All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
160 chapters
Eric stared at the young man that was standing right at him. It took him everything that he had in him to forge ahead towards his direction, knowing that if he didn't do that, it was only going to make things worse than they were already.He dragged his feet over to where Xander was standing and eventually bowed."I'm very sorry for all the troubles that I made you go through. Please forgive me sir." He pleaded, making sure that their eyes didn't make contact.Even though the both of them were almost at the same edge, at the moment Xander seemed to be the one that was older."Since you have already acknowledged your mistake there is no reason for me to keep holding on to it." He finally said."Thanks very much sir." Eric appreciatedWhen he was done with that, Xander turned around towards the direction of doctor Rasher.The grip that was once in his face had suddenly loosen up. "And you did nothing wrong for me to hold a grudge against you Doctor Rasher." He replied, making the face o
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Ariel was lost in her stare for quite a while as she didn't believe what was lying right before her.Xander could see that she was still putting on the shirt that he had given to her, causing a smile on his face.She was still petrified right on the spot that she was standing until she finally forced herself to say."Sir Xander. Is that you?" She could still remember his name clearly.There was another sign to detect that he was the one and she wasn't dreaming of the scar that he had gotten when he got a stab.But it turned out that it was not as bad as she remembered it to be.The rest of the family who didn't understand what was going on between the both of them could only stare and watch.However, there was something that was well known about the behavior of Ariel and that was the fact that she could be very reserved most of the time.Whoever Xander was, he had to be very close to her to have caused such a reaction that her parents would naturally find it difficult to.Without sayi
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Xander was seated at the dining table, experiencing a mix of excitement and nerves. The offer from Doctor Rasher echoed repeatedly in his head, causing him to think quickly. It was hard for him to fathom how fortunate he was. His only task was to utter a few words, and it would belong to him. What is he required to ask for?He looked around the fancy dining room and noticed all the fancy stuff and the good smell of the food being served. He looked at Doctor Rasher, a well-respected doctor who had offered him something. Are you completely sure about this?" Xander asked, wanting to make sure that this offer was real. He felt a little suspicious and wondered if the doctor was playing a mean joke on him.Dr Rasher's nice smile made Xander feel better and calm. "Keep going, Xander. I have decided, I can't do any less for the person who saved my daughter from harmful people.Xander looked at Ariel, the daughter of Doctor Rasher. She had been attacked by a group of men sometime ago. He could
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Xander sat at the supper table, his plate wiped clean, and let out a satisfied sigh. He'd never had a home-cooked supper quite like Mrs. Rasher's. The flavors were deep and soothing, bringing back childhood memories. As he pushed his plate back, he couldn't help but praise the woman who had prepared such a delectable lunch.'Thank you, Mrs. Rasher,' Xander said, his voice overflowing with real gratitude. 'You know how to prepare a decent supper.'Mrs. Rasher's face lit up with a big smile, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. Like any other woman, she was overjoyed to hear someone compliment her cooking abilities. She'd spent hours in the kitchen, lovingly preparing each meal. And now, the gorgeous young Xander who sat in front of her acknowledged her efforts.'You're very welcome, my darling,' Mrs. Rasher said, still beaming with pride. 'I hope you'll return for another supper soon.'Xander nodded, diverting his focus to Dr. Rasher, who was seated at the head of the table. Despite
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When Xander left Doctor Rasher's house, he felt very confused and worried.Many things had occurred in a brief amount of time. After leaving the doctor's house, he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. The streets were crowded, but Xander was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't pay much attention to the people around him. He was lost in thought, recalling the conversation he had with the doctor.People walking by gave him disapproving looks because they didn't like how messy he looked. They believed he was simply a beggar and desired to keep their distance from him. But Xander was used to receiving disapproving glances from the rich and privileged. It didn't bother him anymore. He had learned to ignore it and keep going with his life.However, he felt really burdened by the information he got from Doctor Rasher. The idea of a scary group coming for him made him really scared. He kept checking behind him every few steps, thinking someone might be following hi
