All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
160 chapters
The lighting in the room was poor. The only light came from the street lights outside. Xander did not mind though. As a matter of fact, this was perfect for him. Xander sat there in the dark and he waited. Quietly. Xander had left Dr Rasher's house undercover of darkness. At the time he left doctor Rasher was not at home, only the wife and Ariel. Xander did not see Ariel on his way out. However, he said his goodbyes to Mrs Rasher and received a cold and stern look instead. Xander was used to this so he really did not mind. As he sat there in that dark room waiting, his mind raced with different thoughts about what had happened to him lately. Xander could not believe that all this was happening to him at the moment. The mysterious dragon group was after him and at the same time, Richard had moved in to make his life a living hell. Xander was forced to fight a battle with two fronts. Xander was determined to get to the bottom of everything soon enough. He would clear his name and s
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Xander's heart raced as he hurriedly distanced himself from Helena. By using his ring, he was able to disappear and remain undetected. He appeared in a shadowy, uninhabited warehouse. He intended to strategize a way to overcome Richard and demonstrate his innocence.He was aware that he needed to act fast. Richard had spread false information about Xander, causing others to have a negative perception of him. Xander believed he needed to retaliate against Richard and make sure everyone knew the truth. Xander started to make arrangements with a strong sense of purpose in his eyes.He sought indisputable evidence that would demonstrate Richard's involvement in his predicament.How was he to accomplish such a challenging task? As he sat in the dusty warehouse, Xander thought about Lina. She held an influential role in the city, and he was aware that she might have the ability to assist him in uncovering some negative information about Richard. However, He declined the idea because he unde
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Xander's stomach churned with nerves as he prepared to confide in Lina. He knew it was dangerous, but he couldn't keep it secret anymore. He inhaled deeply before addressing her with meaningful words."Okay, I will tell you everything," Xander said, sounding a bit nervous. He pointed to an empty box in the dark warehouse, the perfect spot for them to talk. He quickly sat on the box and tapped the other side."Please sit with me, Your Majesty," he said, asking Lina to join him. She smiled at him and walked over gracefully, her sweater and jeans were a little dusty from being in the warehouse.When Lina sat next to him, Xander was amazed at how much she had changed at that moment. The rich girl who came in a fancy car and expensive clothes, was now sitting on an old box in a deserted building, without any signs of her wealth and power. The search for Xander's past was a quest taken on by Lina, a young woman.'Alright spill the beans, I'm ready.' Lina said with interest and care. Xander
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Xander felt his heart beating fast as he stood still in the dark warehouse. He held Lina's hand tightly and her fingers were shaking against his. He gazed at the intimidating figures wearing hoods, who had forcibly entered through the door and were now surrounding them in a menacing manner.One of the men stepped forward and spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Please don't run," he said, taking off his hood to show his scarred face. Xander quickly knew he was one of the guys who were chasing him before.Despite feeling scared, Xander didn't want to reveal his emotions. He knew these men were not here to give out candy or have a friendly talk. He prepared himself for what might happen, knowing he needed to be strong for Lina."Do you know who we are?" the man with the scars asked while looking straight at Xander."I know what you are." Xander replied in a confident voice.The man grinned like a wild animal and bared his sharp teeth."What do you want from me? Xander asked as
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Lina's shiny, black car stopped outside the gate of Richard's company. She breathed in and looked at herself in the mirror before turning off the car. As she got out of the car, the security guard at the gate came up to her right away."Can I see your ID please? " The security man asked, sounding serious and official.Lina promptly handed over her ID to the man without hesitation.After a quick glance, he reacted with wide eyes when he realized who it was. Suddenly, his expression changed and he suddenly stood upright."I'm sorry, ma'am," he said nervously, speaking with respect now. 'I didn't recognize you. 'Lina didn't say anything, but she looked at the man with a serious expression. He pushed a button on the gate, and it opened with a buzzing sound. While the security man was dealing with Lina, he failed to recognize Xander who was riding in the passenger seat right next to Lina.'It's important that you keep my visit here a secret, do you understand?' Lina said firmly.He appear
