All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’ Successor: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
105 chapters
Chapter 81Celestine wore a wicked grin as she walked into the baby’s nursery to grab him. She was glad that everything was playing out just as she had planned and she couldn’t wait to see the end when Vincent would finally fall to his knees and cry for his life.“This may be the first time and last time you get to see your father. But then, trust me when I say that I’m doing you a favour”, Celestine said to her son as she rocked him gently and carried him out of his crib. She placed her gun in her side pockets after which she walked out of the room.Her plan was quite simple; to poison Vincent and send a bullet across to his chest when he must have gone weak.So far, it was working well and she could already see the pain Vincent was introduced to.“Hi Vincent…I brought you your son to see him for the very last time”, Celestine said as she walked into the dining hall and turned to her gaze to the table.To her greatest surprise and dismay, Vincent was nowhere in view. Her heart sank i
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Chapter 82Eliana and Eden were out all evening. In the midst of the chaos that went down with Vincent, Eden had discovered a great location and vowed to bring Eliana over once the situation had gotten taken care of.He was glad that after a long time, he had the opportunity to spent the evening with his wife. When they had gotten married newly, they brought out a day of the week which they kept aside for romantic dinners and bonding. It went well for them as that was the major means through which they started getting to know each other.“I’m glad we are doing this again” Eliana said as the soft wind of the evening flushed past her face. Her heart raced with excitement and her stomach tingled with anxiety. It felt as though she have just fallen in love for the very first time in her life.“Thank you for being my wife!” Eden said as he passed a flower across to her. Eliana squealed in excitement as she took hold of it and took in a deep breath.“Thank you”, Eliana responded and for a m
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That night, just as Eden went on to sleep, Eliana tossed around the bed right until she couldn’t sleep anymore. She jerked up to her feet and headed out of the room and towards the room where Arnold laid.Once she approached the room, she observed a soft light and this triggered her curiosity. She walked closer to the room and peeked into it from the window.To her greatest surprise, Arnold was awake and with a phone in his hands. She was taken aback by this and for some minute, she went through her memory to recall if she had seen him with a phone.“No”, she said to herself when she remembered how homeless he had been when they saw him by the roadside.Eden had even told her that he didn’t have anything on him and that triggered her suspicion.How then did he have a phone which he was operating?Eliana made to walk out of the hallway, but she missed a step and landed on the ground with a thud. Just then, she heard Arnold’s voice.“Who is there?” He asked, from the room where he laid.
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Eliana woke up so early in the morning but met an empty bed space. She squeezed her face into a frown as she tried to think of where Eden had gone to. Moving slowly out of the bed, she strolled across the hallway in search of him. Just then, she caught sight of him chatting and laughing aloud with Arnold who appeared to be a lot more stronger and vibrant.“Hi Arnold”, Eliana greeted as she walked over to them and sat down.Eden smiled at her while she reciprocated, even if she wasn’t feeling the great mood. Something about Arnold was so awkward and trying to figure it out only made it confused.For a moment, she observed a look on her face and turning her head sideways, she realized that he was gazing at her.“Is there a problem?” Eliana asked as she gulped down hard and wiped the sweats that had formed on her forehead.Something about him made her feel so uneasy, but she had to pretend that she was fine.“You seem off…are you sure that everything is okay?” Arnold asked and that heig
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Chapter 85Eliana had no idea of what to do at this point. She was truly exhausted and each time she tried to make Eden understand, he only got mad at her.Something very suspicious happened one night that Eden went out for a walk alone. Eliana was sitting at the balcony…lost in thoughts.She caught sight of Arnold who was staring at her calmly, with different emotions in his eyes.She squeezed her face into a frown as she wondered why he was staring at her in such manner. Just then, he approached her with a smirk on his face.“I would always advise women to remain on their lanes”, Arnold said with a small scoff.Eliana jerked up instantly and peered into his eyes, waiting for him to add more explanation to what he had just said.“What are you trying to say?” Eliana asked she she walked closer to Arnold who was smiling calmly.Arnold took in a deep breath and shook his head negatively. He took a step closer to her and leaned until his lips were close her ears.“You can’t defeat me…no
