All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’ Successor: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
105 chapters
Eliana could barely sleep all through the night. Once it was morning, she went over to Laurel’s room with the intention of apologizing for what she had done earlier.Laurel had been in a bad mood right from the moment Eliana made her aware of her suspicions. She figured out she needed to be careful since Eliana already had her eyes on her. However, she was willing to play innocent all through the game and this made her turn sad and solemn all through the day.Eliana was torn between her instincts and the relationship between her and her sister. The last thing she wanted was something that would cause them to have a terrible fight.However, in the midst of that all, she was not willing to let go of Osvaldo’s killers. She was bent on discovering who it was that killed him and nothing was going to stop her.“Hi Laurel!” Eliana said as she gulped down hard and slowly walked into the room.“I didn’t ask you to enter!” Laurel said, with a voice that spoke of great pain and betrayal.She had
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For another time, Celestine visited Vincent. This time, she had tears in her eyes and hope burning in them. Vincent was shocked to see her, but then, decided to remain calm right until she divulged what she had come to say.“Are you going to discard me that way? Did you forget what we shared together?” She asked, with tears dropping out of her eyes.Vincent couldn’t believe his ears. He glared at her intently after which he scoffed and shook his head in disdain.“Aldehard is around and you have the guts to come into my room?” Vincent roared angrily, frightening Celestine who shivered in fear.Her legs were shaking and her body felt as though it was going to give her to the ground at any minute. However, she stayed still as she was bent on getting to the very root of Vincent’s heart.“Please…you can still make things right. You can tell him that you want me and he won’t say a word about this”, Celestine advised and this enraged Vincent to the core. If only she wasn’t carrying as child,
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Aldehard stood at the balcony as he gazed at the stars and went down memory lane. He considered himself to be the happiest man on earth, because somehow, his life was beginning to look perfect. He had returned home after being away for a long time and meeting with Celestine who was carrying his child took his joy over the edge.He felt glad and excited that his relationship with Celestine still worked out, even if the distance when he was away made them sway off for while.And now, they were married and expecting a child.A feeling of gladness engulfed him when he thought of how he had taken down a drug baron for Vincent, automatically receiving a promise from him. He was excited that he was able to make use of that favour for the safety of his child. He knew how dangerous the quest was and the last thing he wanted was getting his family involved in the game.Celestine on the other hand was sitting on a couch that faced the balcony where Aldehard stood. She could watch him closely and
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All through the moment Aldehard realized that Celestine was pregnant, his core prayers were that she would have a healthy child. And now, they had a healthy child but their happiness was short lived by the utterance made by Celestine.“What?” Aldehard asked again as he threw an unbelievable gaze across to Celestine who didn’t seem to be concerned or worried over what she had just said.Vincent was not left out in the surprise. He had asked her to kill off every thoughts about the both of them. Seeing her talk about it now made him raged and speechless.“I want to get married to Vincent!” Celestine said again, this time, louder than the first and with a more serious look on her face.Aldehard was mad and furious. He stared at her fiercely, hoping that she would reverse what she had just said.She remained still , gazing at the both of them and meaning every single word that she had just uttered.“This is crazy! How dare you make such an utterance?” Vincent yelled out of his lungs, with
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Chapter 45Eliana didn’t want to believe her eyes, but everything was really happening before her. Laurel was entering into what was supposed to be a secret room, known only to her and Eden.Her heart skipped a beat as she took a step closer and peeked into the room.She caught sight of Laurel who was looking around and smiling widely. The room was very small, but smelt like secret since it had a lot of drawers and wardrobes around.Laurel was fully convinced that the key to the treaure was laying somewhere around. All she wanted to do was lay her hands on it after which she would go in search for the treaure.She was in the middle of her search for the key when she heard someone clearing her throat. She jerked up to her feet and turned towards the door, almost flinching in fright the moment she caught sight of Eliana who was staring at her intently.Elian was trying so hard to keep her stance, even if her legs were beginning to fail her. It was hard to believe that Laurel was current
