All Chapters of A Billionaire's Conundrum : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
148 chapters
Chapter hundred thirty one
On the drive to the industrial layout which Hanson had sent him the location to, Jeremy reflected on his relationship with Sinclair. For some odd reason, he felt really bad reflecting on how much he had become dependent on the lawyer. During his first few months getting introduced into the Kingston case, the only person he walked closely with was Hanson whom he had known a long time ago. But somehow, Sinclair had gotten into the picture and now he couldn't even deny that the man was a strong bark behind him throughout the race. He also felt bad for trying to sideline him, although this time not because he mistrusted him but because yet again he was trying to make sure no one got trapped in the dynamite that was his life. Jeremy sighed lightly, his hands tightly wrapped around the steering wheel as he turned into the busy street. Hanson had informed him of a certain account officer who was closer to lord Kingston than the rest. He figured that if anybody knew much about the whereabo
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Chapter hundred thirty two
Benedict looked shocked himself. Jeremy was almost certain there was no way he could school or dramatize the shock plastered on his face at that time. "His account? Are you sure about this?" He asked and Jeremy nodded. "There was a withdrawal made some time, three years ago, it was done using the lord's token," he replied. Benedict excused himself and went into his room for a minute. Jeremy wondered what he wanted to check out but it must have been urgent because she left abruptly. He didn't exactly feel safe in the big house with the mean-looking man. But he had sent his location to Hanson and so he was confident. A few minutes later, he returned with a laptop and another device he could not name. Benedict laid it on the table and began to explain what he was looking at. "First of all, who the fuck are you? Why are you asking about the lord's account?" The man asked as if suddenly realizing that he didn't know Jeremy and what his motive was. "I'm a partner of the Kingston empir
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Chapter hundred thirty three
Hilda stood at the edge of the balcony. Looking down at the distance longingly. She had never been a fan of giving up or believing that all was over, but as she looked at the field below, She could sympathize with all suicide victims. For a minute, despite her strength and resilience, Hilda almost contemplated jumping down from the balcony and ending it. It would be the end of all her worries and sleepless nights, she would finally rest peacefully knowing that nobody claimed the inheritance and she had to watch them take over all she and her husband had worked for. But in a twisted way, Hilda also knew that would be a failure. It would mean that she did not get to the inheritance anyway, dead or alive. With a heavy sigh, she swirled the wine in her glass slowly and pulled her coat closer, blowing out the cold air. It was mid-morning and the sun was just barely rising, coloring the horizon beautifully with multiple shades, Hilda could recall when she was younger. All she ever wanted
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Chapter hundred thirty four
The little box was shaking in Hilda's hand as the memories assailed her. Those same blue eyes had pierced into hers in the parking lot and threatened to destroy her marriage if she dared confront her again. Hilda tossed the box to the ground, silently cursing Gilbert for even handing her that invitation. The last thing she needed in her life was the drama of meeting her husband's ex-mistress. She had too much going on in her frail little head to add another ton of drama. "That's not how to treat a gift, Hilda, I recalled the last time we met you wanted the ruby, I have decided to give it to you," The woman said. Cynthia, Cynthia had been her name. Hilda could recall meeting her a few times at the boutique but both women had passed themselves like they didn't know each other. Now, she was back and looking for Hilda. "How did you know where I stay?" Hilda asked as she recalled that the invitation had been hand-delivered to her doorstep. The woman left and retorted teasingly, "Don't y
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Chapter hundred thirty five
Heart racing at what Cynthia just said, Hilda was frozen to the spot. She watched as the woman staggered back to the poolside and grabbed another bottle of wine. Hilda noticed that most of the women around the pool had slowly left, it was just her, Cynthia, and a nosey lady by the side who was more interested in what was going on with herself and Cynthia rather than the swimming she'd come for. "A Kingston you said?" Hilda asked, hoping her voice did not betray her emotions - fear, disgust, murder. Cynthia gulped down another glass of wine and nodded aggressively, "What do you want? DNA results?" She asked drunkenly, her voice rising an octave higher. From her movements and gestures, she wouldn't be able to have a decent discussion in just a few minutes, she was taking the wine too hard and too fast. She was drunk. "Oh, you have no idea what I'll need to see before I believe that crap!" Hilda retorted, glaring at her. Cynthia laughed, she leaned on the table and then belched loudl
