All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
160 chapters
By the time Xander regained consciousness, he was in a different room. Xander scanned his surroundings slowly, the effects of the halothane gas that was used to knock them out and render them unconscious was slowly wearing out leaving a numb feeling in its wake.Xander was in a sitting position when he woke up and only when he tried to stand did he realize that he was tied tightly to the chair. Xander tested the strains that held him but all was to no avail. The strains held fast and there was just nothing he could do to break free.With that Xander began to survey his prison carefully. The room looked like it was a study or a mini library with three shelves containing books and a table at the far side of the room with books upon it and a chair beside. Xander assumed it to be the general's personal room, his study.As Xander sat there observing the room wearily, the door swung open and the general walked in wearing long bathroom robes. A smirk went on the general's face as he made his
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Xander found himself wandering the little streets of the Crested Butte that afternoon. He had been given directions and sent off to the family he needed to acquire the roots from. As if sending him to acquire a very rare and special root from one of the most powerful families in the Crested Butte was not enough, the general had also given him a deadline. Xander was supposed to return with the roots in forty eight hours or else their deal would be off.Xander moved with urgency and determination, whoever this family was, Xander needed to return with that root for Ariel and Eric's sakes. He needed to return home to his Lina too and he had to first of all get his hands on those roots.Xander moved quietly among the families who had come to the Crested Butte tourism. He watched their carefree smiles and listened to their laughter and endless chatter. Xander envied them greatly and wished that he could swap places with any of them. Family, laughter and pleasure were luxuries Xander could n
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"You mean the Ribose-5-Phosphate Isomerase Deficiency?" Xander asked. He was immediately shocked after saying that. How did he know about that? It must be the ring again playing its tricks, Xander thought."Yes. That's the same disease." The man replied. "A very rare and dangerous one. My father has been suffering with it for a long time now and you're not the first person who would try to cure him.""Is this even curable?" Xander asked, his brows furrowing with concern.The man shrugged. "Well that's left for you to find out." He replied. "And remember, you could be made richer than you've ever imagined or you could be a dead man soon. Depending on your results anyway."Xander's eyes widened in surprise. This was not what he had signed up for. He hadn't heard the details of this deal before he was forced to sign it! Xander began to doubt whether his ring would save him out of this one. He steadied himself and decided that he would do what he could to return safely."I'll heal your fa
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Xander was a happy man when he left that house. I had managed to acquire what he went there for. He would soon be leaving with Ariel and Eric back home. He would soon be free to return home and he was not going to return empty handed either, he was returning as a wealthy man.The man whom Xander healed happened to be the owner of two diamond mines and true to the initial promise, Xander was given a bank card that contained the said amount of money. Xander rushed back to the general's place with his heart beating excitedly in anticipation.Soon enough Xander reached the door of the house and was granted entry immediately. "I have it! I have what you want!" Xander screamed out loudly when he entered the house.The general was at this moment sitting in the living room still dressed in his night robes while a girl stood beside him pouring out his wine and attending to his needs. The general smiled cynically when his eyes rested on Xander."I told you it was going to be a walk in the pack.
