All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
162 chapters
Introducing every one
“Eric, can I see you briefly in the room?” Sir Chadwick asked in a low tone, and he nodded his head, tilting it to look at him before he talked.“Sure.” He said and tilted his head back to look at his wife who was looking at her phone at that time, clearing his throat to grab her attention. She raised her head to look at him, heaving a sigh before she talked.“Were you trying to talk to me?” She asked and he nodded his head slightly.“I will be back in a jiffy. I want to see sir Chadwick personally.” He said in a low tone as if he were whispering, and she took a deep breath as she tilted her head to see Sir Chadwick and then back to look at her husband before talking.“I hope it's nothing serious?” She asked, and he shook his head slightly while closing his eyes.“No, I guess he wants to brief me on the matters to be discussed in the family meeting so that some things, when said, would not sound new to my ears.” He whispered into her ears and she nodded before he heaved a sigh stood u
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A mark on them
“Uhm…. Hello everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all. This is my wife Samantha, and she says welcome.” Eric said rapidly as he tapped his wife to move forward quickly so that they could leave the sitting room. She responded well by nodding her head and walking away as nobody answered their rapid greetings. “Where are you off to?” Sir Chadwick asked, and then he stopped for a moment to look at him, trying to gather his thoughts for a moment before he talked.“I want to take her to a room. She is feeling kind of dizzy and needs to get it cleared.” He said in a low tone, sir Chadwick nodded his head before he tilted it back to look at his daughters, and Eric took Samantha into one of the rooms that was close.“Stay here. I will come and get you when we are done. And if you feel we are taking too much time, you can come out and check on me.” He said, and she nodded her head immediately, not uttering a single word though as her mind was full of different thoughts.“I better get going.”
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Thinking it’s a dream
Eric hesitated for a moment before he finally gave in to the pressure as he lifted his dress slightly to show them the mark he was carrying.“You see that? Now, do any of you have this mark that he is carrying?” Sr Chadwick pointed to Daniel and Drake, and they both tilted their heads away from him to look at Eric, who only took a deep breath as he continued to look at them.“As if that were not all, he had the effrontery and audacity to cut us off the payroll. The only reason I did not trace you back to your house is because I was informed that a meeting like this was going to be held and trust me I was looking forward to discussing this with you.” Drake looked sternly into Eric's eyes and suddenly, the urge to keep shut and not reply diminished inside Eric, and he opened his mouth to talk immediately.“Tell me why you should still exist on the payroll. If you give me a valid reason, I will make sure to call Damien right before your very eyes and reinstate you back into the payroll.”
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Bring a partner to the dinner
The meeting finally came to a close after much rancor and disagreements. Eric inhaled deeply as he watched his last auntie leave the room. “Why were they pissed that I was announced as the head of the family?” He thought for a moment before he exhaled rapidly, tilting his head to look at his grandfather, who also seemed to be lost in thought.“Why are they all angry?” He asked in a low tone, jolting Sir Chadwick from his reverie as he tilted his head to look at Eric before he inhaled deeply to talk.“Pay no attention to them. You are now the head of the family. You can choose to do whatever you want to do with them.” Sir Chadwick grunted lightly as he stood up from the chair and walked slowly away from the sitting room but halted his steps, turning around to look at Eric as if he remembered to say something.“You can find your back to the mansion. I will be leaving for France tomorrow. My vacation has started and I don't want any disturbance. Take good care of yourself and of course,
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A toast to a long lasting family
It was finally dinner time, Eric and Samantha were in the room, talking about how their day went and what they were going to do at the dinner.“Perhaps after, eating we will play a couple of games and then have fun. What do you think?” Eric looked away as he thought about what Samantha had just said. He thought for a while before he inhaled deeply, bringing his gaze back to look at her.“That's a nice idea. Since we are going to be out of town for the next couple of months. It's only right if we do some of those games and have fun.” Eric explained slowly as if he were counting his words as he spoke them. Not long after, they heard the sound of a car, driving into the mansion.“They are here!” Eric said rapidly, and she nodded her head slightly as she walked behind him towards the door. They arrived in the dining room and just then, the food was getting ready. The door suddenly opened, and Lydia was the first person to enter the room alongside a strange man. Eric's eyebrow furrowed as
