All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’ Successor: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
105 chapters
“I would prefer to be alone”, Eden replied, not willing to stare at Laurel who was looking at him intently.Laurel took in a deep breath and stayed mute. They seemed to be lost in their thoughts and after what seemed like ages, she finally spoke up.“I think I should tell you that I’m the only one you can trust in all of these. This mission is so hard and you need me to help you in it”, Laurel said, trying so hard to sound convincing.Eden scoffed and turned his head to look at her for a minute. Memories of how Eliana had told him to keep watch and observe Laurel came rushing into his head and for a minute, he was blank on what to say or how to react.“You were with Matthia earlier”, Eden said to Laurel who widened her eyes in surprise.She never thought that he would see her and at this point, she tried to think of the best answer to give to him.“Well…I saw the news that trended about you and how you turned out to be a mafia lord. I knew that Matthia must have caused it”, Laurel exp
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Eden was walking around the house the next day. This seemed to be his frequent form of therapy since Eliana was not close to him and he was yet to make Laurel someone who he could freely talk to.At this, he walked around the house to free his mind from the countless thoughts that swirled around it.He entered into a room in the house which he never saw before. He was quite shocked, especially because he had thought that he had a tour around the house before he moved in.Apparently, the room was in a hidden part of the house and this made it quite difficult for anyone to catch sight of it without proper observation.“What is this?” He asked himself as he peeked into the room to meet a place filled with darkness. He flipped the switch and to his utmost shock and surprise, it wasn’t functioning.It seemed as though that was the only room that got disconnected from power supply since every other room was properly lit.“What is this place?” He asked himself again, turning on his phone lig
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They got to Arnold’s house and Eden quickly made his way to the secret room which he had seen the drawing on the paper.Laurel followed him closely, with a book and paper in her hands since she had become his business manager.Eden had only given her that role since he wouldn’t want her to feel so lonely. Eliana wasn’t in the house and Osvaldo had died.Giving her that job would be a form of therapy to help her relieve her misery. That was his thoughts and idea…Laurel tried so hard to hide the excitement that was burning within her. She couldn’t recall the last time she felt this elated and this was because she was close to finding a treaure that would change the course of her life forever.Eden picked out a paper and pen which he had in his pockets, causing Laurel’s eyes to widen in surprise.She stared at him intently, trying to decipher why he had a paper and pen in his hands when she was there to record things with him.Eden only smiled at her and got busy with what he was doing.
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Eliana wasn’t having the best of times in the village she was at the moment. Someone was watching her and that person had made it possible for her to lose the only clue she had.She sat on the end in her room as she tried to think of something else. There had to be a way because the map didn’t lead her all the way to this village for nothing.She wondered if the person who had taken her bag was going after the treaure. Her heart sank when she tried to think of how she was going to feel if the treaure gets into the hands of someone else.Just then, she heard slight chatters coming from women just down the stairs of the house where she lived in .One good thing about the house was that you are freely entitled to listen to the conversations that happened in the next room to you. The walls were built thinly that anyone could easily listen to conversations nearly.Just then, she heard the woman talking about Arnold and abruptly, she jerked to her feet.Her heart was beating heavily at this
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Eliana was in her room one morning, pondering over everything that had happened in past few days. A big frown made way to her face when she recalled the video Osvaldo made and how difficult it was to believe everything that was currently unfolding.Just then, she heard a small knock on her door. Her heart skipped as she went over to the bag of the door and grabbed a log of wood she had gotten to serve as a weapon.The village was quite small, but still, with enough reasons to be in fright. The warning letter she received from the minute she stepped foot in the village simply made her realize the need to be extremely careful.“Who’s there?” Eliana asked, with her hands tightly on the log of wood.“It’s the woman you spoke with yesterday. Hope I’m welcomed?” She asked from the other end of the door.Eliana took in a deep breath and opened up the door, quickly dropping the weapon at the corner to avoid looking paranoid.The woman walked into the room and looked around, with Eliana lookin
