All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’ Successor: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
105 chapters
The next couple of days were a quiet one for Eliana. Each time she caught sight of Arnold, she couldn’t help but recall the last confrontation they had. He had told her bluntly that he ate blackberries and she was only making a fake assumption.This bothered Eliana greatly and despite how hard she tried to conceal it, Eden observed that something was wrong. “What is the problem? I observed something odd about you ever since we had the lunch date”, Eden asked Eliana who took in a deep breath and gulped down hard. She was still trying to remain calm about Arnold since she wouldn’t want the previous episodes that happened in their lives to surface again. “I’m doing fine…you don’t have to worry about anything”, Eliana persisted, but Eden was not willing to dismiss her already.He held her hands calmly and peered into her eyes, trying to search through her eyes as though the answers laid there.“I know you too well. There’s a lot going through your mind and I may not let you be if you do
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All through the lunch time, Eden and Arnold had conversations about the mine and their plan to get into it without any issues.“The last time I was there, Vincent’s men were there to launch an attack”, Eden explained to Arnold who wore a big frown on his face.Eliana wasn’t really interested in the conversation they shared. Each time they talked about the mine, it reminded her of the fact that her parents were involved in something very cruel and wicked as the mine. At this, she remained mute, while watching them prepare their endless plans. She had a plan to finally confirm Arnold’s true identity and the plan made her quite nervous. Finally, she cleared up her throat and sat up, trying so hard to avoid appearing stupid or troublesome.“Arnold…you and Eden always talked about wars and situations where you can’t handle the outcome of wars. There was something you considered to be your code, what is it?” Eliana asked and for a minute, Arnold thought that he had heard wrongly.He gazed
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Eden, Elaina, and Arnold finally arrived at the location of the mineral mine after enduring numerous obstacles and challenges throughout their journey.At first, they had met a group of travelers who seemed to be stranded on the way. Eden had made to get past them without offering to help, but Eliana had insisted that they offered them a helping hand.However, it turned out to be a form of set up as Eden and Arnold got robbed of everything they had in their possession.Eden was raged at this point, and no manner of apology coming from Eliana was able to pacify him. He felt that bringing Eliana along was only going to cause trouble and he was beginning to witness all what he had earlier assumed.“It was only a mistake! I had no idea that they would turn out to rob us”, Eliana tried to plead with Eden who was not making any attempt to listen to what she has just said.“I’m so sorry! I really had no idea”, Eliana pleaded, with tears forming in her eyes.It ached her terribly to see that
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Luckily, there were no bullets in Arnold’s gun and rather than sending Eliana down, Eliana was now at the verge of sending him down.“What is going on?” Eden screamed out of his lungs when he wasn’t able to figure out what the situation was.Why was Eliana suddenly asking for the key? And why does she have a huge frown on her face as though she was going to drop anyone who tried to stand in her way?“Eliana…please, drop the gun”, Arnold pleaded as sweats started trickling out of his forehead.Eliana suddenly started laughing aloud and that was when Arnold has a grasp of what she was laughing about.“Did you take out the bullets in my gun?” Arnold asked her with a cracked voice, just as she continued with the laughter.Eliana almost choked on her laughter, but when she was done, she nodded her head in affirmation.“I was smarter than you this time. I knew that you would make plans to kill me and I wasn’t willing to give you that chance”, Eliana said with a wry smile on her face.Eden g
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Eden took in a deep breath as he turned to look at Arnold who was staring at him intently. He could decipher the look Arnold had on this face and this only made him more drowned in worry.“She isn’t coming back. This is already night”. Arnold said in conclusion as he finally stood to his feet and started walking out of the mine.They had been sitting at the mine since noon, hoping that Eliana would return. However, they caught no sign of her and this only went ahead to tell them that she wasn’t going to come back anytime soon.“Fine! So what are we going to do?” Eden asked Arnold who suddenly stopped walking and swirled around to face them.Arnold has a stern look on his face that frightened Eden even if he tried so hard to remain calm and firm.“I make the rules starting from this point. It seems as if I have been so calm while watching the stupid acts pulled off by you and your wife”, Arnold said with a look of disappointment on his face.Eden made to debunk what he had just said, b
