Eliana stood still as she gazed at the mine. Her heart raced and she tightened her grip on Eden’s arms.

Eden was quite surprised as well. They had thought that the map wasn’t going to take them to the mine as it has showed.

However, seeing that it actually led them there made him shocked to the bones.

“We are here”, Eden said in a voice that sounded like a whisper after which they walked closer.

Apparently, the mine had been in use, because it looked as though it was been used at the moment. The equipments that laid at the corner looked so clean and neat, and Eliana could say that there were men who worked on the mine.

“Vincent is making use of this for himself”, Eden muttered, with a massive frown making way to his face.

Eliana was not pleased as well. She clenched her fist in fury after which she took in a deep breath and started walking outside.

Eden followed her and just as they walked, they looked around for signs of anyone who would help them out with the information they needed
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