All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’ Successor: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
105 chapters
Eliana winced in pain hours into their journey. She held on to her stomach that was beginning to bleed as a result of the stress that they’ve been exposed to.It came from the place where Laurel had stabbed her some weeks ago. It was quite strange that almost every time, the injury tore open.“I’m sorry. You have to be patient right until we get to the town. There should be a doctor there”, Eden said as he caressed her cheeks lovingly in a bid to suppress the pain that she currently felt.Eliana took in a deep breath and nodded. Many things clouded her heart and she couldn’t help but break into quite sobs. Why was her life far from being perfect even if she has always strived for perfection?All her life, she usually imagined the type of woman she wanted to be. In her imaginations, she saw herself being a lovely mother to young children and having a home where they all come back to after their long day.That was the type of life she envisioned for herself. However, she got the direct
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Silence rented the atmosphere as each of them stared at each other. Eden was still trying to solve the puzzle that was set before him, but each attempt he made to achieve that failed.“Osvaldo’s daughter?” He asked as he turned to look at Eliana who was also as shocked as he was.Eliana scoffed and gave the lady a questioning glare.“First, it was Osvaldo’s son and now his daughter?” Eliana asked as she shook her head negatively and stood to her feet to leave.It was beginning to look like a joke and she didn’t want to be a part of it.“I can show you an evidence”, the young lady said after which she dipped her hand into her bag and brought out a phone.“Slide through the gallery”, she said to Eliana who still had a massive look of doubt in her eyes. She turned to look at Eden who gestured for her to go ahead and do as the lady had said.Eliana sank into the chair and picked up the phone which she started scanning through. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw series of pictures o
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There was something unsettling about the whole situation and Eliana couldn’t help but feel uneasy.“I don’t feel good about everything. It feels as though something is wrong somewhere”, Eliana said to Eden who wasn’t willing to listen to what she had just said.“Please…let it go”, Eliana dropped while Eden scoffed and looked at her unbelievably.He couldn’t imagine that after everything they had gone through, she was suggesting that they leave their quest.“Would you prefer if Vincent lays his hands on the treaure first?” Eden asked as he walked closer to Eliana who lowered her eyes to the ground.Her head was swirling terribly and each time she made to think of the situation, the more worse she felt. She could swear that whosever she had seen back there was Aldehard, but there was no way he would be the one watching them.“Aldehard is on our side now. You said that yourself that day he saved you from the accident. Are you thinking otherwise now?” Eden asked Eliana and again, she kept
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“What did you just say?” Eden asked Aldehard who was smiling mischievously, with blood that oozed from his lips.He chuckled calmly and took a step closer to Eden, peering piercingly into his eyes and holding no iota of guilt or remorse for what he had just said.“I said what I said! You both are fools!” He declared defiantly and immediately, Eliana turned to gaze at Eden.“It was happening under your very nose, yet you were so dumb to take note of it”, Aldehard declared and shook his head in disdain.“Laurel killed Osvaldo…she planned it. It was her plan right from the very beginning. This is a very rough game and it would surprise you to know that she achieved that plan with the help of someone else”, Aldehard said and took a pause.He looked at Eliana who was throwing dead glares across to him. Eden’s heart was beating heavily as he looked at Aldehard, waiting for him to complete what he was saying and drop the message.“It was Vincent!” Aldehard said and continued laughing aloud.
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Eden blinked off the tears that threatened to pour out of his eyes. He was trying so hard to remain strong and unperturbed despite the situation. Leaving Eliana behind was a very strong decision he made and a very heartbreaking one.He thought of the fact that he was leaving her all to herself, but he was certain that she would be safer there.Vincent would definitely get to hear of the new location and he would bring his men over for a fight. That would endanger both their lives. This was his thoughts as he pleaded with her to stay back and await his return.It was a difficult one, especially for Eliana who kept sobbing quietly. She didn’t want to leave him for another time.The last time she went over for the treaure hunt herself, it was so hard without him and for a moment, she had thought that she wasn’t going to survive it.However, she knew that it was the best thing to do. This was going to be a tough fight and after much thoughts, she adhered to Eden’s words and stepped back.
