All Chapters of The Unstoppable Jack Bolton: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
205 chapters
Chapter 191: Lucas Black
Lucas Black.That was the name that was given to Mildred by those men right before she wired ten billion dollars to an offshore account for them. The name did not ring any bells. She was expecting a familiar name, someone she knew or had heard something about.She knew they had no shortage of enemies but it had been a long time since anyone dared to attack them physically.When Eagle found her, she said it was just a random robbery attack and that she had just been at the wrong place at the wrong time and even though she didn't look like it in front of those men, she was scared. Someone tried to take her life and the proximity with her inquiry of the club footage, the destruction of the club and the order to take her life unnerved her.She knew she should tell Jack but he had so much going on already and he was always fighting everyone's battle. She wanted to fight this one and get to the bottom of things herself.Over the next couple of days, she tried all resources available to he
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Chapter 192: Confrontation
Bethany realised at that moment that Mildred was not going to see reason with her and lay low. Apparently, she also had a stubborn streak like Jack. Before she could even reply to Mildred, Mildred stormed off, muttering inaudibles.Bethany heaved a deep sigh, knowing what she had to do. She had to pay a visit to Lucas Black.He was a hard man to find and some even say you can only find him when he wants you to but she was still THE MAN, the queen of the underworld.She brought out her phone and dialled a four digit number. A gruff male voice spoke from the other side when the call was answered.“The Man.”“Killer, tell Lucas I want to meet, soon,” Bethany said in a sharp and cut tone.“As you wish,” Killer replied and Bethany ended the call.Two days later, Bethany made her way to see Lucas Black. She was dressed sharply in a black jean pants and black shirt with an equally black leather Jacket and boots.A black beret covered her head and she was accompanied by two of her most trust
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Chapter 193: Careless
Mildred was not ready to listen to anyone regarding her thoughts about Scott. Recent events only strengthened her beliefs that something wasn't right about him and the more she thought about it, the more she began to suspect that perhaps it was him who leaked the information about the new product to the Carters but that was pretty far fetched.She knew it was useless telling Jack or Alicia anything. Scott had proven his worth to them and Bolton Tech and Jack trusted Scott a lot.Scott has been his friend since his days at business university and he was someone Jack admired for his incredible work ethic and unmatched wit when it came to marketing.Mildred was seated in a public library with two of her guards also disguised as regular people sitting and reading but they had their eyes on her.Since the attack on her life, she didn't go out without her bodyguards, the two inside the library with her and the three that stood outside the building, ready to alert their colleagues if they se
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Chapter 194: Insecure
“I always knew you had it in you. This is amazing. Not only were you able to stall Jack from launching his new product, you've also helped us find a way to sabotage the old one. Brilliant, just brilliant,” Michelle heaped praises on Trent a few days later when he returned to Milton City and told them what he had obtained.“It's great but we should hold on about doing anything with it for now,” Micheal said in his cold voice. “The little bitch is still alive and if there's one thing I know about those damn Bolton's, they never give up. She still suspects you and since we were unsuccessful in assassinating her, I suggest we lay low until that threat is taken care of.”Micheal did not want to take any chances of getting carried away by the euphoria of this early success. He understood that they had a long way to go if they were to take the Bolton Empire as a whole down. Bolton Tech was just their first stop.“I think we should strike while the Iron is hot, and send them into chaos. Wasn'
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chapter 195: His Plan
CHAPTER 195Jack knew he was facing yet another enemy and this one was not like the others who reared their heads like a dangerous viper ready to strike. This enemy was cunning and smart and like Camila's word said, Within.Who could it be? Camila's words only made it more obvious that it was someone close to him that leaked their new products to the enemies of the Carter but who would he suspect?Everyone that was really close to him, he trusted with his life. Yes, he couldn't be killed but that was beside the point. He trusted them to that extent.Right now, it was just a speculation, he needed a plan to really be sure if there was indeed a mole in his inner circle.A plan started to brew in his mind go fish out who it was, so he called an inner circle meeting to see if this plan would work.“I'm guessing you all know why I called this meeting but if you don't, let me start off by telling you exactly why. Two months ago, we gathered at a meeting like this to discuss the development
