All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
172 chapters
chapter 11
I woke up by four am in the morning, my alarm hadn't even gone off yet, I had set it for 5:15am. I changed from my pyjamas and I went out for a run, when I got back, I took my bath. I went around my house for a short while to take in the scenery, I would miss the house, I was still taking in the scene when I remembered that I hadn't packed my bags yet and my flight was leaving in a few hours. I went to the closet and as fast as I could, I packed my bags, I took the things I really needed and I left the rest. It was about six am in the morning. The sun was still far east, the weather was cool, the sky was grey and dark and everything was quiet and still, I made coffee and I called my driver that would drive me to the airport. I was done with drinking my coffee when the driver came.“Good morning sir."“Good morning." I told him and I climbed the car while he took my bags from me to drop them in the back seat. I took a look at my house once again, it was the last ti
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chapter 12
I had chosen a house that contrasted all the mansions I've been living in, all my life, I chose a house that would play with colours, the living room was painted with multiple shades of turquoise, red, and yellow, with Sharp Egyptian cotton curtains to highlight all the colours. This house wasn't a mansion, it was just a storey building and it wasn't white and grand, it didn't have bay windows and it wasn't whitestone, it didn't have a fountain or a patio, but it did have a pool, and it didn't have a garden, and it didn't have an oversized gym that gave me strong feeling of emptiness, it was completely different and I loved it. I dropped my bags somewhere in the living room and I took a tour round the house, the sun was setting, and golden streaks escaped from the windows through the curtains in soft bursts, for once in my life, I felt that I had accomplished something tangible, by myself, without my father's wealth or influence, I couldn't explain the way I felt, I felt so
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chapter 13
I drove to my office, it was 9:36, as I was coming towards it, I had sighted the big sign in front of the building, written on it was Sinova in big golden block letters, it sent chills down my spine. It was a fifteen storey building, but I wasn't staying at the top floor. I entered into the building and I was met by a pretty lady.“ Mr Darwin, she called. It's nice to finally meet you, please come, let's introduce you to your employees, I'm Mandy, your assistant. “" Hi Mandy. “" Hi. “ She said and giggled. I watched her do her job, she was quick and effective, that was what I needed, quick and effective and she had a beautiful streak of grace. She had brown doe eyes, and brunette hair, small fine lips that I liked to watch.She had introduced me to everyone, every single person had gathered to see me. I gave a small speech that wasn't practiced, I had talked to them with my heart and I felt they liked me. Everything was going very good on my first day.I heard a k
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chapter 14
I got home from work before the clock struck six. My house was vacant but it wasn't lonely. I was taking off my clothes when I heard the door bell ring. I wasn't putting on trousers but I was wearing a shirt but I went to the door anyways. I was walking towards the door when it rang again. I opened the door to see a face that looked so familiar. I know I had a thing where everybody I see, seemed as if I had met them before, but, this time I wasn't just guessing, the feeling was strong.“Don't I know you?." I blurted out.“Ermm."“Sorry, don't mind my manners, come in please."“No, don't worry, I'm your neighbor, I live right beside you, and I just thought of bringing you a small gift, here, I brought some cupcakes and cookies, I hope you like them, I made them myself." " I'm fucking serious, you look familiar. “ She looked up at my face." Darwinson?!. “" Yes” Apart from my family, there was only one person that called me Darwinson, fuck, who was that?. ““Oh my, Darw
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chapter 15
I layed on my bed and I faced the ceiling. I felt like the space in my chest where emotions resided in, was lit, on fire. I was restless, but I was still, I couldn't move, myriads of thoughts ran wild in my head, how could it fucking be. I was trying to piece the whole thing, I was literally trying to piece my life. When I was a boy, I was all alone, locked up in a gigantic house, I got home school till I was ten and I was sent to boarding school in another continent, just because my parents were too busy to take care of me. And they rarely visited me, they just spent a fortune paying for my education. Rain falling outside reminded me of a movie I'd once seen, a sad and quiet movie, that bore a strong dark emotion to it and now, it didn't want to let me go. I stood up from my bed and I walked to the closet, I used to do this as a child, when I was upset, I would go to the closet and lay on the floor, holding my knees to my chest and eventually I would sleep off, I was a
