All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
162 chapters
We meet again
“Wake up Samantha!” Eric said slightly as she slowly tapped on her shoulder. She turned slowly, opening her eyes reluctantly as she glanced at her husband for a moment.“What is the time?” She asked in her sleepy voice as her eyes were still heavy as if she were still feeling sleepy.“It's 7:30 in the morning. You don't want to be late for your interview.” She said, and immediately she heard what he said, her eyes went wide open. She sat up immediately on the bed and her gaze focused on him, thinking deeply about something.“Is it today?” She asked abruptly, and he nodded his head swiftly. She heaved a sigh of disappointment, and she lowered her head, wiping her face with her palm and taking a deep breath. “Now I will have to meet that son of a …” She thought as she reluctantly stood up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. Not long after, she came out of the bathroom and started to get ready. She got dressed picked out a few of her documents and walked to the sitting room to chec
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Let me surprise you
“Look who is here!” Bryan said with a beam of smile on his face as he focused his gaze on Samantha. She looked away for a moment, trying to avoid his eye contact. “Oh come on. Why are you being all dramatic? Do you know what I had to do to get you this job?” He said, and Samantha shot him a wild stare momentarily before she talked.“So it was you?” She said slowly, as if she were counting her words as she said it.“I knew it was no coincidence. I mistakenly showed up here one day for an interview when there was no vacancy and suddenly, there was a vacancy the next day, and here I am.” She added quickly, expressing disgust on her face as she looked at him directly into the eyes.“Like I said, you don't have to be all that dramatic about it.” He said, and Samantha kept mute, not uttering a single word. “Why are you mute suddenly?” He asked after a moment of silence, and she inhaled deeply, tilting her head to look at him before talking.“What do you want me to say?” She asked him, and
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Bundle him out!
Michael woke up, opening his eyes slowly as he tilted his head around. Realizing that he was in a new place, he sat up quickly on the bed and let out a heavy breath as he pressed his fingers against his eyes. “I hate this feeling.” He whispered as he slowly wiped his face with his palm, taking it back to pat his hair gently. He checked for his phone to see the time, and his eyes went wide as he saw that time was far spent. He quickly got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to take his bath.As he walked into the bathroom, he could not help but stop and look at his reflection in the mirror. He heaved a sigh as he leaned forward, holding his eyes with his two index fingers and opening it wide enough to see the whole eyeball. He did it for the second eye and scoffed, and he noticed that there were changes to it. “Eric and Darius did this to me.” He whispered as he only took a deep breath, and rushed over to the shower as he remembered that he had eaten much time into the day a
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Meet me at my office
The alarm went off suddenly, jolting Eric and his wife from sleep. Samantha slowly opened her eyes as she heaved a sigh, rolling to the other side of the bed. Eric slowly stretched his arms to reach the table alarm, stopping the loud noise that came from it. He heaved a sigh as he slowly sat up, tilting his head slowly to look at his wife, who still seemed to be sleepy. He slowly tapped her on the shoulder, and she raised her head slightly to look at him, giving him a pale look for a moment before she talked.“Good morning darling.” She greeted, and he gave a nod, yawning before he talked.“How was your night angel?” He asked, and she nodded, heaving a sigh as she slowly sat up on the bed. Eric got out of the bed. “It was fine, baby. I hope I am not late for work?” She asked with a hint of sarcasm in her tone, and they chuckled. She took a deep breath, as she got up from the bed. “Not actually, I adjusted the alarm yesterday, and it woke us up two hours to the time you will resume w
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Did you not read the appointment Letter?
