All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
162 chapters
Dialing her number
“Have you met with the person who seized your house? At least he should allow you to get some of your stuff before he seals it totally.” Emily said as she drove slowly. He heaved a sigh, tilting his head to look at her while she concentrated on the road.“Yes. Yes, I was actually coming from his office when you saw me earlier.” Michael said, tilting his head to look at the road. “What did he say?” Emily asked, eager to know what went on between them.“He did not listen to me. He had me bundled out of his company. I stood there embarrassed and only wished that I could turn back the hands of time.” Michael said slowly as if he were counting his words as he spoke them. “That's cruel of him. He should not have done that.” She said, expressing how disappointed she was at what she had heard. “It's fine,” Michael said, heaving a sigh as he did not want to talk about it anymore.“Currently there is no vacancy in our company. But I will keep looking around to see if there is any job for you
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Given the day off
Samantha knocked on the door to Bryan's office, waiting for him to respond, and he did almost immediately.“Come in!” He yelled, and she went in, walking slowly to where he was seated. “I don't know what your intentions are, but I assure you that, I will work here for six months and I won't have anything to do with you.” She said, and he slowly tilted his head to look at her.“First of all, that is not the ideal way to talk to your boss.” He said taken a break, and Samantha slowly frowned as she tilted her head away. “Secondly, I am happy to know that you have finally accepted to work here. And trust me, baby, six months is enough to get what I want from you.” He said, giving her a lustful look, and she gave him a fierce look.“You are so delusional.” She said, and he began to chuckle, lowering his head slowly as he shook his head.“We will see who is. Welcome to the Connor Empire.” He said again, clapping his hands slowly. “What should I call you?” He said, raising his eyebrow as
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Wanting to plead with them
Michael sat on the edge of his bed, in deep thought about how his life had turned out within the last few days. He heaved a sigh as he, slowly, leaned backward to rest his back on the pillow. “How did it get to this?” He wondered as he took a deep breath, wiping his face slowly with his palm. “I will deal with Eric for causing me so much pain and frustration.” He whispered to himself as he exhaled rapidly. His mind soon drifted off for a moment as his mind wandered off to his mom. His heart skipped a beat as he suddenly realized that he had not spoken to her for days.He tilted his head slowly, looking at the other side of the bed as he hoped to find his phone, but his phone was not in sight. He stood up quickly, tilting his head rapidly to the other side of the bed to check properly, and then his gaze caught the phone lying on the table close to the wall of the room. He exhaled, heavily, as he stood up to get his phone and intended to call his mom. He dialed the contact and waited an
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Get dressed and get us food
Lydia left the sitting room to her room immediately, and Michael got the hint that she did not want him to listen to her conversation over the phone. He heaved a sigh as he slowly walked away from the sitting room and headed back to his room. As soon as he got into his room, he exhaled heavily, covering his face with his both palms as he leaned backward against the door. Different thoughts ran through his mind at that time, and he remembered that he had an unfinished discussion with his Mom. He walked swiftly to the bed to grab his phone, and he met some missed calls on his phone.“Why is this son of a bitch calling?” He asked himself as he scoffed, looking away from his phone for a moment. He contemplated whether to return the call or not. He heaved a sigh as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Does he know about the casual work? He should not rub off his bad luck on me.” He thought as he leaned backward to rest his back on the pillow. At this point, he had made up his mind not to return
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I promise I’ll always love you
“Good morning sunshine,” Samantha said in a groggy voice as she woke up to meet her husband's gaze on her. She heaved a sigh, rolling to the other side of the bed, expecting to hear a reply from her husband, but she did. It caused a spark within her, and she turned abruptly, opening her eyes widely as she tilted her head to look at him while he only smiled at her. “What?” She asked slowly as she smiled back at him, and he chuckled, taking his gaze for a moment before bringing it back to look at her.“Nothing. I am just admiring my wife. Is anything wrong in doing that?” He asked as he moved closer to her to give her a kiss on the forehead while she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. “No! Not at all. But stop the flattering, this early morning. It's too early for flattering.” She said and chuckled as she stretched out her arms. “If I don't flatter you, who will?” He said, and Samantha chuckled softly, tilting her head to look at him with a smile on her face before she talked.“That's
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Shut the fuck up!
