All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
162 chapters
Grandfather was all over you
Not long after, Eric was already in front of his door an idea popped up in his mind as he thought of pranking his wife. He took a deep breath as he knocked on the door and waited for his wife to talk. “Come in.” He heard her say, and he chuckled slightly, knocking on the door again in a bid to get her to stand up from wherever she was seated.“I said, come in.” He heard her yell again, this time a bit louder than the initial one. He inhaled deeply as he knocked on the door again, and suddenly, he began to hear footsteps approaching the door, he leaned against the wall beside the door and he began to laugh uncontrollably. The door opened immediately, and his wife peeked outside to see who it was, and then her gaze fell on her husband as he stood beside the door, laughing.“So it was you all along?” She asked, and he only tried to bring his laugh to a halt. “I was waiting for you since and now that you are just coming, you are stressing me already.” She said, and he took a deep breath
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How did you elapse so fast
“Who is it?” Samantha asked as she made a puzzled face while she was looking at him in the eyes. He held his phone high for her to see who was calling, and she saw that it was Damien.“What is it? Why is he calling you now?” She asked in a low tone as she took her gaze away from the phone and landed it on Eric's face.“I have no idea. But I recall telling him that he was going to tell me more about my cousins over the phone. I guess that's why he was calling.” Eric said, and she nodded her head slowly as she inhaled deeply before she talked.“Then, pick up the call and talk to him. Or do you want to leave everything until tomorrow?” She asked, raising her eyebrows, waiting for him to talk. He thought for a while as he looked up to the ceiling before he finally took a deep breath, bringing his gaze to look at her to talk.“Remember that I still have to speak with my grandfather. We have not finished our earlier discussion. I had to hang up that time so we could have dinner together.” H
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I have to go there today
Samantha woke up, opening her eyes slowly as she tilted her head to look at Damien, who was still sleeping. She inhaled deeply, as she sat up on the bed, yawning before she decided to go and ease herself. She got off the bed, trying not to wake Eric up, but he opened his eyes as he heard the movement in the bed. He tilted his head around to look at her, inhaling deeply before he talked.“So you just want to leave me here on the bed?” He said in his groggy voice, and she chuckled slightly before she talked.“I just wanted to go and ease myself. I was not leaving you for anything.” She said and turned to walk to the toilet. Not long after, she was done in the toilet and came out to the room, taking and deep breath before she talked. “Good morning darling. You didn't even let me greet you at first. You just started off the day with….” She stopped as she did not know what else to say to him. “Why did you stop?” He asked her and heaved a sigh as he sat up on the bed, yawning as he tilted
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Are you back to the country?
“I will go with you to the office. I told you that I cannot stay here alone. I will just die of boredom.” Samantha said as she grabbed her tea and placed it in her mouth to take a sip.“That would not be a problem. We can go together to the office.” Eric said as he took his tea and took a cup from the tray and took a sip from his tea. “I even forgot to ask him whether he had contacted Emily and Lydia whom I asked him to contact and tell them that I wanted to see them,” Eric added, and Samantha took a deep breath before she cleared her throat to talk.“Oh. Perhaps you should call him back and ask him if he had done that.” She said, and he nodded his head, bringing out his phone and dialing his contact, waiting for him to pick up the call.“Hello, boss,” Damien said immediately after the call connected and Eric dropped the cup he was holding, inhaling deeply before he talked.“What is going on?” He asked as he temporarily forgot what he wanted to ask before. “Everything is going well.
