All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
160 chapters
Xander was in disbelief at what he heard. How was that possible? How exactly?"You mean Lady Willow? Your own mother?" Xander asked wide eyed at what Eric said. "I understand that your mother is evil but being the mastermind behind all the scheming and plotting?""You don't know my mother Xander. You're completely blind even though you have eyes." "How did you learn about this then?" Xander asked."I literally have no job. All I do is eat, play games and sleep. But I have other hobbies Xander and I must say that I did my homework well." Eric smiled."So Lady Willow is the leader of this dragon group too?" Xander asked."The dragon group has a leader and his name is Charles Earl. He's having an affair with my mother."Xander felt his heartbeat quicken as news hit him. "What are you saying?" He asked."Charles and my mother have been dating for months now. The man is cruel and wicked but he also bows to mother's will. That makes mother the head now. Don't be deceived Xander, you're a b
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Xander's heart skipped a beat at this new revelation. "You're my what?" Xander asked in shock. The old man's expression remained unchanging. "I know it's a lot for you to take in but this is the truth." He said calmly. "No no no... Xander shocked his head quickly, unable to believe what he was hearing. "This is not true. None of my family exists!" Xander said strongly. "You're right Xander. None except me." The old man was relatively calm and collected as if he was just having a casual conversation with a friend. "I am truly your great grandfather Xander. I am Tobias and I've lived all those years." "But how come you never tried to reach me? How come you never tried to help when I was constantly chased by the dragon gang? You were the proud keepers of the ring a long time ago, right?" Xander asked breathlessly. The old man sighed and for the first time, Xander saw a different emotion wash over his face. The man looked remorseful with his eyes sad and downcast. "Yes Xander we were
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"What is she doing here?" Xander asked hotly, and then he turned to Mrs Rasher. "Why did you allow her entrance?" He demanded fiercely. "Why will she do such a thing?" Lady Willow asks mockingly. Xander's hands balled immediately into fists as he stood there, anger boiling in his veins. "You poisoned Lina!" He said loudly. "Really? And what proof do you have?" Lady Willow asked nonchalantly. "Be careful where you lay accusations Xander." She said, Xander turned to Mrs Rasher who was standing beside quietly in confusion. "Where is the Doctor?" He asked. "He was called to work. He left quite a while ago." Mrs Rasher replied. Xander returned his eyes to Lady Willow. "What exactly are you doing here?" He demanded. "I've just come to share my sympathies." Lady Willow replied. "Lina was a decent girl.""You don't get to say that!" Xander screamed angrily. "You don't get to just walk in here and talk about Lina after what you did!" Xander screamed angrily. With that he left Lady Willo
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"You mean you signed your own daughter off to a stranger just because of money?" Xander exclaimed. He was in total disbelief. How could they do this? "It was either that or we become homeless." Dr Rasher defended their actions. "We were really desperate." Xander was simply at a loss of words at this point. He was totally disappointed in Dr Rasher's actions and he really pitied Ariel wherever she would be. She really didn't deserve this. Without warning, Mrs Rasher fell to her knees in front of Xander with her hands clasped together. "Please help us." She pleaded, tears running down from her eyes. "Please help us find our girl. I know you can do that. Please help us."Xander's heart was torn at her words. Despite his anger, Xander felt bad standing there and listening to her please. "I really have a lot going on right now Mrs Rasher." Xander replied slowly. Mrs Rasher prostrated with her hands clasping Xander's feet. "You can do it Xander, I have faith in you." She sobbed. "We're
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"You..." Xander said with vermom laced in his voice. The man who stood at the door smiled sarcastically. "Me." He replied and slowly made his way into the room. "Welcome Frank, welcome." Mrs Willow smiled widely at the sight of the newcomer. The man made his way where Lady Willow sat and the latter stretched out her hand. The man stooped to kiss her hand before sitting down."Xander, we finally get to meet in the flesh." The man said, his eyes boring into Xander."Yea finally." Xander sneered. "You grew up and decided to take a step right? Colour me fascinated." Xander said as he returned to his chair now facing Lady Willow and this newcomer."Xander this is Frank and Frank, Xander." Lady Willow remarked cheerfully."Xander is an old pal, we go way back." Frank said."Ooo.... Is that so?" Lady Willow feigned surprise with her hand pressed to her chest."You can't believe how happy I am now that we're discussing face to face." Frank stated."I'm sorry I wouldn't say the same." Xander
