All Chapters of Agashi: The Demon Systems: Chapter 1 - Chapter 8
8 chapters
Agashi's eyes snapped open, and the haze of sleep cleared from his eyes as he found himself away from his desk and thrust into what looked very much like a nightmare. Blinking rapidly, he took in his surroundings—He could remember having a drink in his right hand, Rose's letter in the other hand and crying himself to sleep. He was no longer dressed in the clothes he'd fallen asleep with, but rather garbed in strange, coarse fabrics that chafed against his skin."Onward!" A voice screamed at him, a whip cracking in the air to enforce his obedience.Agashi staggered forward, convinced there'd been some sort of mistake."You must have a death wish, son," an old man laughed beside him."Death wish? This is a dream, you're not real," Agashi blurted, confusion spelt across his face as he kept pace with the crowd marching around him."Somebody's dreaming for sure. I see you're in the blood lake without weapons. You'll be dead with the first wave. Remind me to take the clothes off your back
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Demon Slayer
"Get out of there," Someone screamed to his left. It was the old man he stood with earlier. "That's the lad who lost his memory, isn't he?" Agashi heard another person ask.He felt energy bubbling within him and jumped away from the trajectory of the demon's blade with lightning speed, picking up a sword from the ground and running towards it."You can't take him, get out of there and let someone else handle that," the old man had a bit of annoyance in his voice."He's going to get himself killed."Agashi heard the murmurs spread among the men watching him.The demon's blow, now landed on the ground, did little to discourage it. It seemed particularly motivated to kill Agashi and pulled the axe from the ground with unreal agility."Kill the damned thing," Another voice rang out from the crowd as the murmurs grew louder."Ur'ul Thuk."The demon's face betrayed his anger at his missed blow, his axe raised for the second time as he aimed for the annoying human again."Mathos, that demon
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Agashi woke with a start, this time to the silence of a white room, its walls pale and blank. His body ached from the battle, but all the wounds he sustained were no longer there. The air was thick with a strange scent he couldn't place, prompting him to shield his nose with his hand."That'd be demon ichor," a stern female voice pointed out from the far end of the room."What? Who are you and what am I doing here?" " You know, I've spent the last twenty years training and fighting with the lugina and I haven't ever seen your face. How did you manage to kill a sub-level demon?" She demanded.Agashi watched her in silence. He didn't have the answers she was looking for.She was dressed in black, which covered her in a fitted, sturdy tunic that fell just below the knee, edged with subtle silver piping that confirmed his suspicion that she was someone of authority. "What did you mean by demon ichor?," he rasped."Demon blood, and I don't have time for conversation. The council has dem
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Ur'ul Thuk
The demon lord Urug sat upon a massive chair, carved from the jagged bones of vanquished challengers. His towering figure cloaked in a heavy, dark mantle that absorbed the weak light, making him appear as dark as the night itself. His skin was like charred armor, thick and ridged, a deep crimson almost black in the dim light. Two large, curved horns protruded from his forehead, spiraling back over his head, their tips sharp as spears. His eyes glowed a fierce red, burning with hate."I take it you have news. I shouldn't remind you how useless you are to me away from the council, Eredin," he snarled as the demon came into his line of sight."Apologies, my lord. I have news you'll want to hear. I came as soon as I heard," Eredin stammered, making a conscious effort not to meet Urug's gaze as he spoke."My lord, the first warning horn has been sounded," a demon walked in to announce, earning a nod from Urug."You better not be wasting my time with this. What is it? Spit it out?" Urug b
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A Rock And A Hard Place
"These men keep whispering your name. Saying something about a prophecy but that's bullshit. You don't look like a miracle. You're just a good fighter, that's all there is to it," Mathos chuckled, slapping Agashi's head."Don't tell me you're jealous," Agashi smiled, rubbing the back of his head as Mathos withdrew his hand."Jealous? I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. All of a sudden you luckily kill a sub-level demon and you're the hotshot? Those red markings don't change anything. I'll kick your ass if you step out of line."Their friendly banter was interrupted by the clang of the iron gate. They turned towards the gate of their enclosure and saw the lugina staring at the both of them."You there, come," one of them called out to Agashi, a stiff finger pointing in his direction."Go on, hotshot," Mathos laughed, slapping Agashi's head once more as the both of them laughed."Made a new friend?" Alice asked as they walked away from the Mathos and the rest of the men.
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"You slept off? You know about..... there?" Agashi asked, pointing upwards, while trying to keep his gesture hidden from Alice."You don't have to be so fancy about it. Alice is my daughter and she knows everything about me, even though she never believed any of it," Roku said, eying his daughter before approaching Agashi."Why am I here? I didn't ask for any of this. I need to go home. How do I do that? You have to help me, please," Agashi begged, struggling with his restraints as he pushed towards Roku. Alice didn't let him."There is no leaving this place if you don't fulfill the responsibility of those markings," Roku blurted out, shutting Agashi up."What... what are you saying?" Agashi asked, his voice a weak whisper compared to what it sounded like seconds ago."Take a good look at these scars. Those marks on your skin were mine to wear in the past. You have no idea what you're up against but I'll explain it to you," Roku continued, the smile on his face had long disappeared, a
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Rayun Helmet
"The boy is alive. He met Roku," Jarl hissed in disappointment as he made his report."You let that happen?" Urug snarled, turning his attention to Jarl."I underestimated the Lugina, my lord. I should have gone myself," Jarl pleaded, falling to his knees and bowing to Urug."If you were another, I would have your head for this. Since you know where to find Roku, bring me his head. I'll see about the Ur'ul Thuk myself," Urug ordered, turning away and waving his clawed hand at Jarl."Yes, my lord.""Filth," cursed Urug as he wandered along the corridors, heading for the cause of all his trouble, the orb of mugin. If only he was powerful enough to enslave the orb on his own, he wouldn't need to be chasing a pesky human."You didn't succeed, did you?" A calm voice reverberated within the orb.Urug's face deepened in a scowl, he didn't come here to be taunted by the orb."It's only a matter of time. Nobody escapes from me, not even the human you have chosen to help," Urug's deep voice boo
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"Keep your shoulder down. We fight as a unit, and if you're going to fight with us, you'll have to learn how we fight," Alice barked at Agashi as he struggled with implementing the Lugina fighting stance."What's the point?" He shrugged, putting down his shield and letting his shoulders drop."Do not drop the stance," Reiki screamed at him, prompting Agashi to resume the stance, ignoring the painful ache in his muscles."Again," Alice barked, watching as Reiki put her best fighters through their paces. They would be the ones to accompany Agashi into demon territory."You know where he's headed, don't you?" Reiki asked her as soon as the last maneuver was practised."If the map he drew for us is any indication, I know he'll be in for a nightmare," she responded, throwing a nut in her mouth and chewing quietly."Do you think he's ready?" Reiki persisted, turning to inspect Agashi's form."That's enough for today," Alice yelled, the soldier nodded and walked off with their shields while
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