All Chapters of Greatest Son-in-law's Evolution: Back so soon: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
160 chapters
Just as he planned, Xander began making plans to get himself a house where he'll move in permanently. At present he was still living with Mr James and Lina. Xander was at Mr James' that afternoon when he was told that he had a visitor. He came out of the library and into the living room where he was told the visitor was waiting. When he got out, Xander saw a man waiting in the living room. The man was a total stranger to Xander, he appeared to be in his early twenties and he dressed smartly in a well ironed shirt over trousers and corporate dress shoes.The man's eyes followed Xander when he saw Xander approaching. "Doctor Xander?" He asked."Yes it is I." Xander replied, realization dawning on him finally that this man must be from the man whom he healed on his trip to the Crested Butte. Only that man would identify him as Doctor Xander.When Xander had answered, the man reached into his pocket and brought out an envelope which he handed to Xander. "I was instructed to deliver this t
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Lady Willow's presence was a big shock for Xander. The woman seemed to have appeared out of thin air but the actual truth was that Lady Willow was already seated in that cafe even before Xander arrived. The vengeful woman was on the path of vengeance and she had resolved to spy on Xander lately, following him up like a plague. She normally sat here at the cafe which was close to Mr James' mansion, watching carefully and gathering information. Eric was equally surprised at the appearance of his mother. Eric wasn't so afraid of his mother at present but still, Lady Willow was one to command fear and awe at the hearts of her rivals. "This is what you've been up to?" Lady Willow asked, her eyes focused on her son with disgust and contempt. "You fat useless oaf! This is what you've chosen? To turn your back against your family?!" She almost screamed her words, sending spit over the entire table and drawing the attention of the people present. "I'm not a child any more." Eric replied hot
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Lady Willow and Tobias had not yet seen Xander and he, on his part, didn't want them to see him at the VIP area so he rose from the table and began to make his way back to the common area. The attendant who had introduced Xander to his seat quickly came forward. "Is everything okay sir?" The man asked. "It's alright. I'll just be over here." Xander said, indicating a table and chair close by. "I'll be back when Mr Davis shows up."The attendant stepped back with a satisfied look on his face and Xander walked past to join the crowd. He was keeping an eye out for Lady Willow and Tobias and did not notice when another person walked up to him. "I knew you'd come too." The voice spoke besides Xander jumping him abruptly and he turned to see Eric grinning at him. "Eric..." Xander exclaimed, shaking hands with Eric. Eric was dressed in a fine and well ironed tuxedo with his hair arranged stylishly. Xander was a bit taken aback by Eric there. "Eric... What are you doing here?" Xander ask
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The whole room was on a standstill as Mr Davis made his way to the centre of the room accompanied by his team of security. Lady Willow and Tobias didn't actually believe that Mr Davis had really said this. They ogled at Xander in awe. Mr Davis took his place at the VIP table and sat down, gesturing to the whole room to take their seats too. As every other seat was occupied, Lady Willow and Tobias were forced to remain at the same table with Xander and Tobias, very much to their dislike. Three chairs at the high table were empty. Xander knew that one was for him and the other two he could not think of the people who would be occupying them. Just as if he had meant to answer Xander's question, Mr Davis clicked a spoon on his glass cup in an effort to calm the room down. The chatter and noise died down immediately, casting the whole room into solience.Dr Davis stood up with a warm smile on his lips. His gaze fell on the whole room and for while he stood there quietly observing the gue
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The whole room went perfectly still as the guests held their breath quietly watching the stare down between Tobias and Mr Davis. Tobias' challenge to Mr Davis was something that shocked those who knew them well. For those who knew them, at first it was obvious that Tobias was going to be the one who would inherit Mr Davis' companies but all had changed in a matter of seconds leaving Tobias bitter and enraged."You can not insult me this way by placing this low life scum in my place!" Tobias yelled loudly. "We've been together for years before you went on to have yourself infected with that disease. If anyone deserves to be your heir, then it's me! I deserve to be your heir or at least receive some portion of your wealth."Mr Davis, after a short and calm pause, decided to speak up too. "Yes, Tobias. You were right to say that we've known each other for years. You're right to say we've been best friends a while ago. But where were you when I fell ill? You vanished Tobias, you were nowh
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Xander felt as if his night couldn't get any better but more surprises were coming. The night was just beginning and it was promised to be a long night for those who would be caught on the wrong side and found wanting. The night for Xander was promised to be a great night as Xander revealed in the announcements that were made. The police were notified at once and before everyone's eyes, Richard's hands were handcuffed behind his back and he was led away shamefully.At this point Lady Willow was disturbed. She was so much in discomfort, shifting uneasily in her seat as she looked for ways to leave the room unnoticed. They had all converged for a very important get together not knowing that it was going to be a witch hunt.The Mayor was not done talking yet. He waved his hands calling for silence and the whole room went quiet to hear what the Mayor had to say. "Our benefactor had earlier given me the honour to assign a new person to his sister company which he just ceased from Tobias."
