All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
160 chapters
After a stressful meeting with Mr. James in the well-appointed study room, Xander emerged glad but exhausted to find Lina patiently waiting for him outside. She sat on a sleek black bench with her delicate legs crossed and a troubled furrow between her brows. 'What went on in there?' Lina questioned Xander as soon as she saw him. 'Nothing worth bothering about.' Xander soothed her with a dazzling smile he knew would allay her fears. 'You keep repeating that.' Lina grumbled, her frustration clear.Xander did not blame her for being inquisitive. He had been circumspect about their appointment with Mr. James, but Xander had his reasons. He couldn't let Lina become entangled in the perilous game he was playing. 'Alright, okay, I'll tell you, but only after I eat dinner.' Xander finally agreed, hoping to distract her with food. He knew Lina enjoyed fine cuisine, and he wanted her to relax before he conveyed any information. 'Oh, good. I'll have one of the chefs prepare something.' Lina
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Helena sat in the opulent sitting room, her fingers pounding on the armrest of the velvet sofa as she gazed at the fireplace. Her mother, Lady Willow, stood on the other side of the room, her long dress swishing as she paced back and forth. They were debating a proposal that may transform their lives forever. After hours of deliberation, Helena was forced to accept that her mother was correct. They had a legitimate opportunity here. It all revolves on her ex-husband, Xander. Lady Willow proposed that Helena return to him, pretending to have changed her mind and wish to be with him again. Xander would be dumb to trust her, but they would exploit this to their advantage. Helena planned to steal Xander's powerful ring, a family heirloom said to bestow the owner incredible power. Helena's thoughts raced as Lady Willow paced. The plan was dangerous. However, the potential gain was too enormous to overlook. She could already envision their prestige and influence in the city if they owned
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Xander stood at the crossroads, his mind racing as Ariel"s words replayed in his head. He wanted to ignore her pleas and continue on his walk, but her pleading eyes and pouting lips tugged at his emotions. He could feel the anguish and longing in her eyes, and he couldn't force himself to reject her. He had just gone for a short stroll, hoping to clear his mind and escape the chaos that had overrun his life. Lina, his girlfriend, would be waiting for him at the hotel room where they had spent the night before. But now, faced with Ariel's plea, he was divided between wanting to meet Lina and feeling guilty for ignoring his old acquaintance."I'm sorry, Ariel," he finally said, the words heavy on his tongue. 'I just can't do it right now.' Ariel's pout intensified, and she bit her lower lip, a motion that Xander recognized all too well. She was on the verge of tears, and he couldn't stand to watch her cry. 'That's not fair, Xander.' she said, her voice full of despair. 'I am not aski
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Xander's thoughts raced as he sat across from Ariel in the small, pleasant café. He realized he needed to make things right with Lina, and quickly. He saw the sorrow and wrath on her face when she found him holding Ariel earlier. He could only hope she would not abandon him over this. "I'm sorry, Ariel, but I really have to go now." Xander replied, pushing his chair back and standing up. He could feel the strain mounting in his chest as he prepared to chase Lina. "Oh my God, s'm so sorry, Xander." Ariel apologized hastily, reaching out to clasp Xander's hand. But there was no need for her apologies, even though it was the second she had given him difficulty before. Xander vividly remembered the first time, when Ariel's mother looked at him with contempt, believing he was forcing himself on her daughter. And now, at this café, Ariel's advances had cost Xander dearly yet again. Xander had only consented to meet with Ariel out of concern for her, unaware that it would lead to this. He
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Xander's mind raced as he attempted to figure out what game Mr James was currently playing on him. Lina's worried and confused voice interrupted his thoughts. "What is going on, Dad?" she inquired, her face furrowed in fear. Mr James simply smirked and waved toward the house, his eyes bright with delight. Xander felt a little bit uneasy at the imposing mansion before him. As he and Lina had arrived here, Xander had noticed his ex-wife, Helena, waiting on the porch with Mr James. Her face was smeared with tears, and her eyes were red and puffy. Xander's heart tightened at the sight, wondering what could have happened and that Helena may have suffered greatly as a result of this. He followed Mr James into the home, his steps heavy with fear, as Lina went by him, her hand securely gripping his for support. They all settled into the living room, with Xander still standing while Mr James relaxed comfortably in his favourite recliner. Xander couldn't help but be irritated by Mr James' e