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“Wait! I would love to have a moment with the bride”, Eliana suddenly said as she stepped out of where she was hiding, causing them to give her a suspicious gaze.“I’m no threat or anything of such, but the bride would want to hear every single thing I have to say at the moment. It’s related to not wanting to get married to a man you don’t love”, Eliana explained and this triggered the bride’s interest.Inasmuch as the ladies around were giving the bride some signals and eye gestures, she wasn’t willing to walk away without hearing what Eliana had to say.“Let’s go back inside”, the bride said and walked back into the room, with Eliana following her.The moment they were inside the room, Eliana locked the door behind them and stared at the bride intently.“I know what you are going through. And permit me to say that I understand too because I passed through every bit of it,” Eliana said as she looked at the bride who was staring at her as though she were a lecturer.“Really? Did you g
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Eliana returned back to the country after being sure that she had a grip of what the treasure entailed. She had the key that looked like what Eden wanted in her possession and that prompted her to return home to meet with him.She had a lot going through her mind, a lot of things to say to him and also, a lot of plans for Laurel. She knew that she had to think of what to do about Laurel, even if she was her sister and at such, promised to reveal everything to Eden who would help her out.Eden walked into the room to meet Eliana sitting on the couch and lost in thoughts. He had been at his company when he heard the news of her return. That caused him to head back to the house, even if he was barely done with what he was doing.“Eliana!” Eden called out in surprise as he walked over to her and pulled her into a warm hug.Eliana smiled at him and took in a deep breath. It’s been a rough couple of days in her life, but she was glad that Eden was fine and great.“I’m glad to see you again.
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Aldehard jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her right until he took her out of the road. The trailer went past her with a full speed and that was when she realized that she would have been dead if he didn’t come to help.“Aldehard?” She asked herself for the hundredth time, staring at him intently and trusting to decipher how possible it was that he had come to save her.“Why did you save me?” Eliana asked Aldehard who was breathing heavily and looking towards the direction of the trailer.It was clear that whosoever it was driving that trailer had a mission to kill Eliana.“Do you have an idea of who it might be in that trailer?” Aldehard asked Eliana who was still gazing at him as though she have just seen a ghost.She gulped down hard and shook his head negatively while he scoffed and nodded. He wasn’t quite surprised to see her gazing at him in such manner.He was her core enemy and seeing that he had been the one to save her was definitely alarming.Eliana took a step backwards
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Eliana walked up to Eden and together, they gazed at the young boy who was currently claiming to be Osvaldo’s son.Eden scoffed as he shook his head in disdain. It wasn’t surprising to see young boys who would come over to claim people as their fathers since they had nothing else to do.“This is not a place where you walk into to throw jokes. I would advice you to walk out of here before I get mad at you!” Eden yelled angrily while Eliana tried to calm him down.It was very strange to see such happening, especially when it wasn’t close to what they thought of or imagined.“Who’s your father, young boy?” Eliana asked and this made him to start laughing aloud. He gestured for some other men who were obviously hiding somewhere around the gate.The men were heavily built, with guns in their hands.Eden’s men made to strike, but Eliana signaled on them to hold on.The men walked over to the young boy who seemed to be their leader or master.“Tell them how old I am”, the young boy said to o
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It was a moody day at the mansion. Eliana had suggested that they hold a memorial service for Osvaldo, to honour him and acknowledge him for all he did for them.Everyone at the house came out, clad in black and wearing solemn looks on their faces. Eden could see a well of tears in Eliana’s hands as he held her calmly and assured her me that everything was going to be okay.She took in a deep breath as the series of things she came across during her treaure hunt came back to her memories.“Do you think that he may still be alive?” She asked Eden who held her firmly and stared at her.He trailed off in his thoughts and after what seemed like ages, he finally shook his head negatively.“There is no way he would still be alive. I mean, you saw his body”, Eden reminded Eliana who quickly nodded her head in affirmation.He was right. She had seen his body that they she went out in search of clues of what might have happened to him.They lit candles one after the other after which the poure
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