"We will shift her to another department. I know she won't mind that.",Sebastian answered, hopefully."That's great news. I am so happy for both of you.",The Butler expressed his happiness and a lone tear escaped through his eyes."Grandpa now don't cry otherwise, everyone will take it in a wrong way, thinking that my presence here made you cry in fear that I might harm your company's reputation.",Amelia said, trying to lighten his mood.As everyone knows the doctor has advised him not to take any kind of stress or getting emotional as it would affect his health.And as a concerned granddaughter, she always wanted to see her grandpa, healthy and happy."Haha. Now they will think that the danger herself came here so we don't need anyone else from out to harm us.",The Butler teased her, smilingly.Hearing this both Sebastian and Grandpa laughed together, enjoying Amelia's irritated expressions."Haww.. You are my grandpa and taking his side. That's cheating.",She complained, faking ange
Leo was waiting for Emma outside of her room when his eyes landed on Noah talking to Maria about Amelia.He tried to eavesdrop on their conversation and after hearing the statement from Maria's mouth, the ground crumbled under his feet as he could not believe his ears."What the hell? How dare she join the office with Sebastian in the first place?",He asked, growling in anger.He took out his mobile from his pocket and dialed her number to inquire about it from her but his anger rose to next level when she deliberately cut his call."How dare she? Did she forget whom she is messing up this time?I think it's the time to show her what a blunder she did avoiding my call."Leo said, gritting his teeth and walking out of the villa in rage."Driver, start the car. I want to go to the office right now."He ordered the driver, sitting inside the car wearing his goggles."Yes, Sir.",The driver replied, starting the engine of the car.On the other side, Emma came out wearing her white gown apply
"Who said that? I did not fire you from the job. Why did you think like that?", Sebastian asked, confusion clearly visible on his face."Then if she took my place then what will I do here?", Lisa asked, staring at him."I am shifting you to another department, giving you a promotion.So congratulations for your new beginning.You really impressed me with your work and that's why I decided to promote you.So don't think I am giving you promotion out of favor or something.It's only your hardwork and dedication towards your work.That you have been promoted so early. ",He said, forwarding his hand in her direction to handshake."Oh! I see."She said, extending her hands to shake hands with him even if she did not want to."Ain't you happy ? Why are you looking tense ?",Amelia asked, interrupting their conversation in between."Nope. I am extremely happy.", Lisa said, a fake smile on her face."That's great then. Now you don't have to worry about me.Amelia is there to look after me.",Seb
"Boss, I have some interesting news to tell you.The contracted wife of Sebastian, Amelia, I guess she was cheating him, behind his back.And now it's the right time for me to reveal this in front of Sebastian and show him her true face which she was hiding behind her innocent one.",Lisa informed her boss on the call."Nope. You are not going to do anything right now.There will be a huge party going to be thrown on his behalf and there we will twist Sebastian's fate and make him feel ashamed in front of everyone.But remember one thing very clearly, you are not going to say a single word against Amelia.Did you get that ?"Her boss asked, confirming with her.His words made Lisa confused for a moment as if why he was trying defend Amelia, well he has no relation with her."Did you get that?"Her boss roared, asking her for the last time, making her flinch at her position in fear."Yes..Yes. Boss.",She stuttered, shivering in fear and hung up the call."I am so jealous of her, wherever
Amelia's world shattered as Sebastian's cutting words echoed in her ears, each syllable a painful reminder of the friendship that seemed to be unraveling. She was watching him walking away from her but her throat got choked and no word came out of her mouth to stop him from letting him go away from him.Hurt and sadness enveloped her, creating a heavy atmosphere that weighed on her shoulders. The words, once spoken, hung in the air like a toxic cloud, poisoning the space between them.The insult felt like a betrayal, a breach of trust that left Amelia questioning the foundation of their relationship. "He did not even give me a chance to explain myself. He did not wait for me, and walked away like a stranger.It seems like he was no different from others. I was wrong to think of him as someone different. He was just the same, like others.",Amelia cried, kneeling down on the floor, feeling helpless.She had never expected such hurtful words from someone she considered a confidant,
Lisa finally found her happiness in Amelia's pain, and left her alone after getting satisfied with the heated argument between Amelia and Sebastian.Now she was not at all interested in watching Amelia crying over her fate so she moved on from there as the office hours are getting to end soon for today."They wanted to enjoy their time together, that's why they decided to stick to each other like glue everywhere.Seriously!! How could they think something like that when I was already present in Sebastian's life, with my plans ready to separate him completely from the Reynolds's family.And I have taken my first step in that direction,.separating him from Amelia today.The friendship bond which was blooming between them at such a fast speed, I broke it today, completely, creating misunderstandings between them which will never get sorted as they both never realized that it was created because of me.Now tomorrow, when I will come to the office, I am sure Sebastian will appoint me as hi
Amelia opened her eyes finally after recalling all those words which Sebastian used for him and a surge of anger propelled forward as she decided to confront Sebastian at his place, unwilling to let the hurtful exchange linger unresolved. The fire within her burned bright, fueled by a sense of self-respect that demanded acknowledgment and rectification.With determination in her eyes, she stormed towards Sebastian's residence, each step echoing her resolve to address the humiliation she had endured.She looked out for the location sent by Sebastian earlier on her mobile and using it, she finally found where he used to live before.Amelia stood outside Sebastian's small, dimly lit place, a feeling of uncertainty washing over her. The darkness that enveloped the surroundings added an eerie ambiance to the moment, making it challenging for her to locate him within the confined space.The narrow entryway seemed almost labyrinthine, shrouded in shadows that obscured her path forward.As
"After his warning, I tried to move to another place as I knew my own house was not safe for me until I had to share the same roof with him.So I decided to stay somewhere else, but as apart from Grandpa, no one else worried for me, I chose to share my location with Grandpa only.He even asked me the reason and I tried to make an excuse every time to escape from the situation.Unaware of the storm which was waiting for me, I didn't know how, but he appeared at my place out of nowhere making me shocked as hell.He didn't tell me how he found my location. As far as I knew Grandpa did not tell him about it.But then he came with a full mindset planning to make me fall in his trap.He wanted me to make a deal with him.He wanted to have a one night stand with me in order to save my Grandpa's life.Because he knew very well that after my father, it was only my Grandpa whom I loved unconditionally and he tried to take advantage of it.I was in a dilemma whether to listen to him or not but w