143. Best Version
Mia was panting heavily trying to calm down her racing heartbeat and to maintain her breathing to normal."Here, have some water.",The stranger offered her, forwarding a water bottle in her direction."Thanks.",She took it without thinking and gulped it down in one go."If you don't mind sharing with me then could you please tell, who was chasing you so badly that a beautiful girl like you was running on deserted road alone?",The stranger asked, looking into her direction."Actually, it's not like some criminal or thief was chasing after me.It's my own boyfriend who was after my life.And I am running to save myself from him.",She expressed, her voice trembling in fear."Ohh! Toxic relationship...I see.",The stranger said, thinking for a while."Yeah...you can say that.",She responded, feeling sad for her."Why didn't you file a case against him?After all, no one is allowed to treat someone harshly and behave with them so rudely.",He said, asking her in disbelief."I thought he woul
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