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At the mention of Ariel, the Doctor's wife ran out of the kitchen where she was. "Ariel? Did you say Ariel?" She asked in alarm.Dr Rasher was simply caught in his own emotions and for a moment it seemed that the doctor was unable to talk again and the call was still on.Swiftly, Xander snatched the reciever from his hand. "Hello Ariel, this is Xander." He spoke into the receiver calmly."Xander..." Ariel called and then broke into sobs at the other end."Easy Ariel, easy.. take it easy." Xander said in an effort to calm the terrified girl down. "Please help me... Get me out of here Xander." She pleaded."Calm down Ariel calm down. I need you to tell me exactly where you are." Xander asked."Somewhere in Crested Butte Colorado." Ariel replied urgently. "Please Xander, please.... I need help!""Just stay tight Ariel. I'll come and get you." Xander promised. "Please hurry. I don't think I can last another month here in this horrible place." Ariel cried out. "I need to go now. They're
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Richard was simply shocked seeing Xander in his room that early morning. What was he doing here? What was this about? Richard was cornered. Xander looked at the woman on the bed covering herself with the sheets up to her chin and a smug expression spread on his face. "Hey.. Aren't you that girl with the new mayor? That P.A of his?" Xander asked. Richard swallowed painfully. Xander had truly cornered him for real this time. "Hey... I... I... Can explain.." He Stammered. "I don't want your explanation Richard." Xander replied calmly. "And I'm not concerned about who chose to sleep with either. All I want is just a little bit of favour." Xander said. Richard's heart skipped at Xander's words. He knew that Xander's favours were not something one could hope for, but at the moment he needed to keep Xander happy else he would be in deep waters. "What could I do for you?" Richard asked, praying within him and hoping against hope that Xander would not demand for something out of his reach
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"Eric, I knew you would come." Xander smiled, acknowledging the arrival of Eric. Eric plopped into the bench beside Xander. "What's this all about?" Eric demanded immediately. "Damsel in distress Eric." Xander replied. "What? And what do you mean?" Eric asked, clearly confused. Xander went on and explained everything to him. "So I really really could use your help Eric." Xander said after his explanation. "Really, how could I be of help? Everyone thinks I'm a fat loser, my own mother even more so." Eric said, his eyes downcast. "Honestly speaking, that's how I saw you too." Xander replied. Eric raised his eyebrows. "That's clearly not the type of motivation I hoped for." He said. "What? You wanted to hear something motivational and inspiring?" Xander asked. "I'm not a motivational speaker Eric but I'm glad to say I've finally gotten to know the new you. You're fat and because you spend most of your time indoors doing nothing but video games everyone thinks you're a loser. But
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The moment they landed, Xander and his companion made moves to get themselves a room at a nearby motel where Eric would call their base of operations. The Crested Butte was a small town with lots of restaurants, bars and coffee shops, Xander was certain that it would not take long to locate the man they came for and also find Ariel.The motel they lodged did not serve food, prompting them to eat at one of the restaurants. Xander and Eric did not take long to find a suitable place to eat. Soon enough the men were sitting in a small but well built restaurant waiting for their orders."What do we do from here?" Eric asked."We'll try and find this man." Xander said as he slammed a picture on the table. "We can find Ariel with him.""The General?" A voice asked above their shoulders startling them both. It was one of the waiters in the restaurant. "You're looking for the general?" The young man asked again.Xander was not sure how best he was supposed to answer. And again, Xander knew abs
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Xander and Eric stood up immediately and turned round to see the general on the stairs observing them with keen eyes. The man was a middle aged man with a head that was partially bald. He stood tall and straight with broad wide shoulders."Who are you?" He asked in a deep voice that resonated throughout the room.Eric looked at Xander, imploying the latter to answer the question. With just a look at the general, Xander knew that before him was a no nonsense man. This would be a man that would be difficult to reason with."Hi. We are distant relatives of Ariel." Xander began. "We are here to see Ariel please." As Xander said this, he stretched and offered his hand out to The General for a handshake.The general considered Xander's hand with weary eyes and then he reached out tentatively and shook Xander's hand, covering the latter's hand with his huge and hard palm. Xander's ring emitted a faint yellow glow.Eric saw this and looked quickly at the general's face but the man showed no
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