All Chapters of The Mafia Boss’ Successor: Chapter 101 - Chapter 105
105 chapters
Arnold and Eden trudged along the dirt path, their feet heavy and weary from the long journey they had been on. The sun beat down on their backs, making their clothes cling to their skin with sweat. Arnold's face was dripping with sweat as gasped for air.He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his eyes with his fingers, trying to shake off the fatigue that had settled in his bones. "Man, I'm starving," he groaned.Eden stared at him equally feeling exhausted, but he wouldn't stop till he found Eliana… and the key. He chuckled. "Yeah, me too. We should have packed more food.""I didn't think we'd be on the road this long," Arnold replied.Eden sat on a small rock and rubbed his forehead slightly, "I know we didn't bargain for this but we have to keep moving,"Arnold scoffed, "Keep moving? Keep moving, you say, if that woman didn't steal the keys to the treasure we would have been at home, and none of all these would have even come up in the first place!" He said, his voice slightly raised.
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Days turned into weeks with no clue on how to find the treasure or anything relating to the note. Despite all of these, Eden and Arnold continued the journey,trekking through the thick jungle that housed tall trees and harbored wild animals .They kept on searching for any hint or meaning behind the mysterious number "27". Still, they had yet to come across anything that could offer them a clue. Eden was growing increasingly frustrated and discouraged, feeling like they were going in circles without making any progress."I don't know what we're supposed to do, Arnold there's no hope!" Eden said, kicking a stone in frustration. "We've been at this for weeks and we're no closer to finding the treasure."Arnold sighed heavily. "I know, Eden. But we can't give up… not so fast. We have to keep searching.""What in heaven's name are we even searching for? At first the note seemed like it had some kind of message embedded in it and now… now it's like there's no hope.We don't even know what
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Vincent stood at the edge of the cliff, scanning the vast expanse of jungle below him. His eyes narrowed, and a fierce look crossed his face as he thundered at the top of his voice,"We've just been outsmarted by that serpent Eliana! She's stolen the key from me! And we're not going to let her get away with it!""We're going to find her, and we're going to get that key back. And we'll do whatever it takes, even if we have to kill her!". He thundered as his men looked with trepidation at his outburst.Vincent knew that it wouldn't be difficult to track Eliana down. She was alone, vulnerable, and didn't have anyone to protect her. He gave orders to his men, "Spread out and search every inch of this jungle until you find her. And if you see her, don't hesitate to bring her to me.""We would do as you have instructed, Sir" one of his men answered as they bowed in terror and scurried off into the jungle.Vincent took a deep breath and clenched his fists, "I don't care what it takes," he mu
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Eliana's heart was pounding as she ran through the dense jungle, trying to put as much distance as possible between herself and Vincent's men who were fast catching up with her. She could hear their footsteps pounding behind her, their harsh breaths sounding like growls in her ears. She couldn't afford to stop, else the key got to Vincent."Stop running, Eliana!" Vincent's voice boomed behind her. "It's pointless. We'll catch you eventually." Vincent growled as he increased his pace.Eliana didn't dare turn around, she could feel his eyes on her back, burning into her like hot coals. She knew he was right, knew that she couldn't outrun them forever. But it was better than giving in to his callous threat. The key had to be protected at all cost, let it get into the wrong hands and Vincent isn't the best option to be in possession of the keys.As she ran, she noticed a flowing river through the trees and increased her pace. Without giving much thought to it, she changed course and ran t
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Eden and Arnold were consumed with grief and anger after Elaina's death. Eden's thirst for revenge kept him going and he vowed to stop at nothing till Vincent paid, even with his blood.Arnold sighed,"Eden, I know how much this hurts you, I want you to…""I did not solicit any advice from you Arnold… It's my wife in question here, you don't know what it feels," Eden said, slightly raising his voice.Arnold stared at him in silence for a while, "Maybe I didn't lose my wife Eden, but I know what pain is,""Then you should help me fight this course Arnold, fight with me, let's avenge her death and get the treasure," he said in a shaky voice.Arnold walked over to his friend, "I'm here for you and you know it… let's go,". Eden's face lit up at Arnold's words and they set out to find Vincent.Their journey was filled with danger and challenges, but Eden was too focused on his revenge to stop. He pushed through every obstacle and danger they faced, determined to catch up with Vincent and hi
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