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Elaina laid on the bed, with Eden who was snoring lightly beside her. She glared at him silently as she wondered how he was going to feel when she finally tells him that Laurel might be a very big suspect.She needed no one to tell her that he wasn’t going to believe it since he was among the people who believed that Laurel was among the best family on earth.Eliana sighed again as she trailed off in thoughts and started thinking about every single thing that had happened along the way right when she went on her quest to find the killers of Osvaldo.Each clue pointed at Laurel and in addition to that, her behavior was beginning to become something different and this surprised Elaina greatly.This was a burden she prepared herself to carry and at the moment, she wasn’t willing to let Eden know about it; at least, until she was sure that it was the right thing.Her thoughts were distorted by the sound of a loud scream coming from outside. She tapped Eden and together, they barged out of
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Eliana quickly went over to Eden the moment the men walked into the room where they were certain the treasure was hidden.“It’s not there”, she whispered into Eden’s ears, causing him to open his eyes in surprise.He had thought that the key was still in that particular room, since that was where he had hidden it. However, hearing that Eliana had taken it elsewhere made his heart get relieved.“Did you know that they would be coming?” He asked Eliana who shook her head negatively.It was still strange and since she wasn’t so sure of her facts, she decided to keep mute. There was no way she could tell him that she took it away from the room because she has seen Laurel in the room. It would only make her look so stupid and crazy…“I just felt the need to take it away from there. I’m glad my feelings helped out in saving it”, she lied with a small smile in her face.One of the men quickly swirled around and looked at them, catching a glimpse of a smile on Elaina face. He walked up to the
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Goosebumps filled Eliana’s skin the moment she picked up the letter and took a glance at what it contained. From the outer part of the letter, she was certain that the content wasn’t going to be anything nice. This was because of the drop of blood that was right on top of the letter.Elaina was frightened to the core as she opened the letter with a shaky hands, hoping that whatever it was wouldn’t be a threat to her life.“Our eyes are on you!” Those were the words written on the letter. It was short, but enough to send cold shivers running down her spine.Fresh beads of sweats broke out on her forehead just as she dropped the letter to the ground.Someone was following her and the person was clearly after the treasure. Elaina was blank on how to react at the moment, but in the next minutes, she broke into tears that transited to loud sobs.She was scared to her bones and the worst was that she was alone, without the company of anyone around. This was unbelievable. She had been so dis
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Laurel was already beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable with how tensed the air around her was. She had thought that telling Eden about how Eliana was planning to get the treaure would make him get closer to her. However, it ended up taking him far from her, and rather than calling her to have conversations with her like before, he totally ignored her.She was left all to herself and she needed no one to tell her that it was a very bad place to be. Since her heart and attention was still on her treasure, there was need to be close to either Eden or Eliana. But then, that turned out to be going sour.She tossed on her bed for the hundredth time and almost immediately, an idea slipped into her head. She picked out her phone and quickly dialed a number, with a big smile dancing on her lips. Since there was no way to get close to Eden or Eliana, she needed a partner and she knew the perfect person to have that position in her life.Laurel agreed to meet with one of the top business m
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Eden woke up to a phone call that sent his heart dropping in fear and anxiety. He had lost most of his investors and his company was already at the brink of collapsing.He bumped into Laurel at the doorway. Clearly, she was paying attention to his conversation and beginning to feel guilty about all what she had done to him.Everything was her fault and a slight introduction of Eden to the man she called her boyfriend caused Eden his company.She knew that she needed to make things right. She was blank on what to do or how to go about it, but she promised herself to put everything back to place.Eden walked into the company, with a big frown on his face and his face red with anger. He barged into his office and met Matthias who was sitting on the chair, with his legs crossed. He had a mischievous grin on his face and this stood as an indication that he was up to something.“Why are you here?” Eden asked as he tried so hard to stop himself from hitting him almost immediately.Matthias l
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