All Chapters of A Comrade: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
125 chapters
Eagle ' s Eyes
smiled broadly at him and I thought he was a bit surprised. Whether because of my tendency as an unpredictable person, which is sometimes moody, cheerful, excited, gloomy, melancholic, this is from honesty or just easily forgetting my own style.Or because I was in need of his willingness to do something for me. It's just humane then, right? Being sweeter when you need .. lndeed well then .. I immediately sat laying my one leg over the other. Then l take a pen from the shirt pocket that I bought from the men's clothing counter. Without opening the book, I just tear a small page and scribble while looking directly into his eyes and start asking some questions.____Primrose knew that outside,they made the activities involving his cousins and comrades...was Alvano still there too ,among the audience? She shuddered in recalling him ..Rayland and Greene altogether with Hivana and Lobelia seemed the most busy as usual ." Hi everyone! If you see members post a work that unsuitable for
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I Will Be Like Ashby
Lupine amazed by seeing how the villagers keep their kitchen as a place to produce the daily food and drinks for the whole family.They put the cutlery and kitchen set made of coconut shell, grinder from stone , clays and so so .The fireplace was kept clean by regular sweeping and ash disposing each time after being used with hand on gloves.They did not have freezers or refrigerators so good were kept in different pots and container made of wood , metal or plastic. Villagers did not have electric fan but the blowing air outside that come into the house is cool enough but if the days some time very hot they used hand-fan made of thing bamboo or wood.Nature is mostly friendly .. except when you see its outrageous with kinds of catastrophes.They were busy to build a few artistic knock down big tents for the next meeting program."Can you get someone to give me a help by the work ? I need suggestion how to shorten up the nice branches of the tree but the roots might be leaking
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" Would you like to fill in the rubric that I will hold with such topics to accommodate readers' questions from anyone ,anywhere and anything .. I can sort them out or you choose them yourself, my readers are scattered in almost all continents . Three or four letters you reply, you can do that with your own language style directly or you just leave the point to me ,later on I'll handle it, of course after your approval "while waiting for his answer, reach for the coffee cup and sip it ah, it's so delicious, I compliment the coffee with head movements and the following sips until it's only a third left.his cigar, took a deep breath and nodded his head before speakinghis cigar, took a deep breath and nodded his head before speakingas expected, he didn't answer right away but paid very closeright away but paid very close attention to the request.but looks very attentive to your question. You will feel the request is valuable if he looks at you with a smile in his eyes and every corn
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The Youth Club
Day was still young.Nothing too noisy but the inextinguishable war for everyone to fight with life situational . Hammond felt he was alone in the edge of the arena.One by one , the hero or at least in his mind they were heroes went backwards from the arena and left him .He was in his path to find comrades ,hero ,and winship .Where were they exist? Well ...if they were hiding , hopefully not in book only ! Book ? Or was that his true hero ? Not all book is readable, neither all good to read ...and not all must be read. Well he thought about books which familiar with his brain .He followed Ashby to be bookworm.It softening heart and sharpening mind .Learning honesty and courage as well in facing life .In a week he borrowed about six from the public library.They were just like human being.Some of them were uninteresting as too light or too heavy.Or not close to reality . Swallowing all wasn't possible either of course.“Do you like photography Lifany? ”This is a brief meeting w
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The Colony
" Don't you need to know what they want to know about you? For example... what do you know and what don't you know about?"He gazed at me for the kinda strange question traits.I continued earnestly "You need to know and talk about the daily problems of the readers, not just about global politics, the economy or other big things."Ashby laughed gracefully and this time he meddled and was tempted to sweetly reply ,"Heyy..that's quite interesting, Miss ,you're the one to handle it. ..that means,you accommodate all the questions whatever it is,a I want to read it..but you answer it"I was a little bewildered and widened my eyes , before l protested, he continued lightly, "You can use my name.""That's manipulation and just piggybacking your popularity " "He shook his head ," No, not like that .." * Primrose ________Hammond took a spoon and stirring his coffee cup ." She also helps other if his projects ? "Greene sipped his tea , " For example ? ln fact I have no idea, l