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Xander and Lina spent the night at the new house Xander bought. The next day would be a very busy day for them as they each had activities to see. Xander on his part needed to sort the issue of Helena and to do that, he needed to visit Lady Willow's property again. Maybe for the last time. However, Xander didn't want to do this alone so he called on Eric to accompany him. Eric, who was no longer living at the family house, agreed to meet him and together, they would show up at the family house.When the time came, Eric met Xander at their meeting point and together, they arrived at the Willow residence and walked straight up and knocked at the door. No one answered and Xander had to knock again louder than before. Moments later, the door was opened and Helena stood in the doorway.Her sigh of relief was evident on her face when she saw Xander there. Even after her plea and everything, she had half expected Xander not to pay heed to her plight. Seeing Xander there on her porch alongsid
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The dragon gang had pulled out of the picture but were still plotting to have Xander taken out. Xander knew this too and never stopped checking over his shoulder while he went about his daily businesses. He knew that one day the day he was dreading would come and he would have to face off against the dragon group one last time.The only thing that troubled him was that the dragon group had a level of powers that he knew and he was yet to find the weapon that would destroy them. He knew what he had to do. He was going to visit the family doctor Rasher had pointed out to him. He will meet the ancient old man he met there and inquire about the weapon no one happened to know about.Xander drove to the other side of town where he was certain he would find the answers he needed and sought for. Xander was driving his own car now and had no fear of being mugged as was the case last time. He drove hard without stopping even for once and finally, he arrived at the place he sought for.Xander pa
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Xander was perplexed at what he heard. He could not believe that he was the weapon but the old man's words kept ringing in his ears as he sat there. Xander wanted to dispute the old man's words but a part of him would not do that. A part of him knew somehow that what the old man told him was right. "It's hard to believe.." Xander finally spoke up. "What you say is very difficult to believe."The old man nodded and relaxed back into his chair. "Let me ask you something Xander. For what reason do you think you've been able to withstand the dragon group's attacks and offences all this while?" He asked. "That's simple. It's because I have the ring." Xander replied but the old man shook his head."Don't be blind Xander." The old man said. "The ring alone did not ensure your survival for up to this moment, no. The ring is just an accessory. The reason why you've survived up to this instant is because of your nature and not because of the ring. You are the weapon Xander. You alone have bee
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The roar of the engine was a symphony of vengeance in Xander's ears. He gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white, as the speedometer needle danced wildly past the legal limit. The news he'd received on the phone - *Lina captured* - was a venomous barb lodged deep in his heart, radiating outwards, burning with an unquenchable rage.Who else could have done this? The question was a cruel torment, the answer as clear as the scorching sun in the midday sky. The Dragon Group. They were the venomous vipers lurking in the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. And they had chosen the most devastating target. Lina, his beloved, his anchor, his world.The question that gnawed at his sanity was not *who*, but *how?* How had they managed to breach his defences? How had they infiltrated his world, shattering the illusion of safety he had carefully constructed around Lina? He had been so focused on the larger battles, on the grand scheme, that he had overlooked the tiny, insidious
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