin. He walked back into my life in the weirdest way. The universe has its way of working, I clutched to the edge of my gown and I breathed in a few times. I walked away from the mirror and towards the door. I took my keys and I dropped it in my purse that was as red as my dress. I rang the door bell and I took one big breath.I was sitting in the living room when I heard the doorbell ring.Rosé was about leaving, she was in front of the door when the bell rang. I watched her open the door wearily, I smiled from where I was sitting, she was so gentle. Who could be at the door I wondered.My breath caught in my throat when I saw the pretty lady that opened the door.“Yes?." She asked me.“Jesus, I'm so crazy, I'm so
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chapter 22
I drove while Ará stared out from the window. From time to time, my eyes fell on her. We didn't say anything in the car, unlike Mandy, Ará had always had this quiet and serene aura around her, if I was with Mandy, I would be laughing my chest out, but, nonetheless, I loved who I was with Ará. I reached for her hand in the small darkeness and I held it, it was warm and soft, I squeezed it gently and she turned to me, her fine curvy lips turning into a small smile, I liked the way she looked then, I liked the way her hair fell like fine soft needles. I held the image in my head, long enough for it to make me smile. We got down from the car, while she led me into her gallery, I didn't expect to see anybody, I thought it was going to be just her and me, but, what I saw was hundreds of people, dressed like pretty flowers, blooming under the sun. The gallery was white, and spacious, if there was anything to the looks of the building, it was white and spacious. There were pa
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chapter 23
“Don't tell me you're from around here." Adrian said, showing off his pure white teeth in a wittful grin.“I schooled here, when I was little, so it made me feel sort of connected to London, I'm from the U.S, what about you?."“Born and raised here, I went to school here, an Ivy league school,” He said but I didn't ask him what type of school he went, he was just one of those rich bastards. “I just travel a lot these days and I've been staying in America for a while now, my girl lives there." Once again, be reminds me of Melissa. “So, what would you like my company to do for you?." With my peripheral vision, my eyes caught Mandy in the door, I completely forgot that I was with someone.“Mandeline, come in." I said to her. It seemed like an eternity since I last saw her. She was wearing a black dress, and her hair was tied in a neat bun, a pen was held behind her ears and she carried a file underneath her arm. She was a lovely sight. “Good morning, sir, I hope I'm not d
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chapter 24
I was still hovering on a memory when his voice shook me out of my thoughts. I turned to him, and then I realized my face was wet with tears, I used the back of my hand to clean up my face, and I arranged my dress and I squared my shoulders and then I smiled. But, I was too late, he had seen it all. I was embarrassed. “Mandy, what's wrong?." He asked me. “No.. nothing's wrong sir." He breathed heavily and sat on my desk."Mandy. “ He said, his voice as soothing as the sound of soft music on a rainy day." You can tell me anything, I swear I'm here to listen and I can do anything to see to it that you're smiling again, but you have to tell me what's wrong. “" Why do you care about me?. “" Because you're my friend. “" Nobody has ever cared for me and when they do it's... “" Heyy, heyy, I understand, I've gotten my own fair share of fake love. “" I'm sorry, but I'm not worth your friendship. “" C'mon, get up, please. “" Where are we going?. “" Anywhere you want to g
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The energy was shared between us, that moment I knew that she wanted me and I her, there was no denying it but all I needed was her consent, then I would run wild for her and I wondered how she would be crouched in my arms. I could only imagine. She sipped the last of her wine, my eyes followed her glass to the table where she dropped it and my eyes fell on her face and then her lips and back to her eyes. I watched her shut her eyes and breathe.“Your house smells like you, hypnotic." She said breaking the soft silence. " How do you know what I smell like?. “" Are you kidding me, I love to smell you, any chance I get. “ I was wise enough to read the emotions on her last note.I smiled." You're actually too good looking for a man, I swear that I have never seen the most handsome face in my entire life. “" Thank you and I'm glad you think that. “" Would your eyes still remain blue if they saw me naked?. “" I'm.. I'm not sure.. I mean, you could see them for yourself
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chapter 26
