All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
162 chapters
A big contract
Michael was a bit shocked at what he just heard over the phone. He heaved a heavy sigh as he tilted his head a little, thinking of what to say. “How did you know it was me?” Michael could not help but ask, and she only chuckled, exhaling heavily before he talked.“I know everything about you. You don't know me, do you?” She asked, and Michael's heart skipped a beat as he heard that. “Now I am scared.” Michael said, forcing out a breath, and suddenly Lydia started to laugh.“Oh common. Don't be ridiculous. I was just messing around.” She said, and he heaved a sigh of relief as he thought of what to say.“But seriously, it took you long enough to call me.” She added quickly.“Why did you ask me to call you?” Michael asked in a low tone as he stood up from the bed and walked out of his room to the sitting room to get a drink.“I have a business deal for you.” She said, and Michael's heart skipped a beat as he halted immediately. His mind wandered off to the money he will be getting from
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A compensation for the terminated contract
Samantha arrived home and went directly to the bathroom to take a shower, as she was exhausted from her outing. She came out of the bathroom after a while and noticed that Eric was still not home, and she decided to give him a call to know where he was. She searched for her phone, taking a deep breath as she tried not to think about what had happened earlier as she went out. Just as she was about to dial his contact, her phone began to buzz, and she was shocked to see who was calling. “Why is Sonia calling?” She asked herself as she picked the call, placing the phone over her ear.“Hello, Sonia!” She said in a low tone and waited patiently for her to respond.“Samantha!” She said in a sharp tone and Samantha heaved a sigh as she was curious to know Sonia had called her.“Surprised to see my call, right?” She asked, and Samantha forced out a breath.“Not really. But considering what happened the last time we were together, I was not expecting we talk anytime soon.” Samantha replied, and
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Don’t try to contact me
Samantha reached for the envelope and handed it over to Eric, who collected it and opened it. He heaved a sigh as he tilted the opening of the envelope to show Samantha what was inside. Amazed by what she saw, her eyes went wide open as well as her mouth. She tilted her head to look at Eric for a moment, placing a palm over her mouth. “Why the shock?” He asked in a low tone as he closely observed her. She shook her head slowly as she gently dropped her hands from her mouth.“It's too small, right? I know. But what can I do? He is the boss and does anything he wishes.” Eric said, and Samantha shit him a wild stare for a moment.“Small? Did I just hear you say small? Babe, that's huge.” She said, and Eric tilted his head away for a moment, thinking of what next to say.“Let's cut the chit-chat. What do you suggest for dinner? We have got some bucks, baby.” Eric said with a grin on his face as he leaned forward to grab his wife. She smiled as well, melting in his arms as she soon forgot
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Have you thought about it?
Michael heaved a sigh as he walked into his house, walking straight to his room. His heart was clouded by the thought of what he had just discussed with Lydia. He took a deep breath as sat on the edge of the bed slowly, placing his palm over his face. He could not bring himself to think about what to do. “Why do they need a family member of his?” He asked himself as he slowly wiped his face with his palm, exhaling rapidly. “There is no way I am letting Eric in on this deal.” He thought, standing up to change into something light.“Michael!” He suddenly heard his name from his mom, and he tilted his head to look at the door. He made an attempt to yell back that he was in his room, but decide was to keep shut and meet her in the sitting room instead. “What is she calling me for?” He thought for a moment before he finally dressed up and walked out of the room to the sitting room but could not find his mom there. He looked around for a moment, and suddenly, his gaze fell on her as she wal
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Declining the offer
Michael woke up to the sound of his buzzing phone, he checked the caller ID and noticed that there was no name. It was a call from an unsaved contact, and he hissed, tossing his phone away as he went back to sleep. Not long after, a knock came on his door and a frown suddenly appeared on his face as he was clearly disturbed. He raised his head slowly, opening his eyes to look at the door. “Why is my mom disturbing me?” He whispered to himself as he took a deep breath, tilting his head away for a moment before he talked.“Mom, go away. I want to sleep.” He yelled, and the knock became more frequent and disturbing. He placed a pillow over his head, trying to cover his ears. “This woman is …” he said but cut his statement short as the knock came on again.“Fine, I am coming.” He yelled, getting out of bed reluctantly. He walked slowly to the door, wiping his face with his palm as he was angry at how his morning started off. “First it was the damn call from an unknown caller, and now it's
