All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
162 chapters
Wake me up from this dream
Michael woke up to the sound of his buzzing phone, and he slowly opened his eyes to see who was calling. He picked the call immediately as he saw that it was Bryan that was calling.“Hello Bryan.” He said immediately the call connected as he placed the phone over his ears. “Are you still asleep?” Bryan asked as he noticed that Michael had talked in a groggy voice. Michael yawned, heaving a sigh as he sat up on the bed before nodding as if Bryan could see him.“Yes. I woke up to the sound of your call.” He said as he inhaled deeply, wiping his face with his palm.“Oh, sorry. I had no idea that you were still asleep. But I need to talk to you about something.” Bryan said, and immediately his eyes went wide as he heard what Bryan had just said. Different thoughts ran through his mind as he sat there on the bed.“What is it? I hope there is no problem! What is going on?” Michael asked hurriedly as he stood up from the bed, waiting to hear what Bryan had to say. “Chill with the question.
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Let’s get wedded
It was finally the day of the wedding between Samantha and Bryan. Michael was still in doubt about the authenticity of Samantha's feeling towards Bryan, but he did not want to entertain any negative feeling, so he just shook the thought off his minds. He walked out of his room slowly and walked to where the joining was to be held in the yard of the mansion. He observed the whole environment as he was still not sure whether to tell Bryan about his thoughts, but he shrugged, telling himself that everything was going to be alright. “Just my brain messing with me.” He said and walked back inside. “Why are you still here? Is the priest not here yet?” Michael said as he walked into Bryan, who was standing in the entrance of the door. “He is in his way. He will be here soon. Are you ready?” He asked and he nodded his head slowly.“You know you are walking the bride down the aisle, right?” Bryan teased, and Michael nodded his head rapidly as he smiled sheepishly.“Never in doubt.” He said a
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We need to go
“Do you Samantha take him as….” the priest asked as he tilted his to look at Samantha who had already cut him short.“Yes, yes. I do. Without thinking, it twice.” She said as she nodded her head, looking directly into his eyes while she said that. He could notice the unwavering love in her looks, and the only way he could respond to that was by beaming a beautiful smile back at her before tilting his head to look at the priest as he cleared his throat.“Yes. I do.” Eric said as he did not wait for the priest to ask him before he answered. The priest gasped as he smiled slightly before he tilted his head to look at the congregation for a moment.“Is there anyone here who has any reason for them not to be wedded?” He asked, and both of them tilted their head to look at the crowd for a moment as they both looked over the place to see if anyone was actually against them getting married. She was shocked to see Rachel's hand not up and wondered what she must be thinking now.“In the absenc
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Ten years in prison
“Take your hands off my head. Do you know who the hell I am?” Bryan shouted as he was bundled into the police car. He scorned Michael, not uttering a single word to him as they were both taken and handcuffed inside the police car.“That's it. Nobody cares who the hell you are. You have committed some deadly crimes, and you have to pay the price. The law must take its course regardless of whoever the fuck you think you are. Now you have to remain silent, or I will have to shut it up for you.” The policeman said, and Michael cut in immediately.“Officers there might be a mix-up somewhere. We are the good guys here. It's not us you want, it's Eric. He was the one who set this whole up.” Michael said as he did not know what else to think. His heart beat faster and pounded harder to the point where he could hear the sound of his own heart beating erratically in his ears.“Spare me all that shit. Why then were you running and trying to resist arrest.” The policeman asked, and Bryan scoffed,
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You are Abel
“Good morning grandfather.” Eric greeted in a low tone as he walked into the living room where Master Chadwick was seated. He tilted his head around to look at Eric as he walked slowly towards where he was seated.“Derek!” Master Chadwick said, and Eric had a puzzled face as he wondered why he had called him that. He heaved a heavy sigh, arranging his nightwear, before heaving a sigh as he sat on the couch next to his grandfather.“Who is Derek?” Eric could not help but ask as he tilted his head to look at his grandfather.“That's you. Are you… you… not Derek?” He asked and Eric burst into wild laughter as he tilted his head away from him.“Sorry about that, but I should have gotten a heads-up that you wanted to change my name,” Eric said slowly as he tried to stop himself from laughing.“Come on. We have only lived together for barely twenty-four hours. Excuse me for not knowing the name of my grandchild. You know that's totally not on me, right?” He said as he tilted his head to loo
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You are naughty