The police man that sat facing me was fat. He looked like he was a pretty boy but not any more, he was somewhere around late fifties and was at the brink of retirement. He had tired but intelligent eyes, his chubby hands held a pen and a small note and he continually scribbled something on the note. He raised his eyes up to me.“What did you say she looked like?."“Dark hair, dark eyes, about six foot eight or nine."“And you say she worked for you?."“Yes."“When was the last time you saw her?."“Thursday."“Thursday was the last time you saw her."“Yes, Thursday evening."“Was she upset about anything?."“Yes."“What was that?."“Her ex husband, she was in a violent relationship with him, she left and on Wednesday, she saw his best friend at my office and she was really scared." The man's eyes, lifted from his note and it fell on mine.“His best friend works for you?."“No, he was a client."“How did you meet him?."“His name is Adrian Brooks, I formally met him when he c
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chapter 27
My neck was sore, so was my back and my legs. I was waking up, last I remembered, I was walking and then... A truck had hit me. Suddenly, I was aware of my surroundings, I was in a room, it was dark. I stood up, careful not to make a sound and I shifted open the curtains, it was nighttime. I saw the sky, it was moonless. I was terrified. I was still looking out of the window, I couldn't see anything, I only saw trees.“You've woken up." I heard and terror ran down my spine. My guts went cold, my hands started to shake. I saw the figure standing there, in the dark. “I'm not going to hurt you." He said walking forward. I shifted back." Madeline. I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. “ The voice sounded awfully familiar, if only he just stood where he was." What do you want with me?. “ I asked him." Nothing. I don't want anything. “" Then why the fuck am I here?. “" Mandeline, look at me, I'm going to turn on the lights now, promise you won't scream, even if you
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chapter 28
“do a little dance for me you pretty flower." I heard in my dream. Geoffrey was clapping, his friends were laughing, I had started to dance my dance. Adrian was playing the music and Thomas was just watching me, all he did was to watch he couldn't act, he just watched them treat me like shit, it wasn't his fault though, he couldn't do anything to stop it even if he tried. I broke out of my sleep, I woke up in cold sweat, I was still in the room, I was still in the house, nobody had come to save me yet. “Bad dream?." I heard. I didn't notice that someone was there in the room, with me. This wasn't a dream, Geoffrey was now walking towards me, he climbed my bed and he pressed himself on me. I kicked him, God knew I did, his hands were over my mouth, shutting in my screams." Shuush, I'm not gonna hurt you my love, this would only take a minute or two. “ I heard his zipper come undone, dread clouded my mind and my heart was beating too fast. I bit his palm as hard a
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chapter 29
I woke up, I remember falling asleep when I saw streaks of sunlight escape through the blinds and now it's was 10:28 am. The first person that came to my mind was Mandy. I took my phone and I dialled her number in hope.... It went through.“Jesus, Mandy, Mandy where the fuck are you? Jeez I've been trying to reach you." I said into the phone but I didn't hear anybody's voice but I could swear that I heard steady breathing, what if it was Geoffrey.“What do you want with Mandy." I heard. His voice was like the sound of steel when it hit the floor, he had a very annoying voice. “Who's this?." I asked to be clear." This is Geoffrey, Mandeline's husband, who are you?. “ I could hear Mandeline shouting in the background. He introduced himself as the husband, I would kill this man. “Mandeline, I'm coming, forgive me for not showing up a long time ago, but, I'm coming, can you hear me?."“Darwin, please help me, I fucking hate this bastard." I heard her clearly, as if she had taken
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chapter 30
My throat was burning, as if I had drank too much of gin, but it didn't burn from the consumption of alcohol, it burnt from thirst. I could drink an ocean right now if they let me, I could suck up the Pacific in a single sip and I might still feel thirsty. I thought of asking Geoffrey for water, but I didn't want to speak with him. I went to the window, it was tightly shut, since I came here, the window has never been opened. I tried to check the rims to see if I could penetrate, I looked around the room, to see if I could break it with something, anything. I saw nothing, I sat in silence, only hearing the ticking of the clock, that annoying clock, that would tick so slow at night. I looked at the clock, it had a metal rim, the idea struck me. I went to the clock, it was fairly large, I broke the glass carefully and as quiet as I could and the plastic came off, then I had a square shaped metal frame, I bent it, it was too hard it couldn't bend. I ran to the wknd
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