All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
162 chapters
Beating them all up
“Running makes me a coward, honey, and I am no coward,” Eric said as he tilted his head slightly to look at his wife, who looked petrified. “What can you even do? Nothing. All I have to do is instruct these men, and they will beat you to a pulp.” Tom said, shoving his hands into his pocket after gesturing his initial words. “You have no right to come here and cause trouble. Take your men and the useless things you brought as gifts back to your foolish boss.” Samantha said in a sharp tone, pointing a finger towards Tommy, who was backing her. “Don't you dare insult my boss again? Or else…" Tommy said as he turned back rapidly to look at her when Eric cut in sharply, making him pause his statement.“Or else what? Huh? What are you going to do?” Eric asked with every bit of confidence in him. He stepped forward, and the men stepped forward too as he stared at Tommy directly in the eyes as if he were searching for something. Tommy heaved a sigh, taking his gaze away as he thought of wh
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What is going on here?
Eric held her hand and they both walked back into the house with only one thought in his mind, which was to make Darius pay for what he had done the hard way. He heaved a sigh as he climbed onto the bed, thinking about what had happened earlier in the day. Samantha walked into the room and lay beside him on the bed, heaving a heavy sigh. Eric tilted his head towards her slowly and she gave him a pale look, taking off her gaze slowly as he could only imagine what was going through her mind as she lay there on the bed. He cleared my throat lowly as he wanted to talk.“Baby!” Eric said in a low tone, and she took a deep breath.“Yes!” She replied, and he exhaled heavily.“I am sorry for what happened earlier today. I promise it will never repeat itself.” Eric said in a low tone as if he were whispering.“Let's forget about it. I just hope Darius doesn't come back with another strategy to take me forcefully.” She said, and he shook his head slowly.“I doubt he would be after the display t
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I'm no more interested in marrying your daughter
“Good day, sir.” She greeted rapidly and bowed as Darius walked and stood in front of them. He heaved a sigh as he shoved his hand in his pocket, tilting his head slowly to look at Eric, who kept a straight face. “What's going on here?” He said as he tilted his head back to look at his employee who took a deep breath, getting ready to talk.“Sir, this man came here to seek a meeting with you. After careful evaluation of his physical appearance and manner of approach, I knew he was not the type of person you would like to meet, so I decided to decline his request to meet with you. He then started to yell and curse at me. It was when I wanted to reply to him, you walked in on us.” She explained, taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart as she breathed heavily. She tilted her head swiftly to look at Eric briefly, bringing it back immediately to look at her boss. Michael cleared his throat slightly as he tilted his head towards Eric, who looked away briefly before bringing his gaze
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Give me a second chance
Darius was back on his feet now, tilting his head from side to side as he still could not believe his eyes and ears. How did he manage to pull that stunt? He asked himself but could not find an answer to that question. His heart racing so fast that he started to breathe through the mouth. He knew how important that project was for him and his company and would do anything to have the contract back. He took a deep breath as he lowered his head trying to think of what next to do but nothing was coming to his head as he could not think straight.Eric stood there, with his hands wrapped around his chest as he enjoyed the view of what was going on. He heaved a sigh as he tilted his head to look at the receptionist that earlier insulted him. He made a cocky smile, and she took her faze away immediately as she thought, how could Eric be this important to her boss all of a sudden. Eric stood there, quiet, not uttering a single word. There was a moment of silence as Darius was still in pleadin
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Think of how to pay Darius
What could possibly be going on? Rachael asked in shock as she took her phone to redial Darius' contact, but she later decided not to call him again after he screamed at her earlier. She stood up abruptly from the chair that she sat down and paced around the room in fear, unsure of what was exactly going on. She stopped abruptly as her phone began to buzz as she looked to see who was calling. It was her son, Michael. She hurriedly picked up the call and placed the phone over her ear, heaving a heavy sigh before talking. She was just about to talk before Michael cut in.“Mom! What's going on? I missed your calls.” Michael said hurriedly, and Rachael could not bring herself to explain to him what was really going on. She took a deep breath as she thought of what to tell him.“Just come home. There is something going on that I don't understand.” She replied and cut the call. She tossed her phone on the chair as she continued to think about what Darius had just said. Was he under any kind
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He's bad luck
“Come back here you scumbag. Who do you think you are?” Rachael questioned in anger as she pointed at Eric. He stopped instantly, thinking of what next to say to them. He heaved a sigh as he tilted his head slowly to the back to give them a straight stare, bringing out his hand from his pocket to wipe his face. “You are still not doing what I asked you to do. Focus less on me and more on how to pay Darius. You know how cruel and mean he can be.” Eric replied with a grin on his face as he tilted his head slowly to look at Michael, who had a frown on his face. He forced out a breath as he walked slowly towards Eric, staring at him directly in the eyes as if he wanted to land a punch on his face.“Leave. I don't ever want to see you here. Do you get that?” Michael said in a sharp tone as he pointed to the door, and Eric chuckled.“You heard him right. If you by any chance come back to this place again, I will put your sorry ass in jail.” Rachael said as she breathed heavily. She could n
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Why did you bring me here?