Samantha walked away from Damien and headed to where her mom was seated at the front of the stage. “Mom! What are you doing here?” She asked in a sharp tone as she gave her mother a straight look and she heaved a sigh before wrapping her hands around her chest.“What am I doing here? Are you really asking that?” Rachael asked as she made a puzzled look. Samantha scoffed, taking a deep breath as she shook her head slowly.“Yes. Ooh. You were expecting to see me and Bryan get married? We are sorry to cut short your expectations. That's not happening. Not now, not ever.” She said convincingly as she tilted her head away to look at the direction of Eric as he still stood there with Damien. She wondered what they were talking about. Her mother, stood up from the chair, looking at her in the eyes before she talked.“That's not what I am here for. I am here to see you win. Marry somebody who will cater to you and the children that you will breed. And I am happy that you actually followed th
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The son of the richest man in the city
Samantha woke up, opened her eyes slowly, and looked around, trying to be familiar with where she was before she remembered that she had relocated to the mansion. She tilted her head around slightly to see if Eric was beside her on the queen-size bed but to her surprise, he was not there with her. “Where could he have gone to this early morning?” She asked herself as she grunted, sitting up on the bed. She arranged her hair bonnet that almost covered her eyes, yawning afterward. Her mind wandered off to the events that happened in the past few days.“What could have happened if Eric did not show up? I definitely would have lost my marriage and perhaps be stuck with Bryan for the rest of my life.” She thought as she inhaled deeply, and a slight smile appeared on her face. Shortly after, a thought filtered into her mind, and the smiled faded away immediately. “How could he have hidden such a big secret from me for this long?” She asked herself as she slowly brought her hand to tap on he
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I can’t go anywhere
“You should have thought of that before you lied to me. I never expected you to do this to me. I loved you with all I had, and this is how you will pay me?” Samantha said and Eric's heart skipped a beat as he took his gaze away. “How do I make her see reasons with me? How do I make her understand what I was trying to do?” He asked himself as he inhaled deeply before raising his head to talk.“I know you did not deserve to be treated that way, and I am truly sorry for all that happened. I want to make things right. If only you give me the chance to make things right.” Eric said in a low tone, as his voice was barely above a whisper.“Don't talk to me about another chance. Did you not know what you were doing when you kept those secrets away from me?” Samantha said and heaved a heavy sigh as she tilted her head away from him.“I said I am sorry. I wanted to make them believe that being poor is not a thing to make a mockery of. I wanted them to accept me for whom I really was and not bec
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I don’t care about any shit
Eric's phone started to buzz, and he searched through his pocket to bring out his phone to see who was calling. “Damien.” He muttered as he picked up the call and placed the phone over his ear to talk.“Good morning.” He said in a low tone, and Eric guessed that he was in a place where he was not permitted to talk loud.“What's going on? Why are you whispering?” Eric asked as he sat up on the bed, heaving a heavy sigh.“Where are you, you master?” He asked in a sharp tone, and Eric made a puzzled face, heaving a sigh as he asked himself why Damien was trying to ask him where he was.“I am at home. Where else would I be?” He asked in a low tone.“You have to be here. We are closing a mega deal today, and you need to be here. You have to be here. I called Master Chadwick, but he said that you are in the right position to close the deal.” He said and Eric's heart skipped a beat immediately. He looked at the time and saw that it was 10 AM already. “I don't think I can make it. Call him a
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I missed you so much
“Like I said, I do not want to be the cause of any downfall of the company. I heard you telling your grandfather that I was angry at you, but I did not hear you tell him the reason I am angry at you. Is that even fair at all?” She asked, and Eric raised his head to look at her, clearing his throat slightly as if he were trying to buy time before he talked. Different thoughts ran through Samantha's heart as she wrapped her arms around her chest, unable to decide whether to stop being mad at her husband for hiding such a serious secret from her.“Like I said too, the only thing that I care about is you. I want you to give me the chance to make it up to you.” Eric said in a low tone, and Samantha heaved a heavy sigh as she did not know what next to say or do. She looked at him with a straight face for a while before she took a deep breath to talk.“I do not want to look heartless and wicked. I am nothing compared to those. You had a point that you wanted to prove, and I am not against it
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