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Sick for a while
The dinner ended faster than they all thought, and they walked back to the sitting room. Lydia and Harvey sat by themselves, and so did Emily and Damien. Eric and Samantha also took their seat on the same side of the chair.“Now to the next part of the night's activities,” Eric said in a low tone, and they all tilted their heads to look at him as he looked at Samantha for a moment and thought of what next to say. He then tilted his head back to look at them before he talked.“We wanted to play some couple's game. So since there are three couples now, it's the best.” Eric said slowly as his eyes darted between Lydia and Emily. They looked at themselves, and then Emily cleared her throat to talk.“What games are we playing?” She asked, and they all looked at her for a moment before Samantha talked.“The one that couples play. Good thing you have a partner.” “But, I thought we all agreed that it was just to eat dinner. When did we say we were going to play some games?” Emily spoke in su
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Out of the country for honey mood
Samantha brought the phone off her ear quickly to end the call. Her heart began to beat erratically as she did not know what was going on with her mother. She took in several deep breaths to calm her racing heart, but it only got was. She constantly checked her phone to see if her mother had sent the address to her, but she had not sent it. Eric noticed how perturbed she was, and then he moved closer to her to talk to her.“You should be calm. She is going to be alright.” He said in a low tone, and she immediately tilted her head to look at Eric who had a pale look on his face.“She still had not sent her address. I don't think there is anyone with her right now.” She could not but talk back at him, looking away immediately after she finished talking.“I know. But I want you to be calm. You should not harm yourself before she sends her address….” Just as he was trying to talk to her, her phone suddenly chimed, and she quickly brought it to look at what came in. She noticed that Rachae
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How many times would you thank me
“How did you know that?” Samantha asked with a frown on her face, but Eric kept tapping her gently to maintain calmness so that Rachael could go on with what she was saying.“Someone told me about it. I would not say the name of the person for some reason.” She raised her head to look at her daughter and then at Eric for a moment before she inhaled deeply to talk.“I know, you probably don't ever want to have anything to do with me, but I just want you to let me clear my mind and make things right.” “There is nothing to make a right, mom. You already made your mark and you stood by it.” Samantha chipped in immediately, tilting her head to look at her husband for a moment before she exhaled deeply.“Sam, I told you to calm down. Just let her finish what she has to say.” Eric tilted his head back to look at Rachael before he talked to her.“You can go on.” Eric's voice echoed, and Rachael made a sign to thank him. She inhaled deeply before she continued to talk.“As I was saying, I kno
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Asked her to come
Eric woke up to the buzzing sound of his phone, and he opened his eyes slowly to check who was calling him. As he looked around for his phone, he noticed that Samantha was not in bed with him, and it made him draw a puzzled face as he wondered where she could be at that point in time. Not minding that his phone was ringing, he sat up slowly on the bed and rubbed his palm over his face as he thought deeply, about where she might be. A thought popped up in his mind and he tilted his head immediately to look at the bathroom, but there was no sign at all that she was there.“Samantha!” He yelled out and waited to see if he would get any response, but he did not get any. He gradually came off the bed, heaving a sigh as he tossed his phone on the bed before walking towards the bathroom to check.“Samantha!” He called lowly as he walked inside the bathroom and looked everywhere but could not find her. “Where is she?” He asked himself as he quickly walked out of the room and headed out to lo
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Lydia and Emily coming to the mansion
“That's very true. But at least, I should have gotten a hint that she was going out. Even if she did not tell me that she was coming to your place. Do you know how worried I was?” Eric asked in a sharp tone as he heaved a heavy sigh of relief.“Well, sorry you had to go through all those worries. I am done actually with her, and she will be back to your pace very soon.” He said, and Eric inhaled deeply as he looked to expel his anger and talk in a calm tone. He stood up from the bed and just as he was about to talk, a knock came in on the door, and he turned around to walk to the door.“Okay. I will be waiting for her.” He heaved a sigh as he walked to the door to get the door. As he tilted the doorknob, his gaze fell on the maid who brought his food to him, and he opened the door widely for her to bring the food inside the room. “Thank you. Is this for me and my wife?” He could not help but ask as he looked at her in the eyes, and she looked away before she nodded her head slowly be
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