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Eliana followed Arnold towards the pool area that wasn’t far from their apartment. She had been waiting for an opportunity to prove that the person posing to be Arnold was a different person.Her heart skipped a beat as she trailed behind him, hiding behind walls to avoid getting caught each time he turned to look around. Arnold took off his clothes and went into the pool, looking around as though he had an idea that someone’s eyes were on him.Eliana treaded carefully right until she got to the point where she had a clear view of him. She stared at him intently and that was when she caught sight of his bare back. It was empty…She staggered slightly at this realization as differently thoughts swarmed through her heart. Her back leaned on the wall as she went through memory lane to think of when she had caught sight of Arnold’s back.There was a time when Arnold had been sick and she was tending to him. She had massaged his body with some ointment and that was when she saw that he ha
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Eliana was exhausted as hot tears poured out of her eyes. She recalled each words that came off Eden’s lips and she couldn’t help but wish that it was only a dream.She had really passed out since her head was turning at that point. Never would she have fabricated such an act. However, the look on Eden’s face showed how much hate and disbelief he had in his heart against her.Her mental health was deteriorating too. With how often she thought about Arnold and what his presence in his house was going to Eden,it started feeling as though her brain was tearing apart. There were days when she thought that all had ended. She would stand right there at the balcony and break down in tears, startling everyone around and making people raise questioning glares at her. “Eliana…how long are you going to stay this way?” Emily said as he brought a cup of water and some pills over to her. Eliana has been so disturbed over the last couple of days that she barely got any sleep without taking her dru
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All through the night, the discussion of Arnold and Eden troubled Eliana’s heart. She was certain that Arnold was the major reason behind Eden’s drastic change and she wasn’t willing to forgive him so easily for that. Despite how hard she tried to sleep, his words echoed continuously in her ears, making her extremely restless and uncomfortable.For another time, she swirled around to glance at Eden and just as she did, tears poured out of her eyes. Things were happening so fast and was beginning to get more confusing just when she tried to sort them out. Why was Eden drifting so far away from her? Why would he choose his friend over his wife whom they’ve been through a lot together? This was totally unfair to her and she wasn’t willing to let it slide.The more Arnold remained in the picture, the worse Eden was going to become and at this rate, she wasn’t willing to think of how bad Eden would turn.She suddenly jerked out of the bed and strolled out of the room.It was midnight alr
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At this point, Eden was at his wits end and the only thing he considered was institutionalizing Eliana. Deep down, he knew that it was a bad idea, but there was nothing he could do about it. His wife nearly shot Arnold and if he had not intervened on time, Arnold would have been dead. Thoughts of that sent cold chills running down his spine and inasmuch as he concluded that there was nothing much to be scared about, he was scared to the peak.He called for Emily since she was the closest person to Eliana at the moment. Eden knew that she wasn’t fully trusted by them at this point, but he could say that Emily could handle the information he had at hand.“It’s about Eliana”, Eden dropped as he clenched his fist and looked away hurriedly.He was greatly sad and overwhelmed with how the situation was going and the last thing he wanted was making such a suggestion about his wife.“Ever since Arnold’s return, something have been off with her. Earlier today, she tried to kill him with a gun”
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Eden took in a deep breath as he strolled into the room to convey the decision he had in his mind. He met Eliana laying on the bed, whimpering softly and shivering as though it was cold. His heart broke into tiny bits as he lost track of what to utter. He had thought that it would be so easy to come over to her and let her know his decision of sending her to her mother right until he got better.Eliana turned when she felt a presence in the room. She sat up the moment her gaze fell on Eden and for the next second, none of them uttered a single word to each other. “I’m sorry”, Eden suddenly spewed as he walked over to her and took her hands into his.It broke his heart to see the woman he loves in such state and the only thing he wished was that things would go back to how it has always been.“Why did you lock me in here all these while? As though I’m a criminal or someone who would hurt others”, Eliana asked with a cracked voice as hot tears poured out of her eyes.Eden felt a wave o
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