All Chapters of RISE OF THE WOEBEGONE SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 chapters
When Tricia, saw the caller, her countenance changed. It was Andrew, and immediately, Angela, heard her phone ring, she ran out seeing it was Andrew, she picked it and stood there to answer it.“Hello, how are you doing baby?”She asked in that manner and Andrew, paused.“Do we have a visitor?”Andrew, asked from his end and Angela, wondered why he is asking such question.“Ohj. No darling, everything is just so good and okay over here is something the matter?”She asked so much concerned and Andrew, said nothing at all. He further asked her to dress and meet him up at a spot.“Ohj! Goodness I am going out on a date with him. And then, tonight,will be hot so hot that I will be screaming, yeah baby, put it in baby. Arhh! Shit! Fuck it baby… She said, and laughed. Tricia, didn't say a word to her too she just watched her act her drama and didn't mind whatsoever she does.After sometime, she was done dressing and looking cool was an understatement to use she is better looking so hot.Wh
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Eighty one
In the evening, when Andrew, returned home, he wasn't happy. Because, he had a sore day. Even though, Angela, tried to make things so interesting, it was also not working plus the fact that the industry, was being signed to another individual and account and also, he wasn't allowed to be in there. If not for the presence of Angela, he wouldn't have been allowed to be in there and take survey of anything.“Thank you, you made today memorable I'm happy.”Angela, thanked and gave Andrew, a warm hug before, she went to her room.“Where is sir LED?”He asked Ann, who just came out to welcome him.“He hasn't returned sir.”“Alright.”Nodded and walked inside his room he was certain, something was wrong. He needed to discuss with him why the industry, was linked to a different account and a different name too.When he entered inside, his room lit was switched on. The red and blue coloured light. And slow music was also playing. On the table as a fruity wine placed and turned into a glass. He
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Eighty two
She stood transfixed as she stared around she doesn't know if it's Sir LED, who has done this or not.“How did you discover this?”She whispered and Sir LED, looked up at her. He didn't realize she has being standing there and for how long she was there.“How long have you been there?”He asked and she just stared at him angrily, for not answering her questions.“Not long. I was here a minute ago.”“Well… I have discovered this today, I had being called by one of my boys about the new development. I wanted to know what Andrew, was always after as to why he always return late and also, and leaves very early. I knew something was bothering him, or he could be bothering something.”“Okay, so, it was last night?”Asked Doris, very quickly. He doesn't know if. Sir LED, knows she is the one who had held Mrs. Kate hostage for that long.“Yes! This video was sent to me this morning and I needed to confirm, so, I went to the hospital myself to see things.”He explained sadly. “And you see, I
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Eighty three
“Where? Although, sometimes people look alike.” She answered trying to end the conversation, she took a cake and bite from it.“You look naturally beautiful, I was wondering, if you don't wear makeup for a whole month, you will find a lover. The makeup makes you look so intimidating.”Angela, fueled the fire lady Doris,hoped must have ended.“Thanks, but this cake taste so good.”“If Ann, make it, you will eat your fingers along.”Sir LED, smiled and took a bite from the cake and Angela, did take a bite too.“I will retire to my room at once.”Sir LED, spoke and went inside. He doesn't want the conversation to exceed this length. Else, there would be commotion.“Alright, goodbye goodnight.”Lady Doris, said and stood to her to leave. She base Angela, good-bye and left.The next morning, before, they all could get up from their sleep, sir LED, already left for the airport. Andrew, had made sure to say awake and he ordered Gapore, to drive him safely to the airport and wait till his fl
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Eighty four
Quickly, Andrew, was rushed into the hospital, he was moved to the operating room and Mrs. Kate was asked to stay cool as she panicked something might happen to his son. Luckily, Gapore, had arrived earlier, he helped consoled Mrs. Kate and Wondered where Felicia, might be.“I don't want to loose my son Gapore! I don't want to loose him. Nothing should happen to my boy! I have yarn for him all these years.”Mrs. Kate lamented as Gapore, made her sit quietly on the chair while he assured her that everything will be okay.“Sir Andrew, is a very strong man, don't worry, he will be fine.”“His heart will be operated I can't let my son go through stress. I… don't want that gapore.”“It is alright ma'am, everything will fall in place.”He assured and went aside to call Tricia,the first call, she didn't pick his calls until the second time. Gapore, quickly had her to come to the hospital to see things for herself. Quickly, she took a taxi, down to the hospital.When she stopped at the ward,
