All Chapters of A Comrade: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
125 chapters
The Haters
The hospital was still crowded and will be that way till midnights and the day after .A bit quieter as the inpatients already gone to sleep and so were the hospital visitor as there were rules hours .Not about emergency room.There always be people needed quick help ...bleeding ,dying ....cramps ..The lamps that had been set must be thousand watts .The lobby was so light . Ambulance cars came and go at any time taking or bringing emergency patient ,doctor on duty ,nurses ,All the health workers must have been getting used to it as they have shift working hours so they won't be look sleepy . None yawned ..maybe their bosses will get angry or he would be looked weird .They must have biological hours that fitted for such job .Cold and calm expression seems to be their matching.Blood and screams nomore effect their emotions .But they got duty to calm down some historical patients and show their sympathy in certain way which can be also amiability.They had been trained to to do the duti
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Eagle ' s Eyes
Aurora made a gesture to Gyland to push her again in her swing .Gyland pushed her and furrowed his brows hearing her asking about the words of Napoleon.He must remember well those words again .Words of successful famous figures usually concise and beautiful." Listen .This is graceful : lf you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog ,ln any fight the lions will die like a dog .But if you build an army of 100 dogs and the leader is a lion,all dogs will fight like a lion" " Leadership.. that's the word which weak and foolish leaders do not know the meaning "" How to gain power of great people to be cooperative like a great orchestra "" But good leader can amaze the world by elevating their people to their best..l mean by putting them selves as reminder to the people 's rights ,don't you think ?"" Well l can not agree more ! Hey .. Nerd ! Look at the reversed shadows on water.. objects turn look different and nicer..maybe it can applied to what you just asked abo
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The Man For All Seasons
l am coming for you" The girl centered her eyes blushing.How sweet, the man looked at her eyes,her hair ,thinking . Nervously he pleased her to come in.She stepped in and looked around the whole rooms . Silent and clean and started to tell him about the heart walls.The walls were still supporting a number of decorations but the paints peeled off.But she waited for something nice which was going to change everything.A big frame ,a mute love painting even it burnt up till their cavities."Love is a series of beautiful senses and sometimes dangerous egos" suddenly he broke the silence.He pressed his feet even closer as the wind outside brought cold in the night .What a nice coffee morning for the two in the following day with respect of natural adorn of those little plants and an agenda to write in the beautiful open air to be done in that day..then what left to do, were still on plan or on the move and little glint of sunshine that come on days..What a nice joy they had ,af
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Did you just fall asleep, miss?"The au - pair brought her a glass of cold drink at the heat of the day. Abeba looked at her coldly as her head was hot like that day.But the au pair girl didn't mind with the cold look .She got used to her moody vibes." Yes , when it rained .An odd scary rain.Falling suddenly and stopped all at once then now so hot .. terribly hot "She looked at her as if she didn't hear her complain about the weather at all ,cleaning the table. " Mr Eharlow just called..again , Miss"Her heart stopped for a second." When ! What else he wants!"" When you asleep,miss , hesitated ," He asked me to ask you if the cooperate contract can be started "Her head become hotter." Jerk ! He wants everything easy and arranged.Gosh ,she was in me .." If he call again , should l tell him you're not in ? " Abeba looked at her in a way none would like to see ." Are you getting used to ,or ordered to lie easily,Amy ? "The au pair looked down at the floor to hid
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A Virtual Milieu
Abeba moved her hand to kill some mosquitoes,that small disturbing insect made her and Max busied by getting rid of them for a moment.When she gave a glimpse at Max who was smiling ,as if he smiled since the world created at the first moment.His look was shady but so bright in the city night light.'' The drama show must have been ended,Abeba " ''It's ok ...damn it! Take me home now " she began to show that bitchy look again .It's her ,each time she want something a bit late to be fulfilled." Why didn't you come here earlier?"His cigarette was out." I forget to bring my hankie ''Max ' s eyes was questioning then he laughed when she moved a bit , " That's what ones need to see a drama" His one hand around her shoulder when they left for a 24 hour open cinema but didn't buy any ticket .They were just having the drive thru and ordered some coffee to have it inside the car ." and ..look.." He showed his screen cellphone.Abeba saw some chat of A l program on language