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Scouting out for jobs
“Thank you for the offer,” Eric said, and Michael did not let him finish his statement before he cut in rudely with a laugh.“Yeah, you have to thank me for trying to help your life from this wretched life of yours. I also want you to know that I am doing this for my sister and not you.” Michael said, leaning backward to rest his back, while Eric shook his head slowly, lowering his head for a moment as he thought of what next to say. “I know you are dumbfounded about the offer. Fifty million dollars is not easy money to come by, you know.” Michael said, and Eric gave a nod, still not saying a word. He heaved a sigh, tilting his head away for a moment, as different thoughts ran through his mind. “This is easier than I thought it would be.” He said to himself as he cleared his throat to talk.“The last time I was involved in something like this with you, I ended up in the police cell,” Eric said as he looked at Michael, who leaned forward, giving him a stern look for a moment before he
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It looks perfect on you
“What, honey?” Samantha asked with her eyes a bit wide open as different thoughts ran through her mind at that moment.“I said you should guess,” Eric replied, tilting his head away for a moment, bringing it back to focus on his wife, who made a scrunching face as if she were thinking of what next to say.“You got a job offer?” She asked in a low tone as she looked directly into his eyes, waiting anxiously for him to talk, but he shook his head slowly, lowering it momentarily.“That's close. Try again.” He said, and she heaved a heavy sigh, making a scrunching face again as she thought for a moment before scoffing.“I don't know. You know I am bad at guessing.” She said, and Eric inhaled deeply with a smile on his face, clearing his throat for a moment before he talked.“Okay. You got a job offer.” Eric said, and her eyes went wide open as she heard what he had just said. She could not hide the excitement on her face as she leaned forward from the couch.“Are you for real?” She asked,
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Work calls
Michael went back to the house, but unfortunately, he met the house already locked, and his mind suddenly wandered off to Darius. He was extremely furious and frustrated, especially after being humiliated by the person he thought was going to worship him like a god. He heaved a sigh as he leaned against the door of the house, thinking of what next to do, but nothing was coming forth to his head. Eric's words reverberated in his mind and he felt like beating the hell out of him. “I have never seen a poor man so arrogant like this before in my life.” He whispered to himself as he thought of a way to go about the business deal.“There is no way I am letting this opportunity pass me by.” He said to himself as he came off the door and walked away. His phone suddenly buzzed, and he heaved a sigh, hoping that it was not Lydia who was calling. He checked to see that it was his mom and he hissed, placing his phone back into his pocket as he continued to walk. He then suddenly recalled that he
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We lost the house and car
“I have been trying to call you back after the first call, but you did not pick up,” Michael said as he heaved a sigh, sitting down in front of Lydia, who was sipping a drink.“And I am sorry for the outburst over the phone. I promise that was not for you at all.” He added immediately, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. She heaved a sigh as she tilted her head to give him a straight stare for a moment before she cleaned her throat to talk.“Who was it for then?” She asked, and he lowered his head for a moment, trying to think of what to say to her. “Never mind, but just know that I was not talking to you. I ignored the person's call a first and your call came in immediately, so I thought it was the person. That was why I spoke in such a harsh tone.” He said slowly as if he were counting his words as he spoke them.“Back to why I called you here. Did you get his signature?” She asked, and he heaved a heavy sigh of frustration as he did not know how to explain to her that Eric wa
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Where are you now?
“I had no idea that the house had been seized.” She said, and Michael heaved a sigh, tilting his head away for a moment before he talked.“And I told you to stop talking ill about my husband.” She added quickly as if his words just reverberated in her mind.“Oh, I am going to say anything I wish to say about him. Tell me how a puppet like him would decline a deal of such a whooping amount.” He blasted and Samantha remained quiet for a moment as she did not know what to tell him.“Perhaps you should try to focus on your life and leave us alone. You might just find out that paying greater attention to your life than the life of others allows you enough time to get things together.” She said and took a pause to get a reply, but he was dumbfounded as he could not utter a single word in response to what she had said.“Anyway, I just called to ask if you guys were able to meet his deadline. But I did not know that it had gone to this extent. I hope you get where to stay.” She said and hung
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