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The atmosphere in the busy café was nervous. A short time ago, Richard was on the verge of becoming very angry with Xander and was prepared to unleash his anger on him. Right when he was going to make a move, he was abruptly interrupted by someone at the entrance of the café.Richard looked annoyed when he was interrupted and turned to face the person. But when he saw who it was, he quickly went from being angry to feeling surprised and a bit scared. Lina was the young heiress of a powerful family that controlled the city. And she was the one who had interrupted Richard.Lina was accompanied by her intimidating bodyguards, who were always by her side. As soon as the people saw her, they moved away to give her and her group a lot of space. No one wanted to make Lina mad because she was very powerful and came from a very powerful family.Some of the men who were with Richard, ready to attack Xander, tried to leave quietly, while others stayed to see what would happen next.Lina walked i
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The sun was going down, and its warm light made the fields look golden. The only thing you could hear was the soft noise of the leaves as a shiny black car stopped in front of a big mansion with tall walls.Xander whistled quietly when he saw the amazing view in front of him. The house was very different from any he had seen before, with fancy walls and tall pillars that held up a detailed balcony. This was more than just a house, it was like a big fancy castle."Where are we. " Xander asked, looking at the person next to him. Lina, with her long, dark hair flowing down her shoulders, just smiled back."This is my house," she said, sounding proud.Xander was curious and raised an eyebrow. He had known Lina for a long time, but she never suggested that she wanted to show him where she lived. He thought she lived in a big house, but this was unlike anything he had imagined."Have you been taking me to your house all this time? " Xander asked, sounding surprised."Why not? " Lina answere
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That night, Xander slept well without any dreams or interruptions. He was lying in his cozy bed, feeling completely relaxed and comfortable, like a happy baby.He didn't make any noise and he didn't look restless. He was fast asleep, peaceful and relaxed.As time went by and night turned into morning, a little bit of sunlight started to come into the room. They were on the walls and floor, making the dark room look warm and bright.It seemed like the light was excited for Xander to wake up, like it knew something big was about to happen.All of a sudden, there was a gentle tap on the door. A soft but determined voice came after that." Mr Xander, sir" The voice was from Alfred, one of the servants in the big house Xander was staying in.Xander got up slowly when he heard the noise. He had been sleeping deeply. He slowly sat up, feeling his muscles hurt as he moved.He rubbed his eyes and walked to the door. Then he opened it.Alfred was outside wearing his usual servant clothes. He gr
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Xander quickly turned back and opened the door. Helena and Lady Willow were still standing at his door, ready to hurl more insults at him.However, as Xander opened the door, his gaze did not shift to them. His gaze immediately focused on the cloaked man across the street.The mystery man across the street moved his hand quickly, sending a flaming light at them.'Move!' Xander muttered as he pushed the astonished Helena and Lady Willow to the ground. As the group dived to the hard pavement, Xander's door splintered.Xander was on high alert. He knew right away that the strange man was looking out for him. Without thinking, Xander had saved his arch enemy, Lady Willow and his ex-wife.Xander would have left them alone. Xander would have let them meet whatever doom the stranger intended, but he was not that man.Xander acted without thinking. Even as Helena and Lady Willow stared puzzled, trying to make sense of the commotion around them, Xander effortlessly lifted them off their feet.
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'Apparently, you carried out an assault on a very important citizen Mr Richard Hopkins.' Doctor Rasher said. 'What?' Xander exclaimed. 'For real?'Doctor Rasher only nodded. 'And in the early house of today, you had lured your ex wife and Richard's beloved to your place and attempted to force yourself on her.'Xander went red with anger. His hands clenched into fists. 'I did not do any of those things!' Xander snapped furiously. But doctor Rasher was not done yet. 'And when Mrs Willow followed you and tried to intercept you, you attempted to murder her and her daughter.' Doctor Rasher said. Xander could not say anything. He was beyond surprised. He was shocked to the marrow. 'I did not do any of those things.' Xander repeated. 'I know.' Dr Rasher assured him. 'But it is your word against three first class citizens Xander. You are burnt.' Dr Rasher said. 'Right now you have people looking for you everywhere. The very conversation we're having is prohibited. Your stay here is endang
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