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Chapter hundred thirty six
The sun was high up in the sky, its rays quite scorching. Jeremy wore a pair of sunglasses as he looked down from the balcony of his office, his mind far off, deep in thought. Jeremy had not been at the Mercury Healer for quite a long time, he had a piling desk of paperwork and although his secretary, Bob, was very helpful, there was only so much that the man could do.The company was doing quite well, although clients remained questioning the CEO's identity, they still invested and worked with the Mercury Healer Healer. Jeremy realized that although some people still could not link him to the mercury healer as the CEO, they sure had their suspicions and one of such people was Bob, his secretary.Although Bob did not say anything nor had he even insinuated about such since he started working for Jeremy, Jeremy could see in the man's eyes sometimes when the topic was being mentioned that Bob had his theories and Jeremy was in that mix somewhere. "You have a visitor downstairs," a voi
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Chapter hundred thirty seven
Hilda paced the length of the room, she couldn't seem to get her feet to stop moving even if she tried. Her face was contorted into an ugly frown and her fist clenched until her knuckles whitened. "You're going to get a heart attack, mum, the doctor has said that your blood pressure is very high and you need to calm down," Gilbert advised as calmly as he could when he noticed that he was beginning to gasp for breath. "I am fine! The doctor is a bloody idiot who doesn't know anything but how to get his monthly cheque!" She snapped, spittle flying as she spoke. Gilbert sighed and kept mute in his seat. He should have guessed that she wouldn't react in any other way than that. Hilda fumed, she still didn't take her seat despite what her son was saying. And yes, she knew she was at risk of a heart attack. She had been since the horrible incident with Bradford. The humiliation was getting out of hand and the money that she'd lost was beginning to take a toll on the family's finances."F
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Chapter hundred thirty eight
An ice cream truck sang loudly beside the car as Jeremy sat in front of the bank, waiting for Benedict to meet him. It was a Thursday noon and Jeremy had a lot of meetings just waiting for him at the office, but Benedict's matter was something that needed all his attention. The driver turned the air conditioner higher as he noticed that Jeremy was getting a little shifty in his seat. But he had no idea that it had nothing to do with the heat but the anxiety of waiting for Benedict's arrival. A few minutes later, Jeremy was already reaching for his phone to call Hanson. "What do you have for me?" He asked and the man told him that there was no development on the withdrawal. It could not be traced and it was as if it had just vanished, from the account to thin air. "You've searched all Kingston's accounts at the same time that the withdrawal was made? Gilbert too?" He asked. Hanson said he'd tried his best, "Their official accounts have not received anything of such an amount for the
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Chapter hundred thirty nine
Jeremy spent a full night, missing sleep and any rest just to sort through the account records that Benedict had given to him. It looked as dormant as he would have expected. The last transfer had been made when lord Kingston was still operational and living with his family. In the following years after his disappearance, there was no activity whatsoever in his private account. The money remained intact in an unknown currency, even Benedict had no exact idea how much lord Kingston had in his account. Kingston was not called the most powerful man in the city for nothing, he had the wealth of a hundred men and oftentimes people criticized him for living like an ordinary man when he should have been living like some god. As much as Jeremy could understand why Kingston decided to split his wealth between partners, he still could not fathom why he would deny his son access to his account. He had enough money to take care of his family many years after his disappearance even if they neve
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Chapter hundred forty
It felt good to see the Sinclair firm standing strong again after the unfortunate incident that ruined the entire place. As Jeremy drove in, he couldn't help but marvel at the sight.The building was towering, the signpost proud at the entrance and the grass had been replaced with synthetic grass carpets that looked way healthier than the original thing. Jeremy couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of plastic. At the parking lot, he could see Sinclair's car on the left side as he stepped out and shut his door, locking the car behind him. The lobby was redesigned a little but he could still see some semblance of the old firm in the renovations. In the elevator, he looked at his watch, it was a few minutes after noon and he was happy to have arrived on time. His mission at the bank proved abortive. Benedict had not been kidding when he said that he was risking his life and entire career just by getting copies of the records. Jeremy was barely allowed into the accountant's office and
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