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Chapter 196: Tampered
Mildred had just left the meeting where Jack laid out his plans to take down the Carters. She was not pleased that he didn't see things from her point of view and since she didn't have any proof either, she couldn't point an accusing finger.When Trent took her side, it had the opposite effect to what he was going for. Rather than sway her from thinking he was the mole, it only convinced her the more.The Scott she used to know would never take anyone's side above Jack's, no matter what, so the moment he did it, she thought it was on purpose and it only strengthened her resolve the more.Right now, she was heading to meet with Alister, the private investigator who she had hired to follow Trent. The meeting was at their usual place, the public library.“So what have you got for me?” Mildred asked the older man, giving him a pointed look. She hoped it was good information, one that could immediately nail Scott.“So every now and then, after the close of work, he pays a visit to this buil
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Chapter 197: Coming Clean
Jack stormed into the hospital when he got the news of Mildred being involved in an accident and being rushed to Milton City specialist hospital.“Where is she?” He asked Alicia who had gotten there way before him since Greyjoy island was closer to Milton than Coral city.“Calm down baby, she’s in the ICU. She’s in a really bad state,” Alicia said, running into Jack’s arms and crying.Jack soothed her as he felt unease rise in his chest. How did it happen that all three of her cars were involved in an accident at the same time.He led Alicia to a corner seat as they waited for a doctor or nurse to come and give them an update on what was happening with her.Just then, Eagle arrived, flanked by two police officers and a member of the emergency rescue team that had rescued Mildred’s car from the crash scene.“This fucking shit wasn’t an accident boss, it was fucking planned. Tell him what you found out,” Eagle said in a cold voice to the police officers.“What!” Alicia jumped out of Jac
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Chapter 198: Retribution
Unlike Lucas and his men's usual behaviour, they were not having fun as was their usual routine with a lot of booze, smoke and women.Lucas was weary. He knew he had flouted Bethany's warning and a repercussion was sure to follow.It was why today, every floor in his house was occupied with men. He invited as many of them as he could lay his hands on and made sure they were all heavily armed as a protection against Bethany.He was ready to take over Bethany's throne and that could only be done with some hostility. He had made his first move, an act of defiance and now he was waiting for Bethany's move.He knew this was not a battle that strategy alone could give you victory on, brute strength and a show of power was also necessary.There were four floors in total in Lucas’ mansion and each floor had at least a hundred men all armed to the teeth ready to defend with Lucas himself at the topmost floor, a few steps away from his helipad Incase things got messy.He knew Bethany commanded
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Chapter 199: You Are Dead
Jack shut the door behind him as he entered the room where Lucas was. Lucas' eyes immediately snapped to the door when it opened.He didn't recognize the man who was glaring at him. Where were all his men? How did he get past them? How did he get here? Who was he?Lucas was not a man that was scared of another man, no matter who that man was or what power he controlled but there was something about the man standing at the door that made him feel a sense of fear he could not explain.“Are you Lucas?” Jack's tone dripped with spite and venom.“Who's fucking asking?” Lucas mustered enough courage to ask in a cocky and fearless tone.“Wrong answer?” Jack spat out in fury. He flung his hand with force and despite the distance between him and Lucas, an invisible hand slapped Lucas across the face, sending him crashing into the wall.Killing Lucas in anger and vengeance was an easy thing to do but Jack wanted him to feel pain. Like Mildred must have felt pain as her bones broke and her skin s
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Chapter 200: Trojan Code
Micheal Carter froze when he heard Jack's voice. He recognized that voice all too well. If Jack has gotten to Micheal, that meant he was in trouble and he needed to get away as fast as possible.Lucas never knew anything about Trent, the reason why Micheal wanted Mildred dead was never revealed to him, so Micheal knew that secret was safe from Jack and most of their plans would still go on as usual as long as Trent was never found out.He decided right then and there to go into deep hiding again and continue to work from behind the scene.Dashing out of his home office, he went straight to his sister and partner in crime, Michelle.“We have a problem,” Micheal said in a exasperated tone, the dismay of losing all the progress they had made against Jack in the last few months was clear in his eyes.Michelle raised a brow at him. “What is it?”“It's Jack. He found out I'm behind his sister's attempted murder and he's coming for me as we speak,” Micheal answered in a weak tone, disappoint
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