All Chapters of Rise Of Eric Manuel The Discarded Son In-Law: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
162 chapters
You’re getting it all wrong
Michael woke up abruptly to the sound of his buzzing phone. He tilted his head from side to side, trying to get acquainted with the environment as he slowly raised his head up. The call ended before he could reach for his phone, but not long after, the call came in again, and he reached for his phone to see who was calling him. “Why is mom calling me?” He asked himself as different thoughts ran through his mind. He checked the time to see that it was still in the early hours of the morning. He picked up the call and placed the phone over his ear to talk.“Good morning Mom!” He greeted in a groggy voice, and Rachael did not waste any time to notice that he was just waking up from sleep.“Were you still sleeping?” She asked, and Michael inhaled deeply, taking a few seconds before he talked. “Why did you call me at this early hour of the morning?” He asked, not answering her earlier question.“I realized that it had been a long that I talked to you, that was why I called.” She stated an
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It's suffocating
“Yes! And I will say it again if I have to.” Eric said and Michael cut in immediately, making him keep quiet.“You don't have any say in this. This is between family, and you are not part of the family. She keeps trying to add you forcefully.” Michael said, and Eric only chuckled dryly, lowering his head and shaking it slowly.“You see, that is the problem. You are repeatedly making the same mistakes, and you fail to learn from them.” Eric said, trying to sound serious, but Michael was not having it as he swiftly tilted his head to look at the waiter.“What is holding my orders?” He asked harshly as he felt that time was already far spent.“Eric, I don't have time for all these heedless and unyielding talks. I already woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and I will be most grateful if you don't make me worse.” He said, not looking at Eric's face.“If only you did not let your ego outgrow you, you probably would still have your house in your possession, and you don't have to run erran
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What do you want to talk about?
Michael rang the doorbell, waiting patiently to get a reply as he tilted his head backward to see if there was anybody who was watching him.“Come in!” He heard a loud voice, and he smiled sheepishly, turning the doorknob to open the door. “Good morning Emily!” He greeted her rapidly as he went over to give her a hug. He felt his heart beating erratically as if it were about to burst out of his chest.“Good morning Michael!” She replied to him in a low tone as she closed her eyes to enjoy the hug. He gradually pulled away from the hug, and he could not help but tilt his head around the house slowly, feeding his eyes with the remarkable beauty of the interior. He could not help but express wonders all over his face, and Emily was forced to make a puzzled face before talking.“What's up with that look on your face?” She asked slowly, still with a puzzled face, as she looked around the sitting room as well.“You have a very fine house, Emily.” He said, and she could not help but chuckle
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“What!” Michael exclaimed as he could not believe what was before his very eyes. His stuff was already outside the house as he came back. He looked through to see if Lydia was around, but he did not see her car, and he guessed that she was outside. He quickly brought out his phone to call her, but her number was not connecting. He heaved a sigh of frustration, leaning against the fence as his mind wandered off to different things. “Today is the worst day of my life.” He whispered to himself as he stood there for a moment, trying to think of what next to do.He rolled up his sleeves and checked the time to see that it was already 4:30 PM. “Who do I call now?” He asked himself as he brought out his phone, thinking of who to call at that moment, but nobody was coming to his mind. A thought suddenly struck his mind to call his mom and he dialed her contact immediately. It rang for several seconds, but she did not pick up the call. He heaved a heavy sigh as he was unable to get to her. He
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You think I want to be here?
