All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
172 chapters
chapter 41
After I was told that Anderson had left me. I came up with some money to have an abortion. It was going to be flawless they said. It would go by smoothly and you would go back to living your normal life. Of course I wanted to go back to living my normal life, I wanted it more than I wanted to breathe. So I had the abortion and they were right, everything turned out fine. I found a new job as a secretary in a small private firm, my pay was good and I couldn't ask for anything more. I got married and for some few years I and my husband tried to have kids.... Only to find out that I couldn't bear children any more. The abortion I once had, crippled my ability to have children. My husband, couldn't take the news.So he left, he left me. For so many years I reminisced about my life, always thinking back, always regretting, and my mind never failed to pomder upon that morning, that morning I woke up to find Anderson on my bed. For many years I cried and I cu
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chapter 42
Then I fed him. I fed him and I fed myself. He needed to fit my description, leader at a top firm. I needed to look well taken care of. We needed to look as if we didn't come begging, no, we were here to take from not to ask from. Then the time was right, we planned for a year, then the time was finally right and we went and God did they fall for it. Everything fucking went as planned. Nobody suspected anything. Then their son, I took pity on him, truly I didn't want to hurt him, I just wanted vegeance, vengeance for what had happened to me years ago. If I never had an abortion, I doubt that my boy wouldn't look like Darwinson. They would have been brothers, from different mother's but brothers nevertheless. But, he got written off the will by his own father. Jesus, Anderson didn't have a heart.Then he left, for a long time I never saw him, for months. I prayed that nothing bad had befallen him. He was a beautiful boy, the most handsome face I very s
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chapter 43
I drove up the hill. Deja Vu hit me, I remembered some months ago I was driving up this same hill to meet my parents, to them I was their little Darwin. The Darwin that they played little attention to, the Darwin that they showed no love till he was grown enough to not be cheated. They little Darwin they payed had no interest in till he was old enough to run the business, they always thought of themselves. They were that greedy and treacherous.How the actual fuck did the two of them give birth to me. My mother would always tell me to get a wife, get a wife and get a life. She didn't want to know how my relationships were going, she didn't want to know if I had a hard time finding love, she just wanted that I have a wife. It got me thinking, if Henskey had never showed up, I wouldn't have very woken up, I would have never gotten free from the grip of my parents. Mark who was my friend and my cousin and my business partner and a very good spy, the best actually and a ve
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chapter 44
“Mandeline?." I said and then the line went dead. Jesus...My legs couldn't hold me, I sat down on my couch. Jesus, who were these people... I didn't want to get my mind all worked up. I trust Mandeline, I trust my family even though I didn't like them but there was a new case at hand no matter how much I tried to cover it up, there was a new case. How did Mandeline know who Mark was... How did she know his name and the way she called it as if she's been calling it a long time now.... Then my mind went back to previous times, the time Mark had called me to tell me that he knew where I lived, he knew my company, he said he knew a lot of things about me and just that day he died he called me to tell me congratulations.... Mandeline was the only person I told about the companies.... Mandeline was the only person that was so close to me. I remember the times when I was little that people would fake love just to get to me, just to get money from me, just to get information, they c
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chapter 45
“tell me you're lying Adrian."“I'm serious mate."“Adrian, I'll talk to you in a bit."“Okay, bye." I was standing but I didn't know when I had gotten up from my bed. I was wide awake, and I was damn surprised. There were no words in my mouth, there was not a way I could explain how I felt. How it felt to be lied to and cheated. I felt naive and foolish and used.“Hello, Daniel. “" Good evening, who's speaking. “" It's me Darwin Anderson. “" Oh, Mr Darwin, what a pleasure to have you on the call sir. “" Thanks, I remember you solved a case for my friend, Charles. I need your help. “" Anything sir. “" There's someone I want you to get information on, I want everything you can find, can you do it?. “" I can sir. “" How long should I wait?. “" Two days max. “" I heard you're a pro Daniel, that's why I asked you, I don't have two days, I want it by morning.“" Morning it is then.“" Great. I'll text you all her details.“ For now Hensley could run away, he could run