Eric walked in the direction of his house and just as he was about to take the turn that led to his house, his phone buzzed and he stopped immediately. He reached for his phone in his pocket and brought it out, checking to see who was calling. The sun was up and shiny, making him unable to see clearly, so he sourced a shady place to stay and check who was calling. Before he got there, the call had already ended, and he checked to see who it was. He smirked softly as he saw that it was Sonia that was calling. Why was she calling? Eric asked in his mind as he dialed the contact. Sonia was the best friend of Samantha, and they have been friends since they were kids. They went through high school and college together and have remained friends ever since. She was not really in support of Samantha getting married to Eric, but after much back and forth between her and her best friend, she had no choice but to respect her decision. Eric knew that she had called him to tease him, and he was r
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My darling wife
“To have a nice time with the husband of my best friend. At least if I am going to like you as her husband, there are baby steps.” Sonia said in a low tone as she leaned forward to look at Eric clearly.“Samantha and I do not need your approval. I don't need you to like me. Samantha loves me and that is all that matters.” Eric replied to her sharply and waited for her to talk, but she kept mute for a moment. Sonia thought that trading words with him would only jeopardize her plan, and she was not ready for it. She heaved a sigh as she already knew what to do to him.“You are suddenly quiet. Did I make you realize something?” Eric asked and Sonia tilted her head to glance at him, resisting all urge to talk back at him, but finally gave in to the urge. “You know what? Let's just have a nice time, and we will talk about all these when are done eating.” Sonia said in a low tone, and Eric nodded his head slowly, adjusting on his seat as they waited for the waiter to bring their orders. No
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How do you intend to pay us?
“You can't just leave, Eric. Do something.” Sonia said lowly in a shaky voice as fear was evident in her tone. Her heart beat faster as she was scared of what will become of her if she did not have a means of settling the bills. Eric stopped walking abruptly and turned around to give her a pale look as if he had a pity for her before bursting into laughter, pointing at her. “Who said I can't leave? This was your idea in the first place. Isn't it?” Eric asked with his eyebrow furrowed briefly before taking his gaze away from her. Sonia kept mute as she was not thinking straight. All that ran through her mind was how she was going to escape all these embarrassments. “Watch me leave you here to pay all your bill. After all, you ate all the food.” Eric said, tilting his head to look at the waiter, who stood there and watched the whole drama that ensued between them. He cleared his throat, grabbing both their attention, and they both tilted their heads at the same time to look at him.“M
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A nice time with his wife
Eric rushed home quickly, as he did not want to delay his wife any longer. He walked into his house swiftly, but he could not find his wife in the sitting room. “Honey!” He yelled as he walked towards the kitchen to check on her but was disappointed as he could not find her there. “Where could she be?” He wondered as he slowly walked out of the kitchen to the room, hoping to find her.“Samantha!” He called out as he walked into the room but stood there with a look of confusion as he could not find his wife. He took a deep breath as his heart began to pound faster. Worried about his wife, he slowly walked to the bed and sat on the edge, using his palm to support his chin as he leaned forward. He heaved a heavy sigh as he tried to think of where his wife might be at the moment but he could not think of any.“Rachael!” He suddenly whispered as his mind wandered off to Samantha's mom and brother. He stood up rapidly from the bed and made an attempt to walk out of the room, but he decided
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