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Richard took a big breath and opened his drawer to find a flash drive. He had kept this secret since the meeting, and now it was time to tell the truth. He couldn't afford to hide it anymore because of the possible consequences."I secretly recorded the meeting just in case," he said quietly. He was shaking when he opened his drawer and took out a small flash drive. It had the recording of his talk with Mr. James, the man who started this entire plan.He looked at Xander, who was nervously waiting in front of his desk. Richard gave Xander the flash drive. "Our meeting was recorded on it." Richard said.Xander quickly grabbed it and put it in his pocket. He looked very happy and excited. He had come to Richard's office Lina, hoping to find proof that could get Richard in trouble. They were unaware, but they were on the verge of discovering something significant.Richard's voice suddenly interrupted the silence, bringing Xander and Lina back to the present moment. "Mr James came to me a
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Xander's palm trembled as he grasped the flash drive, its contents reflecting the awful reality he had recently discovered. He couldn't believe what he was seeing: Scar Face, the notorious criminal who had been after him, standing right next to Lina's own father, Mr. James. This was clear evidence that Lina's father was firmly involved in the group Xander was investigating. Xander turned to face Lina, desperately trying to disguise his knowledge. Her eyes were fixated on the road as she drove, fully unaware of the film playing on her laptop. He hastily put the flash drive in his pocket, not wanting her to see the incriminating proof. No, he could not let her be upset. He was quite capable of handling this on his own. At least that is what he told himself. 'What's the problem?' Lina's words interrupted Xander's thoughts, causing him to startle slightly. He attempted a smile before shaking his head. 'Oh, it's nothing,' he said casually, attempting to play it off as a little matter. Bu
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Lina's sleek black automobile came to a smooth stop in front of her family's magnificent and opulent home. She breathed a sigh of relief as she shut off the engine, the opulent interior's humming coming to a standstill. "Here we are," she said, looking over at her silent companion in the passenger seat, Xander. Xander was lost in contemplation, still reeling from the events of only a few minutes before, when they had retrieved a flash drive from an anxious person named Richard. His mind was still racing, attempting to figure out the connection between Lina's father and the mysterious dragon gang. Why would Mr. James join such a deadly organization? The questions burned in Xander's head. But for now, he kept his thoughts to himself as they exited the automobile. As they reached the massive house, Xander couldn't help but marvel at its magnificence. The immaculate lawn, the imposing exterior, and the servants who stood and stared in surprise as they entered. Xander couldn't help but r
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Lina sat on a comfortable armchair, nervously drumming her fingers on the soft velvet upholstery. Her father, Mr. James, sat behind his enormous mahogany desk, his brow twisted in rage as he stared at her long-time rival, Xander. 'Why do you dislike Xander so much?' Lina spoke up, breaking the uneasy tension in the room. What has he ever done to you? Her father's expression darkened even more as he directed his penetrating glance at Xander. 'It appears you're the blind one here.' he responded coldly. 'I mean, look at him. He's obviously a low-life brat who is up to no good.' Xander only smirked in answer, his black eyes sparkling with delight as he turned to Lina.'Could you spare us a moment, Lina?' he respectfully inquired, shocking her with his abrupt request. She furrowed her brow in perplexity. 'Why? What do you have to say that I'm not a part of?' she inquired, anxious about leaving the two of them alone together. 'Just some little things we need to talk about, one gentleman
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The packed restaurant terrace was filled with the sounds and scents of a beautiful summer evening. The clinking of glasses, the murmur of conversations, and the scent of rich, delicious meals filled the air. However, for Xander, all of these sensations appeared to dissipate as he held the woman he loved. As Lina's gentle lips touched his, a rush of emotion flooded over him, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and immerse himself in the moment. The butterflies in his stomach flew madly, and for a brief minute, he felt as if he were floating on air. Even when they kissed, Xander couldn't shake the feeling that everything was too good to be true. He has experienced scorn, he was judged by others around him for his affections for Lina, but as he held her in his arms, he knew she was his soulmate. Lina's smile lighted up her face as they eventually pulled away, and Xander couldn't help but smile sheepishly in return. The love in her eyes made his heart swell with joy, and no words we
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