All Chapters of THE ONLY HEIR: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
172 chapters
chapter 51
Mandeline was happy. She really was. She had paid the rental company off for the car she had broken, she didn't technically break it but still they didn't care less. She got to the airport and she was a bit edgy, she was thinking of the man that followed her when she was going to Detroit. But she relaxed when she got into the plane, but her mind was racing. Then the thought struck her, amongst all the other of her thoughts, this one was loud and clear, she heard it vividly.It was the fact that she likes to do the job of other people and not work on her own. Technically, the voice in her head was telling her that she liked to work under someone else. She liked to be the shadow, she liked to be led. Of course she didn't like the thought, she tried to brush it off but the more she tried the more it dawned on her that it was true. She though about it very much, she had all the time to think about it lenghtily and she did. She had always been the body while Rosé had
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chapter 52
It was 7:35am. I was wide awake, I've been awake for hours. I had woken up by five in the morning, even before the sun came. I had to get up early to prepare for a meeting that I had in Brighton. I had taken my bath and I went downstairs to meet Mandeline and Rosetta making breakfast. Mandeline turned to see me and she smiled.I smiled too.I remember that I had sent someone to follow her and he lost her, I knew that she didn't go to see any friend of hers, what I didn't know was where she went. But I also knew that she didn't know it was me who sent him. She was clueless about it, I knew when she got home that she still thought that I was in the dark and it was an advantage on my side.“Good morning." Rosetta said.“Good morning." I told her.“Darling, you're all set to go." Mandeline told me. “Yeah. I have a busy day ahead of me today."“Where are you having the meeting in?."“Brighton."“When are you going to be back?."“Tomorrow."“What's the meeting about?."“I
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chapter 53
I got home but I didn't come with the chopper, I drove myself home from the airport. I walked into the living room, it was empty.I wondered if anybody was home.. I went to check the patio, I went to the waiting room, I went to the keeping room, there was nobody. So I decided that if I got upstairs, I would call Mandeline to ask where she was. I went to my room and the door was slightly ajar. Mandeline might be inside.When I walked in, she was inside alright, she was with Rosetta and another man. My safe had been cracked, I could see that, everything was coming to me slowly, but still they were coming. I saw Mandeline tossing the suitcase to Rosetta, that was the suitcase containing the five hundred grand, there was another bigher case containing five million euro, that too, was in Rosetta's hand.“What's happening here?." I asked, my mind was still processing things but it was working too slow. I saw Mandeline reach into the safe, brought out a gun and then she
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chapter 54
I heard my phone ringing, I went towards my bedroom, but it wasn't my phone. It was Mandeline's phone.She has forgotten the phone on my bureau.It had stopped ringing. There was a message across the screen.It read: Have you gotten the person to crack the safe yet?. It was unanswered, it was sent some few minutes ago. Then just immediately a message came in: Have you got the money?Literally Mandeline had a new boss, one that was alive.“I... I have to go and check on him."" Why would you do that?. “" He's hurt, maybe he can't get up or something, he might be dying. “" Mandy, please think this over. “" I'm certain that it's what I want to do. ““You're crazy, you know that right?."“Yes, I know I'm crazy, but I'm going anyways."" He'll shoot you on sight. “" He won't."“He would, don't flatter yourself, don't say he won't shoot you because he loves you, nobody would ever love a thief, nobody, and plus you shot him, without remorse and plus you took his money. “" Rosetta t
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chapter 55
I walked out of the motel and I saw a cab right in front of the motel and it was empty and it was about to leave so I called the driver's attention. I entered into the cab and asked the driver to take me to any motel he knows. The road was busy, there was light traffic, I felt sick of thinking of what Mandeline did to me. I concentrated on the road, at least I tried to but my mind would constantly go to other places. But I didn't judge myself, some few minutes ago I almost got shot. I wondered if Mandeline would have pulled the trigger, the place where she hit me still hurts, badly. My mind constantly went back to the day we had met.She had the most prettiest face I had ever seen and she had the body of a goddess. I remember hiding behind that box that day, watching her come closer. I remember how she had saved me the next day, I remember the days after that. We had gone from one boarding house to another, trying to work our way through life. We were just two