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Eighty five
While in the car, Tricia, was greatly lost In thought she stared out through the car window gazing at everything as they speedily pass them. Her heart still bothered about Andrew's condition. She somehow, she might have contributed to that. If she had come with Andrew, then all this wouldn't have happened and if she did speak regarding the matter, then this wouldn't happen at all. She stared until a tear dropped from her eyes and she didn't notice it. “Yeah! We have arrive.”Gapore, said, to Mrs. Kate, and she was like whoah to see all of that. She smiled and tapped Tricia,on her shoulders.“Did you see that? Isn't it lovely after so many years to see the world again?”She said, and Tricia, jot back to reality. She didn't want Mrs. Kate to notice she had being thinking or sobbing, she quickly, dried off her tears and smiled at her but, Mrs. Kate noticed anyway.“Come on dear, are you okay?”She questioned and Tricia, replied yes and Tricia, smiled at her to convince her. Mrs. Kate ju
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Eight six
“Hmm!hmm..”Mrs.Kate cleared her throat as she placed her hand on her shoulders. Tricia, turned in shock because, she wasn't expecting anyone to be there.“Oh! Mother!”She turned slowly and gave a smile, while Mrs.kate, just looked at her and smiled stroking her hair lovely.“Are you okay mother? Did…”“Don't let anything bother you my dear. meanwhile, what was that on the phone? Is someone harassing you or trying to blackmail you?”Mrs. Kate asked and Tricia, just stared she doesn't know how to explain to Mrs. Kate, the situation on ground also, she doesn't want to feel embarrassed.“Well… mother, it is actually, nothing a matter of no big…”“Are you sure?”Mrs. Kate asked more concerned she could see through Tricia's eyes that there is something bothering her, something beyond her control. She could see insecurity and fear hovering around her.“Yes mother, it's actually nothing I can handle it. If there's anything, I will let you know.”She gave a reassuring smile along with her wo
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Eighty Seven
“How did you then allow her get pregnant for your husband? Are you also married to Andrew?” She asked and Tricia, bite her lower lips. she doesn't know what to answer this is a great chaos. She isn't married to Andrew, either should she disclose this to Mrs. Kate. “Uhmm…well, mother, I and Andrew, haven't gotten married we… we were about to do that before…” “Where does Angela, stays?” She cut in immediately and Tricia, told her that she stays with them at the Pablo's mansion and Mrs. Kate sighed deeply. she sat up and paced round her room for a moment before beaming a smile at Tricia, and sent her away. “I know my fortune is inauspicious.” She murmured as she slammed the door against her and tears trickled down her face. At the moment she is feeling so nervous, anxiety all around her. She felt it like a mistake to have informed Mrs. Kate about this. Nonetheless, she was only trying to protect herself and her unborn child. “I have to be strong for myself and for my baby. I really
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Eighty eight
Once, they got to the hospital she noticed Angela, was already there. She became hesitant to get down from the car but, on the other hand, she just walked out and walked heads up ignoring all the stares. “Tricia? How could you do that to the Person you claimed to love? Was it money you need or fame? I have learnt that girls who grew from the slum always seeks every opportunity to advance their situation.” Angela, quickly attacked her, holding her wrist and that made Tricia, a bit startled she didn't want to do this with her not here in the presence of all this people beside, this is a hospital and not somewhere else. “Have you suddenly gone dumb? Ohh! I know I have spoken the very truth. You just want to kill Andrew, and claim all that is his! All that he has worked so hard to gain isn't it?” She questioned again, refusing Tricia, from talking and Tricia, looked so bothered until she saw that a camera was before her. “What are you doing Angela? Why trying to ruin yourself?” She q
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Eighty nine
“What's your identity I mean what family did you come from and how did you meet my son Andrew?” Mrs. Kate asked at once and Tricia, was disturbed about this question but, nonetheless, she just stayed low and let her see what Mrs. Kate, is up to. “ I'm from the Dominic's. The president of Iraq and I am the only daughter among three wealthy boys.” She explained and Tricia, looked so surprised but, when she was about to think the awkward, Angela, continued describing herself. “I am also, not a spoilt daughter of an influential man, I am also, made to be good in business. Well… my academic qualifications, I had studied business and graduated as a top class student and I am a journalist and a lawyer too. I basically, help firms and those…” “That's terrific!” Mrs. Kate, cut her short in her words.she could see the glimpse of pride in her voice and actions. Tricia, on the hand, was just looking in mouth agape she just was already feeling nervous and could just say what is going to happ
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