“Thank you, officer. You could leave now, this is my home.” Michael said, hoping that they would leave instantly, and they gave each other a skeptical look. They did not seem to believe what he was saying, and they took a step further, looking at the house for a moment before talking.“Go inside.” One of them instructed, and he made a puzzled face for a moment, trying to understand why they were being like that.“Officer, why are you…” He tried to ask, but he was cut short by the other officer.“Just go inside.” He said, and Michael heaved a sigh, turning around to face the door. This time, his heart was pounding hard in his chest he could hear the sound of his heart beating erratically. He took a deep breath he silently prayed that everything would not go bad that night. He slowly brought his hand to ring the bell and waited anxiously for a response. “Perhaps they are already asleep.” He thought as he tilted his head back to see the officers who were watching him closely. “Why is al
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Wanting to spend the night here
There was a moment of silence in the room as Eric gazed fiercely at Michael, who had nothing in his mind other than to find his way out of their house. Samantha heaved a heavy sigh as her eyes darted between get husband and her brother, left with the hard decision of choosing her brother or her husband. Eric walked swiftly to the room, and Samantha had no choice but to follow her husband to the room.“What is the meaning of all these?” He asked, immediately he walked into the room and heard Samantha shut the door. “Calm down sweetheart!” Samantha said in a low tone as she turned behind to look at the door.“Don't tell me to calm down. Your brother just showed up in my house with two police officers? What does he think he is doing?” Eric sounded infuriated, and his wife only kept mute, staring straight into his eyes as if she were trying to communicate with the eyes. The sound of heavy breathing filled the air as Eric's heart raced faster.“Babe!” She called slowly in a low tone after
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Lost in thoughts
Michael lay there on the bed with a heavy heart as he could not stop thinking about what had transpired between him and Eric. He heaved a sigh as he turned to face the other side of the room, not able to get his mind off the whole incident. His mind suddenly wandered off to the conversation he had with his mother and how she bailed on him when he needed her the most. “Fuck!” He grunted as he turned on the bed. His heart was heavy as he tried not to think of it again. He brought out his phone and scrolled through his contacts.“Emily!” He whispered as he thought of dialing the contact but retreated as he remembered that it was the middle of the night. “The hands on the clock are moving slower.” He thought as he placed the phone facing down, heaving a sigh. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over.*****Michael suddenly woke up, tilting his head around as he noticed that he was in a different place entirely. He suddenly remembered all that happened last night, and he scoffed,
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Who the hell is this
“So, what's up with you?” Emily asked as they walked into her living room. Michael could not help but look around the room again as if he had not been there before. He heaved a heavy sigh, sitting on the couch before he slowly tilted his head to look at Emily before talking.“Everything is crumbling down on me. Everyone I know is turning their back on me. Including my family.” He said slowly, and she could not help but look away as different thoughts ran through her mind at that moment.“It's so pathetic. Wait, you still have not told me how you list the house. What is the real reason it was grabbed from you?” She asked, and Michael instantly looked away, trying to avoid her gaze. He knew he could not tell her the real reason he lost the house, as he knew it would sound ridiculous to the ears. “That's not what is important right now. The only thing on my mind right now is to start my job tomorrow and hopefully, at the end of the work, they should retain me. I will save and get myself
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It was finally morning, the first day of the casual work. Michael could not take the excitement off his face as he stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to take his bath. He stood under the shower for a moment, trying to picture out how his day would go at the new place but not long after, his thoughts soon took another dimension as he suddenly remembered the call he made yesterday with Sonia. “Could she be serious about what she said to me?” He asked himself as he stopped the shower from running. He took a deep breath as he finally came out of the bathroom, heaving a sigh as he tried not to think about the discussion with her. His heart raced faster with the growing uncertainty about his new work. Just then, his phone began to buzz and he checked to see who was calling. He hissed after seeing that it was his mother who was calling. “Why is she calling me?” He asked himself as he chose to ignore the call. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, and suddenly, he
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She sent the address
The drive down to Samantha's house was short and silent. Michael hurriedly got down from the car and walked to the door, ringing the doorbell multiple times. He looked through the window, but it looked like no one was home. He expressed frustration and dissatisfaction as he stamped his feet on the ground lightly, heaving a heavy sigh. “Calm down. They probably are still sleeping. Perhaps you should call them.” Emily said as she walked closer to him, and he shook his head, hesitating a first as he went back to the door, this time, vehemently knocking on it.“Samantha!” He yelled out loud and just then, Emily walked up to him to talk, but before she could talk, they heard a neighbor's voice, which grabbed their attention.“Are you so daft to see that the door is locked? They are not around. Now quit making a noise and get the hell out of there.” The neighbor said and Michael could not hold his anger anymore.“Yeah, mind your business loser!” He yelled as he scoffed, obviously frustrate
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