All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
160 chapters
The events which unfolded right before the mansion was a shocking experience for all those who witnessed it. Xander had stormed Mr James' house in the sleek red Rolls Royce that Mr James gave him. While everyone thought Xander to be a mad man it was finally revealed that Xander was actually up to something. The drive that Xander gave to the police actually contained proof that mayor Sebastian and Mr James were involved in criminal activities which included embezzlement and trafficking. "How did you get this?" Lina asked, the moment they had returned into the living room and were sitting down. "I contacted an old acquaintance of mine who was a hacker." Xander replied. "Employ a criminal to catch a criminal?" Lina raised her eyebrows questionably and Xander shrugged. "Well, one of them had to go and at the time, I chose the Mayor.""I can't believe my father would stoop so low." Lina's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Sure he's been cold and he's been cruel but I never believed him
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Xander found himself walking down an empty street. Every building on either side of him seemed deserted or destroyed. The street itself was eerily quiet but Xander walked on. To what purpose was he heading? Xander himself could not tell, he only knew that he was supposed to walk and that is what he did, he walked on. Suddenly, it felt as if he was being watched. The hair at the back of his neck stood in anticipation. Xander turned quickly but saw no one behind him. Maybe he was only mistaken. But as he turned to the path he was following, he was surprised to see a figure standing there dressed all in black with a hood lowered on his face. "One way or the other, I will get that ring. One way or the other I will have my way." The mysterious figure sneered. "Go Xander." Another voice would shout from afar, urging him on in urgency. "The weapon Xander! Find the weapon!" This new voice would yell. Before Xander could make a move, the mysterious figure would reach out and choke him wit
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The room was dark with no lighting save for the moonlight penetrating through the light curtains of the bedroom. Quietly, he crept about the room, careful not to arouse the original occupants of the house. He needed to carry out his mission as quietly as possible. The intruder tip toed about quietly, his outfit blending into the darkness of the room. His movements were as quiet as a snake as he made his way to his target, a huge wardrobe which stood beside the huge bed. He quickly uncorked a vial of liquid he had brought with him and in one spray he emptied the contents in the wardrobe. His mission was completed. ****Xander and Lina returned home late that day. They had been out at the open air restaurant they frequented. As they both entered the house, Xander flicked a switch and the lights came on. "I'm telling you Xander we need to leave, we need to disappear and leave everything behind." Lina was saying. "Why do you think my father and the Mayor have been released? The dragon
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"You are invited to attend Mr James' soiree which is held tomorrow evening at 8pm. Don't be late." Xander read the message out loudly. His eyes immediately went to Lina's face after reading the note. "A soiree?" Xander asked. "Yea it's a kind of evening party." Lina replied. "Of course I know what it is.. But still a soiree? Immediately after he's left jail?""I know right?" Lina nodded. "Knowing my father well, I know that he's up to something here.""Maybe an important message he needs to pass across?""It's called a party Xander, we won't be the only people in attendance. The question is, should we attend this?"Xander thought silently for a while. It was clear that he was having conflicting thoughts at this moment but after a while, he steadied himself. "I think we should honour this invitation." He said. ***In another place a figure lurked in the shadows patiently waiting. The night breeze rustled the leaves softly and the mysterious figure shifted uncomfortably, she had wait
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Lina too looked round the room quickly. "Where's my father?" She asked, clearly noting his absence now. "Probably hatching an evil plan somewhere no doubt." Xander replied dismissively. "We shouldn't have come." Lina spoke again after a long pause. "We shouldn't have come here.""Relax love. We're here now so let's just flow with the moment." Xander smiled reassuringly. "Hey..... Here they are... The couple of the century." He called out loudly and without waiting for an invite, he dropped into an empty chair at Xander and Lina's table. It was Richard. "Richard." Xander said quietly, his eyes boring straight into his rival's eyes. "Xander." Richard smiled back at him. "How long has it been, buddy. I miss you for real.""Do you know?" Lina asked sarcastically. "Hey.... Lina." Richard turned to Lina as if noticing her for the first time. "Lina, our little heiress. The woman of the house, there you are. I thought you wouldn't be joining us.""We're sorry to disappoint you. What are
