All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
162 chapters
The poor man
“How about this?” Samantha asked Eric as she placed her dress over her body and turned to look at him.“This is perfect. It looks beautiful on you.” Eric said in a low tone as he tilted his head away briefly to scout for his clothes. After much deliberation, they finally picked a cloth, and they got ready for dinner. “Taking a cab?” Samantha asked as they walked out of the house to the roadside.“I already booked us a ride.” He replied, tilting his head away from her slowly as he heaved a sigh, thinking about what had happened between him and Sonia earlier in the day. Sonia had wanted to embarrass him, but she ended up being embarrassed instead. He chuckled as he remembered that she was asked to clean the whole restaurant to pay for the bills. “She would still be there cleaning.” Eric thought to himself and chuckled again.“What is going on?” Samantha suddenly asked, grabbing his attention as he suddenly tilted his head to look at her, making a puzzled face as if he wanted her to say
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Insulted yet again
“Says someone who is about to join me in cleaning,” Sonia said and Samantha wanted to respond to her, but Eric signaled her with his eyes not to respond, and she kept quiet.“Hope you are enjoying your meal, sweetheart?” He asked, trying to tease Sonia as she turned slowly to look at them.“Yes, baby. I am.” Samantha responded and they continued their meal. Shortly after, Sonia was done cleaning the floor and waited for them to eat their food, hoping that they were going to be asked to clean the restaurant as well.“You never really learn, do you?” Eric asked as he slowly tilted his head to look at Sonia and she smirked.“Learn what?” She asked sharply.“You don't get it yet? You can't embarrass me. You tried it earlier, and it did not work out for you, and now you think that I will be disgraced here?” Eric said, and she smirked again, looking at him directly into the eyes.“I just hope you have got your cleaning shoes on. Your wife is the one I pity the most. How could you bring her
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Embarrassed while paying his bills
Everyone gasped as they heard the sound of the slap that landed on Sonia's face. She held her face tightly as she slowly tilted her head to give Eric a stern look.“Keep the name of my wife out of your dirty mouth,” Eric said in a low but sharp tone as he stared deeply into her eyes. Samantha only watched in shock, as she had never seen him in such an angry mood before. The whole place went silent as everyone was trying to make sense of what was happening. Eric tilted his head to look at the whole people whose attention was already on him, but he did not fret a bit about his action.“What did you do that for?” The waiter asked suddenly as he moved closer to Eric with a fist, but Eric only chuckled.“You slapped me?” Sonia said in a thunderous tone and by this time, the whole attention was turned towards them as everyone suspended their meal and watched them display like they were acting a drama. “Yes and I will do it again if you don't keep her name out of your god-damned mouth. If y
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How do we pay Darius
Rachael sat down on the sofa, looking in a particular direction, as she could not get her mind off the fact that Darius had canceled the plan for the wedding. She adjusted slowly as she went deep in thought, heaving a heavy sigh.“What have I gotten myself into?” She asked herself in a low tone as she slowly leaned backward to rest her back. She recalled the day that she received the call from Darius about the cancellation of the marriage plan. Her mind suddenly wandered off to Eric, and she hissed outrightly, trying not to think of him as the cause of her predicament.“Someone that can't even fend for himself. How could he…" She whispered and hissed inaudibly, forcing out a breath as she continued to think of a way out of the whole mess. A thought suddenly crossed her mind to call her daughter, Samantha, and ask her to come over. She quickly reached for her phone and dialed the contact. “Hello.” She said immediately as she picked up the call, waiting for Samantha to respond.“Hello,
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We are doomed
Darius arrived at their house after a while. He had a straight face as he did not come to play with them.“Come in,” Rachael said in a low tone as she gestured to him to walk into the sitting room. Darius gave her a straight look briefly before heaving a sigh as he deliberated on whether to go in or just tell them what he wanted to tell them at the door and go his way. He finally decided to go in, and he walked in slowly as if he were counting his steps as he walked in.“What can I offer you?” Rachael said hurriedly as she walked towards him. Darius tilted his head to look at her, thinking of what to say before Michael walked into the sitting room, as he acted as if he was shocked to see him sitting.“Oh hey! I did not know that you were coming over,” Michael said as he slowly walked towards them, holding his hands in front and trying to hide his fear.“Well, I am here now, and I don't need to announce the reason that I am here. I am sure you both know the exact reason I am here.” Da
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Get out of my office!
