All Chapters of Reincarnation Of The Warrior: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
154 chapters
Come Alone
Sai An got up and looked at Wu in annoyance, Sai An couldn't understand how he could be knocked out so easily with just one attack, especially since he only lost against a half-human and not against Ashu."If you still want to fight, it's better to practice more, even for decades you won't necessarily be able to beat me," said Wu."Don't be arrogant, who are you really?" Sai An said."He's my teacher, even if you fight forever, you won't be able to win against him because you've never won against me," said Ashu, making Sai An immediately fall silent.The atmosphere became silent right after Ashu finished speaking, Sai An looked at Wu, he couldn't believe that Wu was Ashu's teacher, because after all the person he was fighting was not a real human and how could a creature like that be a teacher.After fixing everything, Ashu rushed to Lucin's room, Ashu just watched from the door. The Elf Queen gave her energy to cover Lucin's magic which continued to come out erratically."Haaaaaaah,
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To Enemy Headquarters
The Elf Queen and Sai An, who heard the sound of fighting, rushed out, when they got there, they both looked at Ashu who was standing looking at a human he didn't know, but from the look on Ashu's face, Sai An was sure that the person who had come must be his foster brother's old enemy.Sai An, who remembered Lucin, immediately walked towards Meng. Sai An lifted Meng using his magic and asked Meng to answer whether he had injured his fiancé, because after all, he was a man, it was impossible for him to let go of the person who injured his fiancé."You must be a damn human who hurt my fiancé," shouted Sai An."Which fiancé, I don't understand what you mean," said Meng, biting her lip, trying to control the heat that was still burning in her body."Not him, I've finished off everyone who hurt him, it's just that he was involved with the one who hurt Lucin," said Ashu."Then let me kill him," said Sai An."I can't, I still need him, besides, if he dies he has to die in my hands, I will n
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Fight Them
Ashu looked at Long who had just saved Meng's father, currently hundreds of people surrounded Ashu and Wu who were standing in front of Long, all the members of the black market were not weak even though Ashu was not at all afraid to fight them all."Hehhh, how much has he given you to protect that criminal, but it seems natural because the evil always joins the evil," said Ashu."I don't understand what you mean, but he is my person. Protecting him is my job, and it's good that you realize that I'm a bad person so I won't hesitate to kill you who have disturbed my members first," said Long."Who's bothering who, hahahaha," said Ashu, laughing very loudly."If he's your person, isn't he also your child, why don't you try to free him," continued Ashu."Don't I just need to defeat you two to free Meng," Long said casually."Then what are you waiting for? Use your useless formation to attack us, but I tell you your formation will be useless against us," said Wu."Who said we would use a
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Getting Ready to Go
Ashu clenched his fists, feeling very annoyed that he had not succeeded in killing Meng. What Wu said before was true. Meng was not saved by an ordinary human, but whoever saved Meng would definitely be involved with him and he also deserved death.Just as he arrived at his house, Ashu immediately shut himself up, his heart and mind were still not satisfied, if Meng had also died in his hands, everything would have been a different story.Sai An, who arrived first with Wu, rushed to his mother's room. Sai An was curious to know what creature could move so fast and whose movements were not even known to humans like Ashu."Certainly not our race, you know our race is only skilled in magic and fighting, compared to us humans are clearly faster," said the Elf Queen."But there is one that can move faster than humans," continued the Elf Queen."Who?" asked Ashu who was standing in front of the door."I accidentally overheard your conversation outside. Can you continue, who is the Queen ref
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Temple of Canza
Ashu, who was still standing in front of his residence, suddenly disappeared. Just like before, all the guards in the fifth Prince's palace were made unconscious by Ashu, Ashu freely walked over to the fifth Prince who was still in his room.Knock knock knock.The knock on the door that came from outside made the fifth prince wake up, today there was no activity for him, who would dare wake him up, thought the fifth prince as he got up and walked towards the door."Who dares disturb my sleep," said the fifth prince, half shouting."It looks like your sleep was disturbed by me, you can scold me as much as you like," said Ashu who immediately passed the fifth Prince and went inside."Who dares to scold a devil like you," the fifth prince thought."I've never bothered you and your siblings, especially since it was my fault that you came to my place," said the fifth prince bravely."So I'm not welcomed here," said Ashu."That's not what I meant," said the fifth prince, feeling completely