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chapter 16
I had to go in with him, he drove me home, he was nice, nobody was ever nice to me. His name was Geoffrey, he came by the house after that day and we bonded, and soon we became very good friends. He was my first kiss, my first love, my first boyfriend, he was my first. He felt like the father I never had, his love felt like a big block that had filled a piece in me, his love had completed me, the attention made me feel special, I was happy, for once, I was noticed, for who I was. I fell for him, he was five years older than me, he cared for me, gave me things, all kinds of gifts, too many things, now that I'm older I know it was all just love bombing, he didn't really love me but I didn't know that, all I knew was his lies and his fake. If I could tell my teenage self something, I would tell her to continue to do whatever she did, it wasn't her fault, nothing was ever her fault, it wasn't her fault that she grew up in a vile world, it wasn't her fault that she was le
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chapter 17
I thought of giving her a ride but then I thought better, that was how she met Geoffrey, she would be weary of me. I was proud of her, how strong she was, and I hardly even got a cut as a child. I drove to the coffee shop to get some coffee.“Hi, good evening." The lady behind the counter said to me.“Hi, can I get plain black coffee."“With milk?."“Yes please."“Sugar?." She said biting her lips with a smile.I laughed.“Yes, please."“I'll be back in a jiffy." She said almost cockily and left, she came back in a very sort while with a hot cup of coffee. I paid and I took my coffee to one of the tables. I didn't want to go home, not yet, I wanted to wait a bit. I was looking around when I caught someone staring at me, it was Ará. Her green siren eyes pierced through mine, I held her stare and I watched her turn away. I took my cup and I decided to leave, everything got uncomfortable after I saw her. “I didn't take you to be the type that ran.“ she said to me
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chapter 18
I rang the door bell and I waited patiently for her to come out to see me. I hoped she was in.I rang the bell again, and I waited.Slowly, almost too slowly, the door came open to reveal Ará standing in her pajamas.“Good morning." I said to her.“Good morning, what are you doing at my house."“I came to tell you that I've forgiven you."“You're late."“What do you mean."“You're late, what made you think that I'll still be asking for your forgiveness, after what you did to me yesterday in the parking lot, no man, and I tell you, no man, has ever turned me down."“Well, I'm glad I'm the first." I said and I watched a frown cross her face.“It's a joke." I told her. “For what I did yesterday, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you like that, I was too angry at everything."“What do you have to be angry at, I mean you've always been Mr perfect."“There's a lot of things going down and I'm actually very sad right now."“Okay."“Please can I come in?."“No."“Why?."“I'm angry at you,
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chapter 19
Slowly, I walked to the door of the bathroom, to see what went wrong, to see what had happened. My dad had ran immediately she ran inside the bathroom, so I couldn't see any of them until I was standing in front of the door, that was when I saw. I saw her, she was laying on the ground, unmoving, pool of blood gathered around her head, I couldn't look, I never looked, till this day, I can't tell in detail what I saw because I didn't really look at her, I couldn't, I was scared of what I would see. My dad had carried her, droplets of blood stained the floor, stained her orange gown, there was blood stains everywhere, he carried her from downstairs where everybody was watching and everybody had seen her, everybody that was at our house that day saw her and they never stopped talking about it. They said her head was broken, they said it was the most treacherous thing they ever saw. My dad could barely live after that, no one of us could, one moment she was there and t
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chapter 20
It was Monday morning. The day was beautiful, the sky seemed bluer and the grass seemed greener. I got in to work early and I had completed a few things, if only my parents could see me now, in no time I would build my own fortune and my own legacy. I didn't need to please anybody, or conform to the rules of the board of directors and lastly, there was no corrupt lawyers to be bought, better still, my cousin Mark could never reach me. It was 3:15 pm. I had just finished with having a meeting and I would say that I was bored. It had been a long time since I went to a bar and the thought of going to one was tempting. “Good afternoon." Mandy said peering her head into my office. Just who I needed to see.“Hi, Mandy."“How's your afternoon going?."“Very good, please have a seat."“Thanks."“There's something I wanted to ask you."“Yeah?." “Do you know where I can get a good house keeper?."“Yes, I know where you can get a good house keeper, there's someone I know, her n
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