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Lina's heart plummeted as she gazed at the man who was supposed to be her future husband. She stepped back in astonishment, attempting to distance herself from this stranger whom her father had chosen fit for her. Her expression showed shock and panic, with her eyes wide and mouth open. And as Lina struggled for words, Xander, who had been silent the entire time, felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. His beloved Lina, the lady with whom he had recently begun a relationship, was now being pushed to marry someone else. How could this happen? How could everything deteriorate so quickly?Xander's hands curled into fists as he battled to keep his wrath and irritation at bay. He knew he couldn't stop this, that Lina's fate had already been decided. The mayor and Mr James wielded considerable power in the city. But he couldn't stand by and watch her be coerced into a loveless marriage. As he looked at Lina's tear-stained face, Xander knew that this could be the moment he had been d
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Xander sat in the guest room, his gaze locked on the window as he recalled the events of three weeks earlier. It had been a watershed event, potentially changing the trajectory of his life forever. He had stepped before Mr. James and Mayor Sebastian, the town's two most powerful leaders, and made an arrangement that would turn his life upside down. They had asked him to avoid Lina, his true love, and to welcome his ex-wife back into his life. Lina's astonishment and dismay were evident, and Xander felt guilty for giving her such misery.He anticipated her to lash out at him, yell and cuss, and possibly physically attack him. Instead, she simply turned and exited the room, a disappointed expression on her face. That reaction devastated Xander, leaving him humiliated and defeated. True to their word, Mr. James had given Xander a brand-new Rolls-Royce and a fully furnished bungalow to live in with his ex-wife, Helena. Xander was suspicious of Helena's sudden reappearance after being aw
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"Stay back, Helena," Xander advised her before leaving. But Helena had different plans. She couldn't let down her mother, Lady Willow. As soon as Xander passed the corner, she dashed away on her own errand. Helena arrived at the cafe quickly, as it was just around the corner. She threw open the glass door, the ringing of its little bell signalling her approach. Her gaze swiftly roamed the dimly lit room, landing on her mother, who sat alone at a little table in the corner. Helena approached Lady Willow without hesitation and took the seat across from her. Her mom's face brightened up as she saw her. "There she is." Lady Willow said, her voice full of pride and adoration. "The Golden Woman." "Hello, mother." Helena said, attempting to mask her tiredness. She had spent the entire time doing errands for Lady Willow, and she was starting to feel the weight of her mother's expectations on her shoulders. "Helena, how are things going?" Lady Willow inquired, leaning forward conspiratoria
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The few servants standing outside the home paused in their work, their eyes widening in surprise at the unexpected sight of Xander wielding a weapon at such an early hour. They talked amongst themselves, wondering what could be producing such an outburst of aggression. Their conjecture was swiftly quiet when Xander called for Mr James to appear. The housemaster, known for his fury and harsh manner, was undoubtedly shocked by the noise outside. He arrived on the balcony overlooking the driveway, his eyes focused in displeasure as he looked down at the intruder.Mr James was plainly not prepared for the day, still dressed in his rumpled nightgown, his hair unkempt, and his eyes hazy from just waking up. But that didn't stop his voice from being filled with anger and venom as he shouted, "What do you think you're doing, young man?" Xander's expression remained constant, as did his determination. "I've come here to make a statement." he said, his voice firm and unyielding despite the te
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A sneer curled at the edges of Xander's mouth as he met the Mayor's stare with steely determination. "You do not have three days, Mayor Sebastian." he stated. "What?" The Mayor's confusion was obvious. Xander swung the bat with all his strength in one rapid motion, catching the Mayor off guard and landing a heavy blow on his skull. The sound of the impact echoed throughout the yard as the Mayor collapsed to the ground, the bat still clenched tightly in Xander's fingers. As the astonished officers hurried to their fallen Mayor, it was as if time had stopped. All eyes were on Xander, incredulity written on their faces. His movements had been fast and decisive, catching everyone off guard.And at that moment, it was evident that nothing would stop Xander from fighting for the woman he loved.Gasps of surprise and fear echoed across the room as Xander stood over the fallen Mayor, his grip on the bat still firm. Lina, Xander's longtime friend and confidante, Lina was shocked. She could
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