All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
162 chapters
Invite your friend over for dinner
Michael stood there, looking quite shocked at how Eric spoke to them. He wondered where Eric suddenly got the voice and gut to talk to them in such a manner. “Are you deaf, or do you want me to speak it to you in a different language?” Eric asked as he gestured with his hands, pointing at his head. Michael heaved a sigh and nodded his head slowly while Edward who could not stand the embarrassment started to walk out of the room. “You better think this through, boy. There is no way you will get a better offer, you just have to take this one and have the assurance of living a better life.” Michael said, gesturing with his hands as he looked at Michael. Michael smirked as a thought struck his mind. If I want to buy your entire family, I will, and I will do it with just a phone call. Michael thought and he smirked. “Get out,” Eric repeated and Micheal had no choice but to go out of the room to meet with Edward, who was already waiting outside. Eric held the doorknob, looking at Michael
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Just be by my side and everything will be fine
Samantha was really excited about Eric having a job. She could not hide her excitement as she jumped into the arms of Eric, who hugged her tightly as if he were never letting her go. They stayed in that hug for a few moments, and Samantha pulled out of the hug, giving Eric another deep kiss on the lips. Eric closed his eyes as Samantha's lips struck his own and he kissed her deeply too. “I love you. It does not have to do with money or material things. I genuinely love you from the bottom of my heart. Don't think about what my family is saying. Look at you now, about to get a job. I hope everything goes well.” Samantha said in a convincing tone and Eric could not help but smile at his wife, thinking that his wife loved him so much despite that he did not have money. She smiled at him too, and all that she thought of was how her husband would finally get a job and put her family and others to shame. Eric continued to stare into her eyes with only one thought in my mind. How long can
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Get me a job as the head of security
No one seemed to be interested in what Eric was saying, but he understood perfectly why no one wanted to answer him. He took a deep breath tilted his head to one of the men, and asked again.“What is going on here?” He asked curiously, directing the question to the man, but he did not answer as he continued to beat the young man on the ground.“I am talking to you,” Eric stated in a loud tone, and he finally grabbed the attention of the people around as they tilted their heads to look at Eric.“Who is this low-class person, trying to know what's going on?” Eric heard a woman mumbled from the back, but he feigned ignorance and did as if he did not hear what she had said.“And who do you think you are?” The man asked as he gave Eric a wild look. “Is that necessary? I just want to know why you all are beating the young man.” Etic replied in a calm tone, and another woman came forward before the man could reply.“Who are you? You don't look like someone who is worth explaining what happen
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We can only offer you a cleaning job
“Mom, I need some cash for shopping,” Michael said as he approached his mom, Rachael, and she tilted her head to look at him with a side eye, not saying anything to her son.“Mom, I am talking to you,” Michael said rapidly as he tilted his head to look at his mom, who had a frown on her face.“Oh, cut the crap. Don't give me all that bull shit. Did you keep any money with me?” Rachael snapped at Michael, and his face lit up in shock, as he did not expect his mother to yell at him in such a manner. “Mom!” Michael called out slowly as he struggled to believe he was not dreaming.“Son!” Rachael called back as she looked at Michael fiercely. Rachael stared at him for a moment, and Michael drifted back a bit to have a better look at his mother. He could still not believe his eyes or ears.“Mom! Are you serious right now this is not funny at all.” Michael said, his voice breaking as he spoke.“Are you surprised? Oh, yes, this is me telling you that I can no longer give you my money to fund
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He won the bet
“I am sorry, but that's the job we can offer you with your qualifications.” The interviewer stated, and Michael's face slowly transformed into a frown as he was not having it with the interviewer.“Check my results and document well. You might be making a mistake here.” Michael stated again, and the interviewer stared at him sternly, not making a comment.“Are you taking the job or not?” The interviewer asked, and Michael's heart skipped a beat as he heard what the interviewer asked him. How can I take such an offer? He questioned himself.“But. but. There is someone who fits the cleaning job perfectly. He is outside in the applicant section.” Michael stated with his eyebrows furrowed slightly, hoping to convince the interviewer to offer him another job, but the interviewer did not respond to his request.Michael looked at the interviewer in disdain, and anger began to brew inside of him. “Do you know who I am?” Michael suddenly asked, and the interviewer tilted his head to look at h