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chapter 56
It was a motel. It wasn't classy but it wasn't bad either, it was somewhere in the middle... I was careful, maybe this was a set up. What if Mandeline was with Rosetta here and they were going to shoot me. I didn't know but I was going anyways.I knocked on the door of the room she had told me she was staying and in a very short while the door swung open to reveal Rosetta standing there. She tried to shut the door sharply but she was just too slow. I kicked the door open.“Rosé. I really didn't expect this scene. I remember the first day you came to my house, you were gentle and calm but yesterday when I saw you taking money from my safe, I was totally bewildered because the two types of Rosetta contrasted and there could only be one true Rosetta. Which are you?." I asked her.I went closer to her but I remembered to shut the door, I did, I locked it too.“Darwin I'm sorry." She said trying to feign innocence. “You don't have to be, I only just need a few information f
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chapter 57
It was mid afternoon. I didn't have anything to do, I was lonely. I had gone to Ará's house but to my surprise she had moved. Jesus. I was a fool to treat her that way. You only know you love her when you let her go. I didn't know where to find her, I called her but the line wasn't going through, once again we had separated sourly and I didn't know whether or not we were going to meet again but I swear that I would make it up to her if we met again. The weather was cool. I sat in my varanda watching the trees and the sky. Watching Ará's swimming pool that was now dry. I couldn't do anything else. It's been days since Rosetta died. I didn't feel guilt, I just felt empty. I felt empty and sad. The loneliness made everything seems too intense.I knew that I was stable just because of the bliss I felt behind the pain I felt bliss and total serenity because I hadn't ended up with the wrong person. Imagine if I never even found out about Mandeline. I played my life backwarss
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chapter 58
It's been two weeks since Mandeline left my house. Thirteen days since Rosetta died. Many people have died, many people I knew; Mark, Alice, Rosetta, even the ones I didn't know Geoffrey that died the day I met him, that man in the bar that died the day I met him and the other one in the parking lot. But, people die... people die everyday, somewhere right now, someone was dying. But the thought didn't make anything better. Although it was logical, I wasn't the ultimate cause of some one's death, they killed themselves indirectly. It's been ten days since my parents called me and since then they haven't reached out to me again. I went to the coffee shop to get my coffee because I was too tired to make one. I felt all the momentum had been sucked away from me and now I was left dry, I didn't feel like myself. I wondered what it was, that I would do so that I would get my peace back. I've tried looking for Mandeline everywhere, I've employed people and still she
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chapter 59
“Darwin."It was my dad, my own father was holding a gun to my head. “This is so unbelievable, my own father is pointing a gun at me.“ I was shocked, I could hardly find my voice. I didn't expect it from him but what could I say. " It shouldn't have gotten to this. It wouldn't have gotten to this if you had just cooperated that day and just sent the money. “" My money, I know what to do with my money and what not to do. “" If it weren't for us you would have been peniless. ““I always wonder what you mean by that and still I wonder, till this day what you mean."“Move."“You're not going to shoot me, are you?." I asked him.“Oh, I won't, only if you be a good son and send the money to us, now we're going inside, after you send the money to us, you don't have to bother about seeing us again, we won't bother you. We just need this money as a head start, were expecting more from other sources, Hensley took bullions from us, we just need a few millions from you."" How long have you b
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chapter 60
Fourteen days before today. The weather was cool, too cool.I was sitting on the sun lounger but it wasn't noon, it was night and it was cold. I was watching my pool, I just sat there staring at it. I watched how the lights bounced off the water, staining everything else in it's reach. It gave everything around it a gloomy colour, it stole colour from the moon and painted my legs a kind of satin like silver. It could make a good masterpiece. At first my aim was to watch the pool, they said it relaxed the mind and reduced stress, but my mind couldn't help but think. I kept thinking of Darwinson. Then a tear escaped my eyes.I cleaned it violently. I couldn't keep crying over Darwin, I've been crying since what happened this afternoon.“He said he loved that girl." I said to myself. I looked up at his house, I could see his window, it was shut and his room was dark. Was he in that house? He's been going in and out of the house, ever since the pretty girl cam
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