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Things you need to sign
“Yes. I never left the country. Who said I left the country?” Sir Chadwick asked rapidly, and he brought his phone from his ear to check the contact before putting it back over his ear to continue to talk.“You are not serious with that?” Eric said in a sharp tone, and he cleared his throat slightly as he made a scrunching face as he didn't seem to understand what was going on.“Why did you say that? Did Damien tell you that I left the country?” He asked, and Eric shook his head slightly, as he did not know what else to say or do.“No. He did not. I thought you left the country. You clearly told me that you were not around.” Eric said as he heaved a sigh, coming off the bed for a moment as he walked to the closet to grab a shirt to wear immediately he was done taking his bath.“I don't recall ever telling you that. And if I did, I probably, did not want to show you that I was around.” He said, and Eric exhaled heavily as he thought of what next to say.“Grandfather, I need to go and t
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Why are you sympathizing with criminals
“I will get to my office now. I have a lot of work to do.” Damien said, and Eric nodded his head before he inhaled deeply to talk.“Okay then. Get to work as soon as possible. I won't be her for long. I just want to talk to Lydia and Emily before I leave.” Eric said, and this time Damien was already in his feet arranging his suit before he talked.“They should be here any moment from now.” He said, and Eric gave a nod before he inhaled deeply as he tilted his head to look at his wife.“Sam, are you going to your office as well?” He asked her, and she initially made a puzzled face as if she did not hear what he had said. After a few seconds, she chuckled and shook her head lightly before she talked.“No. I want to stay here. Since we are not here on official ground, I can stay here, right?” She asked, and Eric heaved a sigh before he looked at Damien.“You can go, Damien. Order for some snack for us so that we can keep ourselves busy with it before they arrive.” Eric said in a low tone
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Welcome to the big family
Eric inhaled deeply as he tilted his head to look at Samantha for a moment before he looked at Emily and then Lydia, who now had a puzzled face as everyone was looking at her. “Michael is my wife's brother. You see how my hands are tight on the matter. And even if he is not family, seizing their properties is enough punishment for them.” Eric said in a low tone, and she gasped in shock as she heard what Eric had just said. She tilted her head slowly to look at Emily and then Samantha, who was looking away as she did not want to make any eye contact with her.“I apologize for that. I had no idea this had turned out to be a family issue.” She said in a low tone and Samantha shook her head slowly before she tilted it to give Lydia a look and laughed.“You are absolutely right. He deserves all the names that you have called him. And he deserves to go to jail too, yes. Considering all that he had done, he is not supposed to be anywhere apart from jail. But you know that no matter a family
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How can I forget
“This calls for a celebration. Dinner at my place. I will ask Damien to bring you both over to the dinner.” Eric said in a low tone, and they both nodded their head in response to what he had just said. “That would be nice. I will finally come to know your place.” Lydia said, and Samantha nodded her head slowly before she talked.“Yeah. And you both are welcome at any time.” She said, and before anybody could say anything, Eric had chipped in already.“Well, of course, that is when we are back from our honeymoon.” He said, and all of them laughed at what he said.“Okay. Thank you, Master Eric.” Emily said and just then, a knock came on the door, grabbing all of their attention as they tilted their head to look at the door. “Come in,” Eric yelled, and the door opened immediately, revealing Damien as he walked swiftly towards Eric's table and then noticed that he was busy with the ladies.“Oh. I might have to come back. I can see that you are clearly busy with them.” He said, and Eric
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Wanting to show them my office
“There is no way I could ever forget that. No way at all. I will be there very soon. I just need to finalize some things here in the office before I take my leave.” Eric said and tilted his head to look at Lydia and Emily after he had gestured that they waited for him to finish before they left.“Okay… be here at the family mansion. I will be waiting for you.” He said, and Eric nodded as if his grandfather was there to see him nod his head. He inhaled deeply, trying to get his thoughts right before he talked.“Okay. I will be there. Make sure you have some snacks and I will be coming with Samantha too. You know, I always go everywhere with her.” He said, and he chuckled softly as he tilted his head to look at Samantha, who was also chuckling when she sat down. “Do you even know the family mansion at all? Have you been here before?” He asked, and Eric shook his head slightly as looked at the girls, gesturing that they hold on a bit longer so he could finish before they go home. He inh
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Taking some time off
“Hello.” Damien picked up the table phone and placed it over his ears immediately, to talk, to whoever was calling. There was a moment of silence over the phone as Damien tilted his head around to look at Eric and then Emily before he inhaled deeply to talk but stopped as it seemed that the person over the phone was still talking.“Okay! That's not a problem. Set a meeting for us in the coming days. Check my schedule and fix them somewhere. But let them know that the CEO is currently not unavoidably absent, and I will handle the meeting.” He said and Eric made a scrunching face as he looked at Damien who was nodding his head sharply before he brought the phone off his ears.“Who was that?” Eric asked in a low tone and the Damien tilted his head to look at Eric, clearing his throat before he talked to him.“Some business associates were calling for a meeting to discuss some potential business planning phase. They also wanted to use the opportunity to meet the new CEO, but I told them t
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