“Are you sure that he would want to speak with you about it?” Rachael asked, making a scrunching face as she waited anxiously for Michael to talk. He heaved a heavy sigh, tilting his head to look at his mother, clearing his throat before talking.“That's the only option we have now. Do we have a hundred million dollars to pay to him in twenty-four hours? No, we don't.” Michael stated, forcing out a heavy breath as he slowly tilted his head away from his mother.“But, what would have made him just decide to end it all?” Rachael asked, but Michael only heaved a sigh of frustration as he tilted his head slowly, trying to calm his racing heart.“I will meet him first thing tomorrow morning at his company. We will get answers to all these intriguing questions.” Michael said in an assuring tone, and his mother heaved a heavy sigh, wiping her forehead with her palm. Frustration, fretting, and fear, were all evident in their faces.“But for now, let us relax and plan on what next to do,” Mich
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About to take my leave
“Did you just ask me to leave?” Michael managed to say, and Darius gave a nod, pointing towards the door. Michael knew better not to say any more words as he only stared at him, hoping that he would be able to change his mind, but that was a dream that would never come true. He heaved a sigh as he turned around to leave, and just then he stopped abruptly as he heard Darius clear his throat slightly to talk. He hoped that he wanted to tell him that he changed his mind, so he waited anxiously to hear what he had to say.“Don't forget that you have eaten well into your twenty-four hours. I wonder how you will be able to source for forty million dollars before nightfall. Anyway, that's for you to worry about.” Darius said slowly, and Michael's heart was completely shattered as he heard what he had just said. He was not ready to go back on his words. Michael heaved a sigh of frustration as he walked out of the office slowly. He could not help but notice that there were a lot of changes in
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Why are you here?
Michael contemplated on whether to go home and come back the next day, or just to go back to the company and try to look into their cameras. “Delay is dangerous, it's better I get it done today.” He thought, and he headed back to the company to check on their cameras for the past few days. He walked into the company and headed straight to the receptionist. As soon as she gazed at him, she forced out a breath and gave him a stern look briefly before she made up her mind not to entertain his unending questions.“What is it this time?” She asked him, giving him a straight stare, and Michael only thought of how to convince her that she should allow her into the CCTV camera room. Just as he was about to talk, someone walked to her, and she turned her gaze to look at him, ignoring Michael completely.“You left the Control room, who is watching the cameras?” She asked the young man who stood there in front of her desk, and he shrugged before talking.“I was only out for a few minutes, and th
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Are you High on drugs?
“Honey, I am ho…” Eric said but slowly came to a halt immediately he noticed the presence of Michael in his sitting room. His walking pace became slow as he tilted his head to look at his wife and then back at Michael. He heaved a sigh as he approached them, pulling his wife into a warm embrace and giving her a kiss on her forehead. “Welcome baby. How was work today?” She said in a low tone as he withdrew slowly from his embrace.“What's going on here? Why is he here?” Eric asked in a sharp tone, and Samantha could not help but heaved a sigh as she shrugged, not knowing what to say.“He just showed up a moment ago and began to act all wired and nice.” She whispered to him, and Eric heaved a sigh as he tilted his head to look at Michael, who had a slight smile on his face. “Welcome home Eric.” Michael greeted and waved a hand at him and that left Eric with a puzzled face as he did not know what was going on?“Why are you here?” Eric wasted no time, going straight to the point and ask
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You are more than what you are
“Mom, I will call you back. I feel like I am disrespecting Eric by talking to you in his presence.” Michael said, and by this, Eric could no longer hold it. He ruffled his hair rapidly in his head and walked away quickly to his room. Samantha immediately followed him into the room, heaving a sigh as she sat on the bed, waiting for her husband to talk. Eric only took a deep breath as he was clearly frustrated by the whole drama being played by his brother-in-law. There was a moment of awkward silence in the room.Meanwhile, in the sitting room where Michael was, his call with his mom continued as he continued to wipe his bloody and broken nose. “Tell me this is all a joke, please,” Rachael said, as she still could not believe her ears. She heaved a sigh, waiting anxiously for her son to talk.“It's not a joke. I told you he was up to something, Mom. You would not believe what I found out about him today.” Michael said, hoping to convince his mother, but she was ready to stand her grou
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