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I want my money back
Michael angrily went home with only one thought in his mind. Why would he be offered a cleaning job even with his qualifications? He wondered. He stepped into the living room, but he did not see anyone at home. “Mom!” He called but no response. He stood there for a minute as if he were thinking of what to do. He heaved a sigh as he walked away from the living room and headed directly to his room. He tossed his documents on the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed, thinking about what had happened at the company. How could Eric be considered for employment over him? He wondered.He could not take his mind off Eric and the bet that he lost to him. He took a deep breath and went back to the parlor with the purpose of getting a drink. When he got there, he forgot what brought him to the sitting room, and he stood there akimbo. He suddenly heard a knock on his door. It came so rapidly and it infuriated Michael.“Who is that? Do you want to bring the door down?” He asked in a harsh tone
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Find a way to get Samantha married to him
Rachel was shocked to hear what Darius had just said. She knew returning the money was near impossible at this point, and she had to find a way to convince Darius that it was not the best thing to do. She heaved a sigh as she tilted her head to look at Michael, and he tilted his head away.Michael thought of what to say to Darius as he tilted his head away from his mother, looking at the painting on the wall.“Don't let us go through that path.” Rachel suddenly said, and Michael tilted his head back to look at them, clearing his throat slightly.“It's what is best for both of us. Since you could not convince him to let go, Samantha. Then I feel returning my money is the best for us.” Darius said slowly as if he were counting his words as he spoke them, while Michael shook his head slowly, disagreeing with what Darius had said. He knew what they would be losing if they allowed Darius to have his money back, so they were ready to do everything possible to keep him in the family. “Yes,
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Begging for food
“Mom! I don't want to talk about it.” Michael said as his face slowly turned into a frown. His mother kept mute for a moment, staring at him.“What happened?” Rachael asked, and Michael took his gaze away slowly, not uttering a single word. He stood up abruptly and decided to leave the sitting room for his room. “Come back here!” His mother yelled suddenly, and he stopped walking, turning back to face his mother, who had a slight frown on her face.“How dare you walk out on me?” Rachael questioned and Michael stood there mute, not saying a word. “I am sorry, mom. But you caused this.” Michael complained as he walked back to sit on the couch, facing his mother. He heaved a sigh as he tilted his head to look at his mother, who still had a slight frown on her face.“What are you talking about?” Rachael asked as her face slowly transformed from a frown into a puzzled look.“You needed to see the way that I was humiliated. Imagine the company, offering me a cleaning job.” Michael said, d
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A gift for her
Samantha held her face immediately as she gasped in shock at what her mother had just done to her. Tears gathered in her eyes as she stared at her mother fiercely. She blinked slowly and tears rolled down her cheek freely. Michael ran towards her slowly, trying to pat her, but she gave him a fierce look, and he stepped back a bit.“Mom, you slapped me?” Samantha found her words right as she tilted her head slowly to look at her mother, who was not showing any remorse for doing that.“Yes, and I will do it again if you repeat what you did.” Rachael fired back, and she heaved a sigh as she tilted her head away slowly in disbelief. Her mother was hell-bent on making her leave the man that she loved for the man with wealth, but she was determined to go through all odds just to be with Eric. Michael could only watch, as he did not want to anger either his sister or his mother. “It should not be up to this,” Michael said and surprisingly, his mom did not say anything and Samantha also rema
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Run for your life!
Samantha stood there shocked as she stared at Tom, who tucked his hands into his pocket and stared back at her. She threw the dress on the floor and took a deep breath, trying to recover from the shock that she was in. There was only one thing on her mind as she stood there. How did Darius know what she liked and got all for her at once? She wondered. Her mind suddenly wandered off to her mother and brother as she heaved a sigh of frustration. She knew that they must have told him what she liked. “I have enough for today. Take your smelly self and your worthless gifts back to that shame of a man you call your boss. Tell him that I am not interested in him and I will never be interested in him.” Samantha said with anger brewing inside her as she stared at Tom.“Did you just insult my boss?” Tom asked with a frown on his face as he moved a step forward closer to Samantha, who took a step backward to maintain the distance between them. “Yes, and there is nothing you or anyone would do
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