All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
162 chapters
That was a great job
Samantha opened the door to Eric's room and smiled as her gaze fell on him. She could not help but shake her head as she saw how elegant the suit made him look. “You look stunning.” She commented and Eric smiled, looking at himself before he inhaled deeply to talk.“You, my dear, you also look gorgeous. I can't wait to announce you to the world.” He said, and she drew in a puzzled face as she thought of what to say.“Let's get to the office. We have people waiting.” She said, and he gave a nod as he stretched forth his hand for her to hold, and she did accordingly. They walked out of the mansion together to meet the car ready to take them to the office. They entered and the journey to the office started. Samantha looked out through the window as the street and mansion passed by. Eric cleared his throat to grab her attention, and she tilted her head to look at him before he talked.“Today would be one of the best days of my life. I can't imagine myself without you in it.” He said, and
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I don’t have anything much to say
“Thank you, Damien,” Eric said in a low tone as he tilted his head back to look at Samantha, who was still looking at the whole conference room.“So, how do you say I should go and show you my office?” He said to draw Samantha's attention, but she did not hear what he said and had to make her eyes wide open for him to repeat what he had said.“If not that I know you and everything you are doing, I would have said that you have done this before. That was an excellent performance.” Damien chipped in immediately, and Samantha chuckled as she looked at Eric, smiling sheepishly.“I told you. I have not done it before. So, me and my grandfather, who negotiates better?” Eric asked, and Damien laughed as he leaned backward for a moment as he tried to stop himself from laughing.“Master Chadwick has been negotiating for over forty years and you, my dear friend, just had your first negotiation today. I bet you can get your answers from there. I am not saying you did not do a good job today, but
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A surprise
Eric heaved a heavy sigh as he came off the stage and walked through the crowd to the elevator. “That was a stellar performance. You are just killing every show today. Like you rehearsed everything.” Damien said from behind, and he tilted his head slightly to look at him, thinking of what to say to him.“You can say that again,” Eric said, and that was when Samantha heaved a sigh, tilting her head to look at Eric for a moment before she talked.“You are so exceptional. You keep sweeping me off my feet every single time. Keep it up.” She said and Damien chuckled, placing a hand over his face before he talked.“Are you both trying to make me jealous or what? You did the same thing in the conference room. Here you are, doing the same.” He said, and they all laughed for a moment before the elevator stopped and the door opened.They walked out of the elevator, walking along the hallway before Eric cleared his throat to talk. “That reminds me, Damien. How come we never talked about your f
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Houses and properties has been seized
“That was the best date I have ever experienced. Thank you. I really appreciate it.” Samantha said in a low tone as they were in the car, going back home. He tilted his head to look at her for a while as he thought of what to say, but nothing was coming to his head at that moment.“I am glad you had a nice time. We would try that again some other time.” He said, and she nodded her head slowly before she talked.“How did you come up with such a perfect idea for a date.” She asked, he shrugged at first, trying to think of a perfect answer for her before he inhaled deeply as he tilted his head to look at her.“I watched it in a movie and I decided to try it out. Not exactly what was done in the movie, though. I had to add my own spice to make it extra lit. I am glad you loved it. Consider it as an act of showing how sorry I am for doing all that to you. I hope you forgive me and never use it against me.” He said in a low tone slowly as if he were counting his words as he spoke them.“I f
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My wife has apologized
Eric lowered his head slightly as different thoughts ran through his mind as he did not know what to do. He suddenly raised his head, tilting it to look at his wife who had a place face before he talked. “There is no way the both of them are escaping jail. Both of them need to have a taste of what they have done.” He said in a sharp tone, and Samantha gasped in shock as she heard what her husband had just said.“Okay, sir. I will just call him and inform him to go ahead with the process.” Damien said, and he nodded his head, tilting his head to look at his wife, who still had a pale face on. “Seems she has something to say.” Eric thought for a moment before he heaved a sigh to talk.“What do you think, honey? They should proceed with the charges, right?” He asked, and she took a deep breath, tilting her head to look at Damien and then back at Eric. She opened her mouth to talk, but no words came out of her mouth and Eric became slightly worried.“What is going on? Anything wrong with