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Eden picked out the map that held the final destination to the treaure. A small smile crept into his face just as he went over to a wall and leaned closer to it. He stared at the map again and his heart couldn’t contain the excitement that flowed within it.Right there on the spot, he discovered that the search for the treaure had come to an end, because in his hands, he held the answers.He looked around the old room again and just as he did, series of questions crowded his mind. He thought of what Arnold’s history was like and what he had done to gain such amount of money.Inasmuch as the nanny had given him some information, he was certain that there was more to it and he was willing to dig deeper into it.He walked down the stairs and met the nanny who was smiling at him calmly. Looking deeper into her eyes, he could tell that she was hiding a series of things and that got him bothered.“Is there any other thing you would like me to know?” He asked the woman who drifted off in tho
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Eden returned back to Eliana with some bruises and scratches on his skin. He looked so pale and weak that Eliana’s heart dropped in worry.“There is something more…I was at the verge of discovering what it was right until Vincent’s men attacked!” Eden said with a deep frown on his face.Eliana was taken aback and for a second, she gazed at him intently.“Vincent’s men?” She asked with her eyes widened in surprise, obviously not believing what he had just said.Vincent and his men were meant to be at another city. It was quite weird to hear that he was in the same city with them and informed about what they were up to.“He is a lot more smarter than we ever thought or imagined. Apparently, he has spies all over that keeps an eye on anything that interests him”, Eden explained to Eliana who nodded her head in affirman and continued dressing his wound.Eden winced in pain at intervals while Eliana tried to be a lot more careful with it.Eden took some pills to help him sleep, especially
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Eliana stood still as she gazed at the mine. Her heart raced and she tightened her grip on Eden’s arms.Eden was quite surprised as well. They had thought that the map wasn’t going to take them to the mine as it has showed.However, seeing that it actually led them there made him shocked to the bones.“We are here”, Eden said in a voice that sounded like a whisper after which they walked closer.Apparently, the mine had been in use, because it looked as though it was been used at the moment. The equipments that laid at the corner looked so clean and neat, and Eliana could say that there were men who worked on the mine.“Vincent is making use of this for himself”, Eden muttered, with a massive frown making way to his face.Eliana was not pleased as well. She clenched her fist in fury after which she took in a deep breath and started walking outside.Eden followed her and just as they walked, they looked around for signs of anyone who would help them out with the information they needed
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The trio, in a bid to unravel the plans of Vincent decided to search for someone who would give them authentic information in that regard.Together, they tried to brainstorm in that aspect and after a long time, Eden thought of the nanny whom he had seen the last time he was present at Arnold’s parents house.“We should go look for her. I think she has something to do with all of these”, Eden said, with every convinction written on his face.Eliana nodded her head as well. She had been the one who received the package the nanny sent and that was a major indication that she certainly had an idea of everything“I think Eden is right. She knows something and we should take advantage of this”, Eliana said with a small nod.Emily was not fully convinced about this. But then, she decided to move with them since it appeared as though they had an idea of what they were doing.They all strolled towards the Amari mansion where Eden had met with her the last time he was there.Surprisingly, they
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Eden was the first to hear the sound. It sounded more like a ruffle, followed by the creaking sound the floor board at the front of the house made.At first, he thought that he was only hallucinating, but when Eliana turned to face him with a face filled with fear, he knew that it was anything other than a hallucination.“Someone is outside”, Eliana said and quickly jerked to her feet. Her heart was beating heavily and beads of sweats were beginning to trickle down her forehead.She held Eden fiercely as though whatever it was would take her away in a split second.Eden turned his eyes to the clock and that was when he saw that it was only 1:am.And then, that was when the knock came. It sounded urgent and immediately, they jolted up and dashed over to the front door.“Who is it?” Eden said with a deep and coarse voice which he used to suppress the anger that he felt in his heart.“It’s Arnold’s nanny”, they heard her voice that sounded like a whisper and in a split second, they turne
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