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As they trekked through the rough terrain, Eden and Arnold faced many challenges, many of which they never thought of or imagined.Firstly, they ran into a group of people who had a sort of mark on their forehead. They were both scared to their bones since they’ve never come across people of that nature.“Who are they?” Eden asked Arnold who was also as scared as he was.Arnold gazed at them intently after which he signaled for Eden to take on his heel. Just as they made to run, an arrow hit the both of them on their legs and this got them falling to the ground with a thud.They both lost consciousness since the arrow had some poisonous effect that made one dizzy after being hit by it.After what seemed like ages, Eden opened his eyes in a frenzy. He looked beside him and caught sight of Arnold who was still unconscious.His heart flew out of his chest when he looked forwards and saw a tiger skin that was dripping with blood.“What brings you to our territory? Have you come to observe
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After the encounter with the strange people, Eden and Arnold became stranded in the middle of a ravine. They had been following a long river, in hopes that it would lead them to Eliana and the key. However, they didn’t expect the drop in the terrain.“This is all your fault! You picked this location and now, it seems like we are lost”, Eden suddenly said as he turned to look at Arnold who was looking around and trying to decipher the next part to head to. “My fault? You would have stopped me when you saw me walking towards here…but instead, you supported me and walked with me”, Arnold scoffed and rolled his eyes at Eden who was now beginning to get enraged with the way and manner things were beginning to turn.“This is all your fault! Tell me…are you trying to see that we suffer?” Eden asked and for a minute, Arnold thought that he had heard wrongly. He took a step closer to Eden who was looking at him with a dead glare, not batting an eyelid.“And what do you want to do?” Arnold a
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The ravine walls were steep and slippery, making it impossible to climb out. The river flowed rapidly, making it too dangerous to swim across. They were trapped, with no clear way out. Eden's frustration and desperation grew as he realized that they may be stuck in this ravine for days, or even weeks. He worried about Elaina's safety and the possibility that someone else may find the key before they do.“What are you thinking of?” Arnold asked as he tapped Eden’s shoulders lightly. Eden took in a deep breath and forced a smile to his face. He was deeply worried and despite how hard he tried to conceal it, it still showed on his face. “Are you worried about her?” Arnold asked as he gazed at Eden who nodded his head in affirmation.A small scoff escaped his lips the moment he took note of Eden’s response. He couldn’t say why Eden was more worried about his wife than himself.“We are the ones lost in the middle of a ravine. We have no idea of how we are going to survive and if we are
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Eliana rushed into a small hut that stayed at a hidden part of the city. She looked behind her as she tried to confirm that she was not being followed.“Who are you?” A man in his late fifties asked as he blew a whistle, prompting some guards to rush over to him.They all stared at Eliana, like a threat who must have come to wipe them out.“I’m not threat! You have to believe me”, Eliana said as she gasped heavily, trying so hard to catch her breath.She looked back again while the men tried to monitor her closely and ascertain what she was currently up to at the moment.“Why are you running?” One of the men asked, walking closer to her and looking into her eyes as though the answer to her question laid there.Eliana took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. There was no way she would open up her mouth and tell the men that she was running because she had a key which would unlock a great treaure. That would only mean putting her life in trouble.“Some men were chasing me! I did nothin
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The journey was beginning to get the better part of Eden. Not only was he frustrated with the fact that they weren’t catching sight of Eliana, he was sad that she had the strength to run away from him without returning. The depth of the betrayal was heavy on his soul and that prompted him to start behaving in an erratic manner.Earlier, he and Arnold stumbled across a pack in the city. They successfully stole some meals that was brought in my people in the pack. It was a crazy experience for Eden since the last thing he wanted was stealing from innocent people, but they had no choice. Once they showed their guns to them, the people gave up their food and even, some of their money immediately.“We shouldn’t have collected any part of their money”, Eden suggested the minute the left the are where the people were.Arnold scoffed and chuckled calmly, without an iota of guilt in his eyes.“We did what we had to do to survive! I hold no remorse”, he said and immediately, Eden stopped right
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