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The Exemplars
" My ideas and language have much in common" l was touched by his sincere trust .With the agreement,the discussion about form and entitlements was done perfectly, lucky me ! In the next two hour he has to have press conference and l have to contact my chief editor after arranging a half an hour interview with a prime minister of Ash ' s country." Hey Ash ! " will be the name of the column and at the time it was published, it will be exemplars amount boomer ... everyone loves Ash , that's the unquestionable fact ." Hey Ash ! " was an adapter of the previous famous radio station name of the program.Ashby signed his approval on our cooperation for the prestigious printed media belong to Misty Simmers , Garibaldy, Alvano ' s father and some other stakeholders .One more thing l like about Ash is his tolerance and understanding.Not even ever a word he inquiried me whether l do my job for money , hobby or something related to idealistic realm . That's stupid question.Everyone needs tha
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From That Point
Dear Ash ,Yesterday l saw a young lady entered a hospital with a withered face expression.She looked at me with her big pretty sad eyes for a second then went on her step faster .Suddenly l felt pity on her . I didn't know why as she really had a type of aristocrat.There must be people always surrounded her who always ready for her to console and pleased her .Lately l knew that she had a husband with serious illness who needed such almost endless treatment .If she wanted to be happy ,why ,l wonder , didn't she share her fortune by paying attention to the poor ? Did her world scope only her sick husband ? Why Ash , can't we have a throughly world? "Primrose put the letter facing down on her desk ,it's half read . " I don't know " is an answer both for realist and pessimist. As a person with wide outlook it was the prime time to collect all the strength and spirit of young people to make a move as agent of change.Allright, don't twist the spirit with despair.lts a form of sul
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A Visitor
The congrats greeting sounded bland to me . Laughter,talk , everything was forced ,it's a fake.He just did not like me and pretending to cause my dad was his generous uncle , moreover my dad worked at immigration office whereas during his lifespan he had been dreaming of exploring the world.My dad might be great help to provide him easy way to go around the world..Lots of paper always for that ..So if my dad thought that he liked me as his idealist and hard person cousin , it's quite a smoothy way to get his help ! However, finally l received his hand with piles of gifts wrapped in pretty papers .Sure not forgetting to kiss his cheek after thanking.From the porch , l heard someone," Say hi to your mom , Maira " " Thanks sweetie , l will tell her " He left and waved his hand .I spread the blanket and wrapped myself before sitting by the window.What for people came to greet me and wishing me to recover soon actually? Yeah l was sick for a year ,just being well for a week then
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The New Wave
Misty Simmers took off her shoes ,'' Spandau Ballet...that's a poster band that filled my bedroom walls when l was teenage .My room was like movie ads ..hahaha ..full of posters . so "Garibaldy laughed louder "Music is freedom for young generation.My room was like that either... Ghandy poster ..l loved it.."" Umm...super ! At teenage you put Ghandy poster ? Who else ? Mozart ? I liked Al Faraby ..for the intellectual figure " " Picture make us feel there are people around,right ? So don't you think teenage mostly lonely ?" " Extrovert teenage with lots of friends and full of activities also usually put pictures in their bedrooms..." " Teenagers, what l know is , needing figures whom they see as samples or ideals " " Spandau Ballet...nit ballet dancers,um "" The genre is new wave ..later on l will show you one . It's dynamic music. "" Music is one of the best way to convey a message,l believe."" Even Einstein and Tolstoy..and , Rabindranath Tagore ,said th
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Sing Along
Her town was far from he lived.Not good facilities of transportation to go to another town moreover to village or city except using changing public transportation many times .Some suburbs area still provide people by carriages.For city people it's pleasant to see horses as the puller ,like it was centuries ago before people discovered cars .Gyda will visit her sick dear friend altogether with her parents and they were going to stay for a week or so.They would take grandma to see a doctor as her condition was also deteriorating. Old people feel both stick and loneliness.Luckily she still had her family around to give her care .Life is amazing in this fact , how human do things in turn ... grandparents were the ones who took care of them .When grandma recovered the whole family will take her home to be cared closely . Grandma used to refuse to stay with them too long.She prefer to stay at her own house at the village.But for now it's different. If the doctor told them to stay at the
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