“Why are you calling me by this time of the morning?” Samantha asked immediately she picked up the call and placed the phone over her ears.“Is that a nice way of starting off the day with your boss? Especially when it's your first payday?” He asked, and Samantha scoffed, tilting her head away as she thought of what to say.“This is not work hours, and you are not the boss of when we are not in working hours.” She stated categorically and Bryan could not help but chuckle as he was not expecting her to say that to him.“I will see you in the office, and then I will show you how an employee should behave to their boss.” He said and chuckled. “You would do nothing. And if you will excuse me, I want to get dressed and eat breakfast before coming to work.” She said and took the phone away from her ear to end the call. She stood there momentarily, thinking about what had just happened. She was unable to wrap her head around why Bryan would decide to call her in the early hours of the morni
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Second in command
Eric tilted his head around the dining table, trying to see if he brought his phone to the dining with him, but he recalled that he had left it in the room before coming to prepare breakfast earlier.“I need to call Damien.” He reiterated as he stood up abruptly from the chair and walked swiftly to the room. He stood there momentarily, tilting his head to look for his phone on the bed before going over to toss the pillow and search the bed. He heaved a sigh as he placed both hands on his waist as he tried to think of where his phone was.Suddenly, his phone began to buzz, and he took a deep breath, tilting his head in the direction where the sound of the buzzing phone was coming from.“Oh, there you are.” He whispered as he moved swiftly to where his phone was. He checked who was calling, and he hissed, heaving a sigh of frustration as he was not expecting to see her call.“I thought I told you not to call me. I will always do the calling. If at all you want to speak with me. Send me
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Where did you get money for this?
“Talk to me, Damien. What is going on?” Eric asked, looking curious and worried at the same time. Damien heaved a sigh, chuckling as he noticed how worried Eric was about what he had said.“Relax boss. Everything is okay.” He said, and Eric heaved a heavy sigh of relief as he looked away momentarily before returning his gaze to focus on Damien. He cleared his throat slightly before he talked.“You are still not saying anything about the question I asked,” Eric said sharply, and Damien quit scrolling on the tablet, tilting his head to give him a brief look before talking.“The immediate past head of the company is indebted to your father. He was unable to pay up the debt until he was succeeded by the current person.” He explained but Eric did not seem to understand what he had said as she made a scrunching face. “Can you shed more light on that please?” Eric said slowly as he leaned forward, trying to focus his attention on Damien.“He was owing your dad to the tune of ten billion dol
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Who is it?
“Good morning!” Eric greeted, extending his hand for a handshake as his gaze fell on Bryan, whose hands were tucked into his pocket. Samantha's eyes darted between Bryan and Eric, who looked at each other fiercely in the eyes as there was a moment of silence there.“Samantha, what are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be in the office working?” Bryan asked as he tilted his head to look at her, while she gasped, caught with fear as she thought of how to calm the situation down. Eric felt completely ignored as his hand was left hanging without a handshake. He slowly, shook his head away, chuckling slightly while he stylishly withdrew his hand.“Who is this lousy man?” Eric asked as he tilted his face to look at Samantha, who had fear written all over her face.“Who the hell are you and why would you call me lousy? Need I remind you that you are in my facility and I have the right to throw you out?” Bryan stated, taking a step forward, as he did not give Samantha a chance to answer
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A lot of explanation
The door suddenly opened, revealing a man dressed in a black silky suit as he walked in swiftly with his hands shoved inside his pocket. From the way he dressed, he was the type of person that commanded respect and attention. Samantha's eyes fell on him as he walked straight to the desk of Bryan. She only watched as he cleared his throat to talk, while Bryan stood up from his seat to talk to him.“Hey, brother!” He said in a low tone as he gazed at him directly in the eyes.“Bryan!” He said in a low tone as he sat down on the chair, heaving a heavy sigh. “What could be so important that had brought you to my office? You should have called me.” Bryan said as he sat on his chair, waiting for his brother to talk.“I wanted us to have a face-to-face talk, and it's about the upcoming house party.” He said, and Samantha leaned forward, trying not to pay attention to what they were saying. She mistakenly dropped her phone on the floor while trying to pick it up from the desk, and the sound
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