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Xander and Eric soon drove all the way from the airport straight to Mr James' place. While they drove, Xander imagined different scenarios that were likely to ensue between him and Mr James, none of which ended well.Eric sat quietly too contemplating on his own issues and Xander knew that Lady Willow would be the biggest one of them. One way or the other each of them had issues that bothered them and as they drove to that mansion of Mr James, they ceased this opportunity to sit quietly in reflection.The car soon pulled over at the mansion. Both Xander and Eric got down and walked purposely up to the house. Xander landed a knock on the door and they waited. They didn't have to wait for long though, the door soon opened revealing Alfred the servant."Good day Mr Xander." He greeted politely. "It's been quite a while." "Yes Alfred." Xander replied. "I'm here to see Mr James.""I'm sorry Mr Xander, Mr James had travelled but Miss Lina is in."Xander's attention was piqued at once at Al
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Xander was horrified at what Lina had proposed. He was even surprised that Lina had proposed such an ideal to begin with."You want me to serve as a bodyguard to your father?" Xander asked carefully as if he wanted Lina to confirm her words or as if he wanted to confirm whether he had heard her correctly."Not as his immediate personal guard but as his protector." Lina explained quickly."Even with that, you know it's hard for me to accept that, Lina." Xander complained. "Besides, what makes you think Mr James will come to terms with this? We despise each other!" It was true what Xander had said. The enmity between the two of them was something that was clear and obvious to the sight of any who would care to study them. Try as much as he could, Xander could not begin to phantom why Lina would think that he, Xander would be up to this task.Xander loved Lina, that was true. He loved her with every molecule of his body but what Lina was asking was simply little too much coming from eve
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Immediately he entered the store, Xander made his way straight to the clothes rack where he would get himself some clothes. As he began to go through the available clothes on display, Xander noticed that the people who were shopping close by had stopped and were staring at him quietly."What?" Xander asked, unable to keep up with the stare he was receiving. This prompted the shoppers to return to their shopping and then hurry to leave his side.Xander turned and went back to his shopping. He had a huge basket with him and all the items he picked were dropped into the basket he carried with him. Xander continued thus until he realized that someone else interrupted him."Are you going to pay for all that Mister?" The voice asked behind and Xander turned to see a man whom he assumed to be the store owner. The man looked at Xander with a frown on his face and his hands crossed over his chest. "You have enough to pay for all that?" The man demanded again."Yes of course I have enough to pa
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Xander waited patiently for the officers to finish picking up their jaws from the floor. The officers returned their gifts to him and Xander could still see the look of apprehension crossed on their faces."How is this possible?" One of the officers asked. "How did you come about this amount of money?" Xander shrugged casually. "Will you even believe me if I tell you?" He asked. "Moments ago this man.. " he indicated the store owner. "...was about to throw me out of his store simply because he judged by my personal appearance that I have nothing.""Answer the question you wretched beggar." The store owner snapped at Xander angrily.Xander knew already that to explain was in vain so he shrugged and gave the police a number to call. The police officers wasted no time and dialled this number. The phone rang for a while before it was picked.Xander could not hear what was communicated at the other end but he saw the shock registering on the officer's face as he listened attentively to wh
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Xander's heart sank when he saw Sebastian twirling the ring in his finger with a look of triumph on his face. "You've met the end of the road Xander." Sebastian said proudly. "There's no getting out of this one for you. You're done."Xander felt trapped and cornered and immediately began to look for ways to get free out of the trap he was caught up in. No matter how hard he searched, Xander could not find a way out. Sebastian had the ring, his only source of power and with the ring under Sebastian's control that meant that the dragon group had finally had their way. Xander had lost.Just then the thoughts of the unknown weapon resurfaced and Xander decided to play this as his last card and final resort."The ring won't do you much good. I have the weapon." Xander said, hoping against hope for his threat to be heeded but Sebastian only laughed."Did you hear me say you won't be leaving this place alive? I intend to keep that promise Xander. And besides, with the ring in my possession,
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Xander gave his word and he intended to see it through to the latter. He would not disappoint Lina. Sebastian was arrested again, taken under custody and Xander suspected that he would be seeing the former mayor sometime soon. Again..After the rescue, Xander was able to retrieve his ring from Sebastian and as he made his way to Mr James' house, Xander could not stop pondering on the new revelation he had received. Sebastian had taken the ring from him but instead of what Xander dreaded, the ring had completely shut down on Sebastian as Sebastian could not use it. Perhaps this was what the ring would do if it fell in the hand of Tobias, the leader of the dragon group. If that would be the case, then Xander had nothing to worry about. Or so he thought.Xander returned to Mr James Mansion with Mr James and Lina. Immediately they got back, Lina excused herself, saying she needed to leave and ease herself but Xander knew that what she really wanted was for Xander to have some time with Mr
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