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The Sideburns
Primrose started to type her first chapter of an imaginative fiction mixed up with reality.So what 's the best to reveal ? Using his real name ? Or other name ? At least she would use the real one first to motivate and strengthen her own imagination about the figure she was about to write.Names can be changed every time . Her aim was to depict Ashby as an extraordinary person but on the other hand he ' s a human being .So many news good or bad had created such picture that always make famous people look as angel or devil and it's not fair .She wanted to create a book as objective as possible to define a human .That's why she used the first subject 'l ' to stressed the work in combination of report and fiction. * "I feel so small and useless, Ash ," l whispered and looked out the world with a weak gaze . The air was cloudy, cold and gray . Everything looked blurry white and pale .He didn't respond for long moment.But l know he would answer."Why don't you respond?" Childishly l
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Tommy ..a name that made Primrose obsessed by someone unforgettable as the brief time of their friendship was memorable.Again,time and distance were the reason why the affinity could not continue .Started at the library where she used to come there once in a week and the library girl told her ' there's someone want to know you ' later on she told her that Tommy 's the library ' s director ' son .He was confident but humble ,that's the first impression Primrose got at the first time they knew each other. He was such a gentle person who could comfort both in sugarcoated and honest words .Some people lives in the past cause nothing interest them to move on .None can go out from the locked room without enough power of intentionor broke down the door from outside." He introduced himself in a way of warmth and gentle .She accepted him slowly and quickly, warmly and a bit shyly.He offered her to have a talk in a quiet corner of the library." Like blue color?"" Yeahhhh..and more colors
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Restless Traveller
For a moment the chief editor looked at her like seeing a ghost. Primrose looked back at him calmly and he sighed." What you think you are doing,Prim? "He showed his fatherly side when he balanced his emotional reaction beetween senses of strange, admiration and perhaps upset.But he knew what was the she going to do if he repudiated..moreover if he totally rejected to her idea of writing on the subject.The chief editor took off his thick glasses and started sipping his ginger tea and nodded," Okay ,but l won't let you free from my room before you explain a few things"She smiled sweetly in full mouth curving and he always hated her when she did it as it means " YES" from him ...then a signature of agreement.Travel expenses, various reactions from readers, criticism, praise, etc. ..and don't forget, also comments from other media and reprimands from government agencies..but who can control or forbid people to write poems,fiction , scientific or non scientific ones ? The chief
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The Buffet
The man was angry and getting angrier at the reception desk because he felt aggrieved. Paying for the hotel room twice by the bank. The receptionist tried to explain that he had asked the bank and it would be confirmed soon and fixes it rightly later .He was still agitated until she was assisted by another receptionist the chief of receptionist, because the man was stubbornly mad, even though the hotel manager stepped in to explain that it was just a technical error but that didn't help either. No matter how patient and friendly they were, they explained that he would not be lost ,and no matter how well and professionally they tried to explain, the man still insisted, tapping his finger on the receipt paper while carrying his cell phone, playing a translation application on his gadget. They still didn't get an agreement yet. Then the receptionist called his wife in her room and asked her to come down because she could speak the local language as the man thinks the receptionist do
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Modern Occultism
Does anyone feel happy about how life goes on in this strange development era when high tech placed as pagan to be worship ,? " Avalon grabbed the piece of beef in thick black pepper plus orange leaves seasoning which yielding nice smell and taste. This is stuff that can ones eat and stop only when it felt so full ." Media..." Rayland mumbled ," accelerates this craziness" " Raise,shine,humiliated,elevated then crack down everything into can be done by it .celebs in politics or other stages.Media can amaze and bewitch audience all over the world for the sake of the elites wills ."" Things are exaggerated here..see? Some truths blends with lies till none knows which one is blue or black "" Media depict Diana as angel of wales ,Consider her as the prettiest women on earth !They forget,there are a few only princess ..if she only a model or actress she will be only a spade of grass among millions of grass"" Media pick her along with Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly as
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