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A devise mean to hide her
“So you have been pulling my legs?” Samantha said in a low tone as if she were whispering as she placed a hand over her mouth in surprise. She looked at him in the eyes with a smile on her face as she liked for Damien to see the shock on his face.“Are you sure you both came up with that decision? Because this doesn't look like what the both of you did together. This looks like a one-sided decision.” Damien said, and Eric tilted his head to look at Damien before he talked.“That was the decision of me and my wife. We thought it was only right that we allowed both of them to have their freedoms I am sure they will never try to make such a mistake in their lives anymore. And if they do, they will end up straight in jail. I believe in second chances. If I got one, there is no reason another person should not a second chance too.” Eric said and Samantha went to him, with a teary eye as she embraced him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her, and they stayed like that for a moment, Damie
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Don’t think much about it
“What do you mean by that statement? Are we wrong about our claims?” Eric teased further as he wanted to hear him talk, but it seemed that Damien was not ready to talk about it. He only lowered his head as he looked at the table, not uttering a word in response to what Eric had just said. “Now he wants to play quiet. I know what you are trying to do, and there is no way that I would stop talking about it. Until you tell me who she is and why you are hiding her. I am ready to listen.” He said, as tilted his head to look at Samantha, waiting for support from her as she seconded his idea.Damien still kept mute, not uttering a single word, and that was when Eric noticed the change in his facial expression. He was sure that he had never seen him in that mood since he had come across him in his entire life. He looked at his wife for a moment and then back at Damien as he did not know what to say. There was a moment of silence before he cleared his throat slightly to break the silence as D
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You will take responsibility
“Why is my grandfather calling me?” He asked himself as he slowly picked up the call and placed it over his ear to talk.“Hello.” He said, as he placed the phone over this ear, waiting for him to talk.“Eric.” Sir Chadwick called out in a sharp tone, and he made a puzzled face as he didn't know why he had called his name like that.“Yes sir. This is me.” Eric replied as he looked at his wife for a moment and back at Damien, who already knew that he was speaking to Sir Chadwick.“I must congratulate you on your new role at the company and I must also commend your success in your first negotiation. You really did well. I got all the reports.” He said and Eric tilted his head to look at Damien for a moment as he was the only one who could have sent him the updates. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate the kind words.” Eric said in a low tone as he slightly bowed his head, taking a deep breath as he waited for Sir Chadwick to talk.“I also got the report that you want to go on honeymoon with Ca
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Hurting inside
“A general family meeting, you said?” He said and this time, the smile on his face had faded, and he now had a straight face on as he could not believe his ears at this time.“Yeah. Do you have any problem with that?” He asked Eric, and he inhaled deeply, looking at Samantha who had already lowered her head as Eric had been on the call for a long time and he was fully aware that he was the one that they were waiting for. Eric noticed this, and he cleared his throat slightly before he talked.“Grandfather, we will need to talk later. I was about to eat dinner when your call came in, the other time. My wife and brother are waiting for me.” He said sharply and Samantha raised her head with a puzzled face as he looked at Eric. Damien also had a puzzled face as he looked at Eric at first before looking at Samantha.“Wait, your brother? Did your mother give birth to another boy apart from you?” Sir Chadwick asked and Eric burst into laughter as he held his ribs and leaned backward to rest h
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About my cousins
Damien slowly took his gaze away from Eric as he paused to take a deep breath and have a sip of water, probably because his throat was coarse. “So, you see, that is what I am talking about. She will not be happy, knowing that she is the cause of your sadness.” Eric added quickly and at this moment, Samantha was rounding up her meal and Eric chuckled as his gaze fell on her as she tried to finish up quickly.“Are you that hungry?” Eric asked her, and Damien tilted his head to look at her, exclaiming as he had his mouth wide open.“You thought I was joking when I said I was not going to wait for you? I was not joking at all. I meant all that I said.” She said, and Damien cleared his throat slightly to talk.“So you left me behind too?” He asked, and she paused immediately, tilting her head to look at him before she talked.“I am so sorry. I totally forgot that we were partners. And I should have waited for you.” She said and laughed as she still continued with her food.“Back to what w
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