“I said meet me in my office,” Bryan shouted from afar, jolting her from her reverie, as she quickly tilted her head to look at him. A frown suddenly appeared on her face as she heaved a heavy sigh before walking slowly toward the elevator. Bryan got on the elevator, hoping that she would join him in it, but she deliberately waited for him to go up first before she found her on the third floor to meet him in his office. She heaved a heavy sigh, trying not to frown again before she knocked on the door and waited for a response.“Come in.” She heard him say, and she opened the door immediately, walking slowly towards him. He focused on his computer screen, not minding her presence. “I am here,” Samantha said in a sharp tone bad she was tired of the silence. He heaved a sigh as he spoke, and tilted his head to look at her.“I know you are here already. I am not blind.” He said, and she could not help but scoff lowly, tilting her head away from him. “I came to work here, why is he then t
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This is the height of it
Eric stood up from the couch as he felt a bit dizzy on the couch. He walked straight to the room and laid down on the bed, heaving a heavy sigh as he went deep in thought. “Ten thousand a week. That's huge and would cover up tracks for a while.” He thought as he took a deep breath. His mind soon wandered off to his company as it had been long since he spoke to Damien, and he needed to know how the company was fairing. He tilted his head to the side of the bed to check his phone but soon realized that he left it in the sitting room.He grunted lowly as he stood up from the bed, walking slowly to the sitting room to grab his phone. He arrived at the sitting room, heaving a sigh as he sat on the couch and started to scroll through his phone. He dialed Damien's contact and not long after, he picked up the call.“Hello, boss.” He said as soon as he picked up the call and Eric took a deep breath before he talked.“Damien, how is it going?” Eric asked as he leaned backward to rest his back o
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You don't deserve someone like him
“Wait! What did you include in the application letter?” Samantha asked with a curious face as she gazed at him directly in the eyes while he only chuckled, not uttering a word. She became furious at his action as she walked forward, heaving a sigh before she talked. “Bryan, I am talking to you. Give me the reply that I want.” She said, and he slowly ended his chuckle, smiling viciously at her while her frown only intensified.“Oh, stop the ridiculous question, Sam. If at all you want to know what was in the paper that you clearly signed, you can go through it. You have your copy with you, right? Or you have thrown it in the trash can?” He asked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone as he chuckled dryly. Samantha got angrier by the minute as she took a deep breath, unable to decide what to feel at that particular time because she had a mixture of feelings.“I do not care whatever that letter entailed. You gave me a job and I accepted, only for me to find out that the job does not exist a
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The bill
Michael heaved a heavy sigh as he walked slowly on the walkway back to where he was staying. He could not take his mind off the embarrassment that he had just experienced in Darius's office. “How can he order them to bundle me out?” He asked himself in disbelief as he continued to walk slowly as if he were counting his steps. He could not take a cab back home, as he was already low on cash. His phone began to buzz, and he brought out his phone to see who was calling, but no name showed. He hissed, placing his phone back in his pocket, and continued his walk.He was so lost in thought that he was not aware of the car that kept honking at him to leave the way. Suddenly, a grown man, about the same age ran towards him, tapping him slowly on the shoulder and he jolted completely halting his steps. He noticed quickly that he had diverted to the road and ran back to the hallway, gesturing to the cars, not to be angry. “Get yourself together, man!” One of the drivers said as he zoomed off.
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The address
“Is that not Michael?” Damien asked, and Eric could only nod as he tried to hide his face and avoid looking too much in their direction so as not to stir any suspicion. “But who is this lady with him?” He asked, raising an eyebrow as he slowly watched them go into the VIP session. Damien kept mute for a moment as he watched and walked into the other side of the restaurant.“I don't know her either. But I have seen her here a couple of times. She always sits at the VIP session.” Damien said, and Eric tilted his head to look at him. A lot of questions ran through his mind and he did not know where exactly to start from.“She must be well-to-do. How did they know each other?” He asked again, and Damien shook his head, thinking of what to say.“I have no idea who she is.” He said, and Eric gave a nod, heaving a sigh as he thought of the next question.“That was close. What if we had stayed in the VIP session too? There was no way he was not going to believe that we fooled him into thinki
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I don’t want to talk about this anymore
“I will be down shortly,” Samantha replied, and the call ended immediately. Samantha turned abruptly to face Bryan, who was watching her while she made her call.“I know! I know. Your husband is here. Go and meet him. You have five minutes to get whatever you want to get and get back here.” He said, tilting his head to look at his computer screen. Samantha heaved a sigh as she could not bring herself to say a word. She only turned reluctantly, walking out of the office slowly, and Bryan had no choice but to watch her as she walked out.“Good morning ma'am.” Eric greeted the receptionist as he walked into the building. She looked at him from head to toe and back to his face before she replied.“Good morning. How may I help you?” She asked, raising her eyebrows, making her look curious.“I am here to see Samantha.” He said sharply, and she tilted her head to look at what he was holding. “Are you the delivery guy?” She asked as she tilted her head back to look at him, he chuckled softly
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