All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
160 chapters
Meanwhile, when Xander was getting out of the office, everyone was staring at him as though they had seen a ghost. They were surprised because they thought that he would be beaten up badly but to their surprise, there wasn't even a single mark on his body."I am sure that he ran away or something. That can be the only explanation for it." They assured themselves.Thoughts about how many people had already tried to team up with this group ran through their heads.But no matter how hard these people had tried, they were mostly always beaten up.They could still remember the last scene that happened there. A fully grown arsed man ran off naked from there and the one before him was rushed to the hospital after falling into a coma.It would be better for anyone to be told to resign than for them to head to groups of worthless thugs.Xander Ignored every one of them as he walked off from the headquarters.From afar, he noticed someone. A face from somewhere but could not remember who exactl
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Sunny stared at the rest of the team members who in turn nodded their heads. Besides being wayward children of their families and the fact that they were only paid peanuts here made them realize that they needed money..Sunny, after assuming eye contact with the rest of the team, turned around towards Mark with a frown on his face."We will hear you out." He finally said.Immediately they said the words, Mark's face almost broke out with a smirk but he was able to hide it as that wasn't going to speak well of them and he forged ahead towards them."So as we were saying. The deal is about your team leader. I.." Before he could even finish the statement that he was trying to make, he could already feel the icy sensation that engulfed the hall almost in an instant.They could feel their hearts racing really fast and even though Mark could not tell what was going on, he could easily sense that something was wrong, making him meet with a sudden pause and he turned around towards Sunny with
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"I don't think that question is important at the moment but you will have to leave that lady right this moment." He replied with a deadly look on his face..Immediately he said these words, the rest of them soon burst into laughter and Xander could see that the lady was sobbing, getting him even more angry than he was already.Just then, some of the men stepped forward towards him and from the looks that were hovering on his face, he could already tell that he was the boss there.He had a long scar running through the outlines of his face and while the others were laughing, he wasn't, rather the frown that was hovering on his face deepened even more."Maybe I was not the one that asked you the question in the first instance and that's why you felt like you were not obliged to give a response. So I am going to ask you for one last time. Who do you think that you are to tell us what we are going to do?" He inquired once again.The sound of his extremely deep voice echoing throughout th
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"It has to be a mistake." That was the only explanation that the leader of the gang had in his head."Come up, idiots. Let's take this fool out already." He growled, bringing out a dagger from his pocket..The others seeing that the leader just brought out his weapon could only be defined to mean that the opponent that they were taking on wasn't an easy one..Even though they could already feel spikes of pain flowing through the course of their bodies, they gradually rose from the floor with slight groans escaping from their mouths.The young lady who seemed to be happy at first, her heart beat seemed to drop almost in an instant..Seeing that they were harmed already, she was sure that there was certainly no way that he would be able to knock all three of them out.She really wished that she could be able to help but she was sure that she would not be able to take out even one of them.Drawing a deep breath, a drop of tear escaped from her eyes as she continued to pray silently..Bac
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The leader of the gang soon fell back to the floor due to the fact that he was extremely weak and his heart was pacing really fast.Xander turned around towards him while he was laughing aloud with the least amount of strength that he heard in him.Soon, Xander noticed that he was sweating profusely and he could tell that this was more than the aftermath of the stab.He already had a guess in his head. His eyes were already blazing as he turned around towards the direction of the man with an angry look on his face."You thought that you were smart, right. I have stabbed you with a poisonous dagger. Even if I am going to die, I would be more than satisfied that you will be going to hell with me!" He laughed even harder but Xander was hardly bothered."You wish." He growled angrily.He walked gradually towards him. Even though he had made claims that he wasn't afraid of death, he stepped backwards as streams of sweat escaped from his face."Don't think that you will be able to fight for
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But there was something that he noticed about most of them as it was written all over their faces. They were constantly in fear. It looked like those thugs had pledged them for quite a while and maybe those four that he had to deal with was just a small fry out of the bigger bunk.Since it was already evening, most of the parents were already yelling, pulling their children off from the streets as soon as possible.He could hear yells like."Aidan, what are you still doing down there? Don't you know that it's still late, get inside already."The yells yelled his ears until it was already getting way too much for him to bear. But hopefully, he got to the clinic.Even though that seemed to be the only health facility in that Street, the man that was in charge was already closing up, making his brows knit almost in an instant as he stared at his clock."Really!" He muttered, making the chemist jerk off from the spot."Really man. What's your deal?" His heart was racing really fast and s
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He turned around swiftly towards the sense but before he could tell what was going on, they were already gone."But how is that even possible?" He muttered to himself.There could be only one explanation to it and that was the fact there might be an underground route somewhere. Even though they were able to walk away so fast, he would still be able to pick out his scent.However, he could still remember the tattoo that one of them had on their hands. It was more like a double clawed eagle with a snake in its clutches.He stared at his phone and noticed that he was already running late for dinner. He let out a really deep sigh."Guess I will have to come back to that later." He said to himself and was soon on his way.There was a lot of things to be done and he was already thirty minutes late for the dinnerHe finally went to the road where he eventually got a cab and was heading for phase one. Getting into the phase gave him a totally different feeling from the previous one that he j
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Even the guard that had given the card over to him was stunned as he never expected such a behavior from Doctor Rasher's assistant, doctor Patrick.He was still in a state of shock and for quite a while, he was unable to speak. And finally, he was able to recover from this shock and he went ahead to say, his words breaking off into stutters."But why did you do that, Doctor Patrick? You didn't even look at the card to tell if it was genuine or not." He made sure that his voice was as calm as possible, even as he spoke.He could already feel his heart beating swiftly on his chest knowing the consequences that he could face for daring to challenge someone like Doctor Patrick.Before he could tell what was going on next, a slap landed on his face turning his face to a totally different course.Xander was blowing off with anger and wanted to return the slab immediately but he knew that was not going to be right.The racing of guards' hearts increased. If the slap was the only thing that w
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The frown that was hovering on the face that was standing before him deepened even more but there was something that was different about this Doctor Rasher, his Aura was different.Draining closer, he also noticed that this Doctor Rasher was a lot younger than the one that he knew and more muscular.It wasn't doctor Rasher, it was a younger version of him.Seeing that someone that was above his rank had finally stepped in, Patrick quickly stormed off towards him, putting up a cry baby face almost in an instant that made Xander frown."Young master. He tried to kill me. Just take a look at my first." He said pointing to his face and he quickly pulled his eyes away, replacing them back to Xander.But there was something wrong. The former was looking more healthy while the person that was standing before him was rather thin.How could it be that he was able to beat someone like Doctor Patrick so badly.There was only one person that could give him the answers that he was looking for. He
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Everyone was still left in a state of shock for quite a while as they expected that Doctor Rasher was going to come for Xander but instead, he was turning on someone of his own..They never expected that this was going to happen and this was the first time that they were seeing such a deadly frown on his face.."But..but.." he tried to say but his words rather broke up until multiple Sutters."But what?" Doctor Rasher frowned as another slap landed on doctor Patrick's face."You dare to oppress and chase away my visit and still want to brag about it?" He glared.Everyone was petrified as they turned around towards Xander once again. If Doctor Rasher had not confirmed it himself, they would never have believed him.Because of the way that Doctor Rasher spoke about him, they were beginning to think that he was some high dignity that was even more powerful than doctor Rasher, older and wiser..But it turned out that it was just some ferial looking young man that was just in his underwea
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