All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
162 chapters
Eric and Samantha
“Honey, what's wrong?” Samantha asked Eric as he walked back into the house. He only kept mute as he could not make a full sentence. His head was full of different thoughts as every word of Michael bit through him. He heaved a sigh as he slowly shook his head, laying down reluctantly on the bed as he faced up to the ceiling. Samantha waited for him to talk, but he did not say a word as he continued to stare at the ceiling. “What could be wrong with him?” Samantha asked herself as she leaned towards him, placing a hand on his chest before talking.“You are not saying anything,” Samantha said, and he slowly tilted his head to give her a brief look before talking.“I am fine, Samantha.” He said, and she became surprised as he called her by her name. She became worried as she did not know what was going on with him. “No, you are not. Please talk to me. Did Michael say something to upset you?” She asked, waiting anxiously for him to talk, but he did not utter a single word, making her mor
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Waiting for his plans to start
The alarm went off and Eric immediately opened his eyes. He checked beside him, and Samantha was already up and out of bed. He yawned, stretching out his arms as he stood from the bed and walked straight into the bathroom, to get prepared for the day's activity. A thought suddenly struck his mind on how to arrange the meetings and make the plan work out smoothly for him. Not long after, he came out of the shower and started to get dressed. He picked up his phone and dialed Damien. As soon as it started to ring, Damien picked up the call and greeted.“Good morning boss.” He greeted, and Eric heaved a sigh.“Mind your words. I am at home.” He said, and there was a brief moment of silence before he talked.“How can I be of help?” Damien said, and Eric cleared his throat slightly as he looked around, making sure that no one was looking.“Where are you?” He asked.“On my way to the company,” Damien responded and Eric gave a nod.“I will meet you there soon. There is something I need to dis
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I know what I'm talking about
The taxi pulled over in front of Rachael's house and Etic came out of the car. He paid the taxi man and heaved a sigh as he turned around to look at the house. “I have to put on my best acting performance.” He whispered to himself as he took a deep breath and walked to the door, hitting the bell. No response came immediately, and his heart skipped a beat as he thought of what could go wrong. He rang the bell again and this time, the door opened, revealing Rachael. She gave him a stare-down for a moment, and Eric knew he was in for drama today.“Good morning mother-in-law.” He greeted and bowed lowly to her, but she hissed, rolling her eyes away as if she were disgusted by his presence. “What are you doing here this morning?” She asked in a sharp tone, and Eric lowered his head as if he was ashamed of himself.“I came to say hello to my mother-in-law.” He replied and waited anxiously for her to reply, but she chuckled with a hint of sarcasm. “Who is your mother-in-law? I hope you are
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I was so stupid to believe you
Eric's gaze fell on Damien as he walked in through the door. He felt a bit relieved and quite excited at the sight of Damien. “There he is. Arrest him, officer.” Damien said, pointing to Eric, who stood up slowly and quickly understood the script he was to play. “I am sorry. I am still sourcing for your money. That was why I even came here to borrow some so that I could pay you. If you get me arrested now, how do I get the money from the cell.” Eric asked in a low tone as he pleaded for him not to be arrested.“Wait, officer, you are making a mistake. This is Eric, do you know who he is?” Michael asked as he approached the officer, but before he could get a reply, his mother talked, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.“Don't listen to him, officer. Do your job. Take him away from here. We don't know him.” She said, and Michael kept mute as he did not know what to say but to keep watching as the drama unfolded. “Officer, arrest him, please. I have a meeting to attend, an
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My friend came to bail me
Eric became excited as he finally pulled off the drama. He heaved a sigh as he leaned against the back seat of the police van, smirking. He cleared his throat, tilting his head to look at the officer beside him, to talk.“Officer, can I call my wife?” He asked lowly, waiting anxiously for the officer to talk, but he burst into wild laughter as he tilted his head to look at Eric who was thrown into confusion. “Why is he laughing?” Etic wondered as he had a puzzled face on, waiting for him to hear from him. “That was some professional acting in there. You should consider a career in acting.” The officer said, and Eric could not help but laugh as he heard what he had just said. “But how?” Eric asked lowly, heaving a sigh.“Damien already told us the whole story. And we told him not to inform you about us.” He said, and Eric forced out a breath as he could not help but think about how Damien was able to pull this off together with Darius. Not long after, the van pulled over in front of