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Not an Ordinary Dream
Ashu had just closed his eyes and moved to a place he had never been to before, not knowing what was happening and where he was at the moment, Ashu was just silent while paying attention to his surroundings.In front of Ashu stood a very large statue as if it was looking at him, a statue in the shape of a devil with flaming horns as if it were alive and knew that in front of him there was a human who had not yet become a follower of the devil's sect."Humans, humans, humans are our slaves, kneel down and I will give you worldly pleasures," said the demon statue while continuing to stare at Ashu."What do you mean by being a slave?" Ashu asked."Humans, humans, humans are our slaves, kneel down and I will give you worldly pleasures," said the demon statue, repeating his words."Hmmm, it turns out I can't talk to you," said Ashu quietly.Ashu walked away from the demon statue and looked for a way out. After walking around, Ashu couldn't find a way out, only humans were in prison."Have
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Devil Man
In the middle of the city Ashu walked while paying attention to his surroundings, using his God's eyes Ashu looked for followers of the demonic sect to find its leader.In an instant, Ashu could see black auras from some of the people he met, some of the people in the city were clearly followers of the devil's sect but he still hadn't found anyone who had become one with the devil."Excuse me," said Ashu calling someone standing in front of him."My son, you have only come home now after being away for decades," shouted a voice from a distance.Ashu, whose initial intention was to ask someone who was a follower of the devil's cult, immediately turned his gaze, an old woman approached Ashu and pulled him into the house which was in the alley.Gleeeeg, gleeeeeg, gleeeeeg.The old woman in front of Ashu took a jug of water and drank quickly. Ashu saw the old woman drinking as if she was very thirsty, making Ashu feel strange seeing her, even though the distance between them was not far,
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Against the Huns
The old woman still couldn't believe what she was hearing, someone just getting out of the city was already very good, why would the young people with her fight with the Huns."Forget that young man, hurry up and leave, it's for your own good, he's not an easy opponent," said the old woman."How can everything go back to normal if you can't trust me? Do you also think that the strength of humans who have merged with demons is much stronger than humans like me," said Ashu."It's not like that, but the difference between ordinary humans and...." said the old woman doubtfully."It doesn't matter if you also doubt human strength, I understand, but everything will be clear tomorrow who is stronger. For tonight I ask permission to rest here, because only this house makes me comfortable," said Ashu."Haaaaaah, then rest, I can only pray for God to decide," said the old woman walking away from Ashu.In the room prepared by the old woman, Ashu immediately sat cross-legged, Ashu rushed into her
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Ways of working
All the residents stared in disbelief at what they had just seen, in front of them now a complete human could defeat a human who had joined his body with a demon, not only that, even a demon could be eliminated by him.Instantly the citizens knelt down full of regret, they all regretted not believing in the power of humans who were actually not weaker than demons.Ashu, who saw Hun still lying down, immediately took out the pill. Ashu asked Zuan to swallow the pill he gave him right then and there if he didn't want to die in a matter of minutes.Hun's wounds slowly healed, allowing him who was lying down to get up, even though he still felt sick because of the demon marks that were trying to wriggle out of his body. Hun thought he had recovered enough from before."From now on the demonic sect in this city is disbanded," said Hun in a loud voice.Ashu raised his hand asking Hun to be silent, the conversation had to be taken over by Ashu because his job was to save as many people as pos
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One palm college
"You don't need to think too much, currently your cultivation has dropped drastically because it was absorbed by the devil, it's better for you to absorb the soul stone to increase your cultivation," said Ashu, knowing what Hun was thinking."Then wait for me, I'll go with you," said Hun.Hun who had no choice but to obey Ashu rushed cross-legged, some of the soul stones in his hand were slowly absorbed and entered into his body."Waiting for you is a waste of time, I deliberately gave you the soul stone to leave you here," said Ashu quietly.Duuuug, duuuuug, duuuuug.Ashu stepped on the ground releasing his earth element which immediately formed an earthen wall, the earthen wall surrounding Hun was high enough so that no one could disturb him absorbing the soul stone.After giving the wall, Ashu hurriedly left Hun, currently Ashu's goal was just to finish everything quickly, the less time he used the sooner he could relax in the future.Arriving in front of the Palm One Academy, Ashu
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