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Mr James stood at the top of the stairs overlooking the huge room with its gathering. He also wore a long white coat with matching trousers and shoes. In his mouth was a huge Cuban cigar and at his side stood the ex Mayor, Sebastian. Sebastian was also clad richly in a white suit. At his neck, a golden tie clip shined brightly and the toes and heels of his shoes were laced with gold as well. "Welcome, welcome you all to this great gathering." Mr James spoke out to the crowd. "At this moment I have but one command only, enjoy yourself." He clapped his hands together signalling the music to continue. The soft music continued together with the chink of glasses and chatter. Mr James descended the stairs with Sebastian beside him, the latter's shoes sounding loudly on the marbled floor. Servants bowed and parted quickly as Mr James made his way straight to the head of the crowd and sat down, his eyes never looking towards Xander's direction. However, Sebastian made his way straight to
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Xander grabbed her hand and he concentrated again but not as hard as before. The ring emitted a tiny wisp of red mist. Xander knew that Lina was not okay but he could not tell what was the reason behind this. He was about to check again with the ring when a voice came behind him. "You came." Xander turned around immediately to see Mr James standing there with his cigar in hand. He appeared to be amused as he gazed upon Xander and then Lina. "Hello daughter." He said. "Father." Lina said sharply, her face devoid of emotions. "It's good to see you again Lina." Mr James said. "Yes and I'm about to leave so whatever you called us here for, whatever you wanted to say to us, say it now." Lina went straight to the point. Mr James smiled. "All business huh? Well, I have an offer for you Xander, an irresistible offer. ""I'm listening." Xander said forcefully. "Well, we're ready to offer you money, a house outside the city where you would live out your life with the woman you so love, Li
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"She needs help, Doctor!" Xander yelled, his cry of urgency plunging the Doctor into action immediately. "Bring her in quick!" Dr Rasher called as he quickly stepped aside allowing them to enter. Doctor Rasher directed them to his guest room where Lina was carefully laid on the bed. Dr Rasher went to work immediately examining Lina and Xander stood at the side breathing heavily as he watched. In his mind, Xander hoped that nothing happened to Lina. Xander hoped that Dr Rasher would be able to figure something out even though he himself could not. "Wait in the living room." Dr Rasher instructed him suddenly. "No.. I'm not going anywhere. I'll not leave her." Xander protested, clearly disturbed at the notion of leaving Lina. "Xander I can't do my work very well when you're pacing there in an agitated manner." Doctor Rasher replied calmly. "I need space."Xander stopped and thought for a while before finally leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Once he stepped out, the fi
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Doctor Rasher sighed and hesitated for a while, clearly uncomfortable with what he was about to say next. "There's an ancient family of healers that could be of help to you. They are versed in the art of healing and there's hardly anything they can't heal." Dr Rasher spoke finally. "That's just it?" Xander asked in anticipation. "Okay, where is this family please?""They live on the outskirts of the city. They are also a powerful family and they also owe their allegiance to the dragon group."Xander's expression became worried at the new information he received. "Dragon group?" He asked. "Yes. If there's one cause they are solely and totally dedicated to, it is the Dragon group Xander." Xander thought for a while. What exactly would I do now? Was he supposed to turn to an enemy to help? Even if he does so, will they give him the help that he required? Those questions were questions Xander could not answer at the moment. Xander then made up his mind to try and save Lina even if it
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"Look closely at that guy who attacked the mayor. It is him." The cab driver argued. The leader of the gang of thugs turned back and glared at Xander. He scanned Xander in his fierce gaze from the latter's head down to the toes. "Are you the man this thing speaks of?" He inquired loudly."No sir. I'm not." Xander replied hastily, ceasing this opportunity to wriggle himself out of the trouble he faced."Search him." The leader ordered and immediately, two of the thugs moved forward to search Xander. They searched his pockets and any space he had on himself thoroughly but all they found was just a meagre amount of money."This is the only thing we could find, Boss." One of the men said as he held out the money to their leader. The leader snatched it angrily from him and stuffed it into his pockets."So I'm free to leave now right?" Xander inquired hopefully.But the leader's back was turned to him at the moment. "I'll deal with you later." The leader said to the cab driver who had brou
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