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Poor thing
“Your filthy, good-for-nothing husband has been arrested for not paying up his debt. Now you have to rethink if you still want to be with that loser, or you want to be with someone else.” Michael said over the phone and took a pause, taking a deep breath to catch his breath. He heaved a sigh before he continued to talk, but Samantha started to talk, making him keep quiet to listen.“Michael, is this really you speaking?” She asked as she brought the phone off her ear to see the caller ID again before placing it back over her ear.“Oh yes! This is me. I was blinded by the wrong fact, and now I am back to my senses. Leave that man alone.” He said, and Eric could not help but stare at his wife as she kept mute, listening to his brother.“I should have known this was your plan all along. Getting him arrested.” Samantha blew hot over the phone and Eric became scared that Michael could reveal what happened. He heaved a sigh, getting the attention of his wife, who did not listen when Michael
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I will get a well paying job myself
Eric woke up to the soft tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes slowly but squinted in response to the light that came in through the window. He slowly tilted his head to see his wife getting ready, and he quickly sat up on the bed, yawning and stretching out his arms. Samantha tilted her head to give her husband a brief look as she wiped her face in front of the mirror. There was a moment of awkward silence in the room before she took a deep breath to talk, but before she could say a word, Eric talked.“Where are you going?” He asked in his groggy voice as he tried to get up from the bed on his feet, then he suddenly realized that he was naked, not wearing even a boxer. His mind suddenly wandered off to what happened between him and his wife last night. He quickly reached for his underpants and wore it swiftly before his wife could notice. “I told you yesterday about the job offer that I got.” Samantha said as she turned around to focus her gaze on her husband.“You told me about a
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Termination letter
Eric quickly got dressed, minutes after his wife left the house. “I have to meet with Damien before she arrives.” He whispered to himself as he wore his clothes quickly. He dashed out of the room and headed straight to Juan Manuel Corporation. He walked in, and the receptionist directed him straight to Damien's office. Eric heaved a sigh as he knocked on the door to the office and in not time, a response came.“Come in.” He heard and opened the door swiftly, going inside. “Young master, what a pleasant surprise.” He said as he stood up abruptly from his chair and ushered Eric to a chair. “What would you like to have? You did not inform me that you are coming.” Damien said as he tilted his head to look at him. Eric took a deep breath as he thought of where to start from.“Damien, there is something I want to discuss with you. It's very important.” Eric said, and Damien immediately had a smirk on his face.“It took you long enough, young master. I was intending to tell you about it too
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The game has just begun
Eric left Damien's office swiftly and headed straight to his house. A thought suddenly crossed his mind and he changed his mind to visit Darius. He thought of a way to do it, and he went back to meet Damien.“Did you forget something?” The receptionist asked, and he smiled, before he nodded. “I will get it brief.” He said, and she gave a nod, but suddenly came to realize that her boss was in a board meeting.“Excuse me sir. He is in a meeting.” The receptionist said sharply, and he heaved a sigh of disappointment as he remembered that Damien had made mention of the meeting earlier when he was with him.“When is he going to be out?” Eric asked, raising an eyebrow as he tilted his head to give her a brief look.“Let's say an hour or, at most, an hour and thirty minutes.” She replied, and he slowly lowered his head, shaking it as he thoughts about what next to do. He knew he couldn't go directly into Darius's company to meet with, as he did not want to stare any speculation about himself
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Our lives are officially over
Michael searched through all his pockets but could not find the card. He heaved a sigh of frustration as he went towards his bed to sit on the edge. Different thoughts soon ran through his mind as he sat there. “How do we pay up this debt?” He asked himself as he was slowly losing his mind, knowing that there was no way Samantha would ever agree to marry Darius and also Darius had rejected her outrightly without giving any valid reason for doing so. He heaved a sigh as he began to tap his lips slowly with his fingers.His phone suddenly began to buzz, and he checked to see who was calling. “Darius” he whispered to himself as he tilted his head away immediately, contemplating on whether to pick the call or not. “It's just a call.” He said and took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly. Just as he was about to pick the call, it ended, and he heaved a sigh of relief as he tossed the phone to the other side. He leaned backwards, resting his back on the pillow as he went deep in thought.
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