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chapter 46
“He needs someone to work as his house keeper."" Then what?. “" Jesus, Mark you're supposed to be the smart one, how come you're not picking up on this fast?. “" You can as well tell me and stop beating about the bush. “" If we get a housekeeper, means that we could get a housekeeper of our choice, means that she could steal from him that way. ““So he wants her now?." “He doesn't like to be kept waiting, I told him that I would get back to him."“Well, do you have someone?." “Yeah, I do. Her name is Rosetta, she's my best friend."“Is she going to be good for the job."“She's perfect for it."“Okay then, tell him."One day she had walked into his office, looking as beautiful as she could, she stood in the door, waiting for his eyes to catch her, so he could watch her walk into his office. So he could drink from her image. Then she saw Adrian and knew that her world was over, or so she thought.“Mark, something bad has happened."“What?."“I saw Adrian in Darwin's office, he
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chapter 47
It was cold. That was my first thought. I had woken up with a proper hangover. The phone was ringing, I didn't know what to focus on, I didn't know if I should focus on my freezing feet, my migraine or my ringing phone. But, I picked up the phone nevertheless and I saw it was Mandeline calling me. I picked up the phone and I tried to sound active, I didn't want to sound as if I was just waking up.“Hello, Madeline how are you doing?."“I'm sorry, did I wake you, it's the time difference, it's crazy." I tried to make my voice sound alert but it sounded the opposite, I still felt drowsy." Yeah, the time difference is crazy, I'm coming straight to Ireland. I'd love to see around, isn't that where Rosé is from?. “" Yeah, she's from here."“How's she doing?."“She's good, she loves it here."“What about you?."“I love it here."“I'll be there soon but not too soon." " I'll be waiting here for you, okay?. “" Okay. “ I drove to my house and I got dressed. To be honest, I
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chapter 48
I took a walk outside. I wanted to take in the scene of everything. I remembered Lily, my old classmate, who had red hair and freckles on her face, but she was a nice sight. She has those pretty faces that you could gaze on for hours on end and you would never get enough of the beauty. Then I remembered Ará, she had those beautiful faces too, I remembered the time I had gotten in trouble because I was going to see Ará at night in the girls' hostel. I remember the time after that, I remember the time we tried to sneak out of the school... I shake my head desperately trying to get Ará out if my thoughts, nostalgia wasn't going to get me anywhere right now and plus I haven't even heard from Ará in a long time. Although I missed her so much, I missed her and I was worried about her. I shifted my focus from my thoughts to the serene environment around me. I walked amongst the trees, I felt a clean sweep of sir envelope me. I seriously needed advice, I needed a clue as
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chapter 49
I drove towards Mark's house. I didn't expect to find him there, I just wanted to find something, a clue, I don't even know what I wanted to find, I just wanted to know what my next line of action would be. I was helpless. I felt too dormant, I needed a good plan now that Mark was gone…he used to be the master planner. If I don't find anything in Mark's house, I would go home to Darwin and then I would leave him, I wouldn't play him, not that I didn't want to but, I would just leave because there was no reason to play him or I could just stay with him and try to see if I could love him. Was I incapable of love?. I couldn't continue faking a smile, I couldn't keep on faking to be calm even when i was scared, I couldn't keep on living this life. What if he catches me and Rosetta, what would we do, we had avoided deaths too many times in the past, how long could we keep this going. As I was driving I was thinking of the house I would love to have, I was thinking of m
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chapter 50
I left Marks' house in a stable state. And I was really grateful for this. Formerly I almost ran mad thinking of the fact that our company was literally going down hills, there was no Darwin to run it, no Mark, no Hensley and then there was nobody who could fit the shoes of a credible and effective CEO, at least no body we have found. Not even my husband could fill in the shoes.Anderson Cooper was an intelligent man, yes, he was handsome, certainly, he was wealthy of course but could be run a company? No, not even the slightest. How could he run a company, when he was running the one in New York that time, he was suffering, his workers did all the things for him. He couldn't even insert a light bulb into a lamp. He was like a small child, that was smart but unwise, a small child that always fidgeted with things amd always had people to do his biding. When my papa had introduced me to Anderson, he swept me off my feet with his beautiful eyes and his beautiful sweet talk
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