152. Ghost
"Ahmm..Ahmm..",Lisa coughed, disturbing them in between.Their attention shifted on her, realizing that she was also present there."Ah! Sorry. We just caught somewhere else.",Sebastian made an excuse, settling himself in the chair opposite of Amelia."Sit here. This is your place, not mine.",Amelia said, pointing him to her chair on which she was sitting properly."Haha. But I like sharing my place with you.",Sebastian said, chuckling at her words."You are such a tease, Sebastian.", Amelia glared at him, faking anger.Lisa was burning from inside watching them laughing together as she could not tolerate the scene in front of her anymore so she started walking away from them without even asking for their permission to leave."Lisa, why are you leaving even when we did not tell you to leave?",Amelia asked from behind, halting her in her way."Umm. I thought, you two were busy with each other so I don't feel like disturbing you two.",Lisa made a fake excuse to save herself.She did not
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