30 Years Ago, Shadow World Electro sat on his royal golden throne, at his royal palace, where his immediate younger brother, Tide Rider and the rest royal shadow lords were present including the Dragon master and his siblings. He honed in his intense eyes at Dampude and Elizarb who were being estranged as they were bound by the Cacorah, a magical tool used to suppress the powers of a shadow lord. "You would betray us, your people for those sinister creatures known as the shadow monsters," Electro seethed through clenched teeth as he balled his fist, sensing a wave of fury rising within him. The nagging feeling at the back of Electro's head questioned him. "Of course, Zemas, the head of the shadow beasts fights for a just cause and it would be right to support him since the humans have all despised all and showed us no regard," Dampude croaked out. The Cacorah had weakened him and he felt giddy. He knew he couldn't summon any of his shadow aura at all. "I'm ashamed of you. You c
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